The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2156
  • @Rat Repeating-score level. The ones like DZ-22 where after a few hundred attempts, it gets locked into giving an identical score for an identical shot until you completely close the app.
  • I scored Dutch Rabbit for dinner tonight. Delectable.
  • Oh crap. big nasty thunderstorm at my back door. Looking at Radar, 60 seconds to impact.
  • That's weird @Kelani I already had the storms? Usually I get them after you.:/
  • Dutch Rabbit = Bernese sauce and honey on some bunny. Mmm-mmm-mm…licks fingers.
  • Ooohhh I see @mvnla2 you DO get the daily pu gift thingies just not get a SE very often..ahh it is all clear to me now. .well with this new update I've got 7 so far same as @kelani ;/
  • @Kathy -- Since the BI update I've gotten nothing, 0, nada! Not SEs or other PUs.
  • @Kathy I'd imagine you got different storms...or mine is seriously lost. :)
  • Hmm very strange @mvnla2
    And yep I guess my storm went your not! @kelani we get the same storms typically they come up the east coast but weaken sometimes by the time they reach me..
  • Qcckkk @kelani level #2 is an RSL ????? Are they allll?????
  • @Kathy, are you confusing @Kelani's location with mine? He's in SC and I'm in CT so you get my storms about an hour later.
  • yea @Kathy this storm front won't get to you until tomorrow afternoon.

    I dunno about #2. Not all levels are RSL. But if you think it acts like one. Close game, open game. No problem.
  • Well @kelani I just got the same exact score 3 times in a row ? Yep so i closed it and reopened.
  • Just the daily bonus @Mvnla2. I haven't opened Space much in the last year or it might have been higher.
  • Weird storm @Kelani. It just started hitting me two minutes ago.
  • I had forgotten about the RSL levels you speak of @Kelani. Some of these theories you people come up with make me laugh. Talk about paranoid! If your username is used, you get different rules? Yeah, Rovio has it out for y'all. ha ha
  • Well time for one more might add well make it worthwhile
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee! !
  • @Rat you got a different storm. These are headed north.

    RSL levels are fact. If I throw DZ-22 in testbox and have it do the same shot 100 times, you get different scores until after about 50 shots, then it starts giving the exact same score: (55,800 I think) every single shot for as long as I let it run (the longest was 17k attempts). Close the game and reopen it, and it doesn't do it...until after the next 50 shots. Pick another level and it doesn't happen.

    I have a list of the ones I've found. There aren't many. So far I found 2 in Space, 1 in BI and 6 in BR.

    Different rules for used usernames is a new one. No idea what that's about :P
  • Yay. I just figured out how @JLZ got 100k on S22. I think for an awesome egger, much higher scores are possible on that level.
  • Sleeping on slingshot ...Nighty night goodnight flasihyt all clean. . Night night.. night Pa...
  • nighty @Kathy don't let the spiders bite.
  • @JLZ don't hate me, but I had to borrow your S22 trophy for awhile. :)
  • Whoa. This Vortex of Doom guy has been around since 2011.
  • night Ma
    Sorry so late. My cable's been out because of the storm.
  • Good morning guys
    @fenikus, lick fingers? You, you, you, good flinger, argh. Been to bed, woke up, first sight: mr. @Fenikus took #1 place. And that with less time to fling today, work is killing me. @Hunnybunny, we have to do something about this
  • @bernersenn I'm trying my best ;-)
  • I just bagged myself a fenikus fenikus, a tall, dark, animal, native to The Balkans, but occasionally found on the East coast of the USA. Although behavioural experts have noted his particularly high IQ and dexterity with electrical equipment, unusual in this species, they have been unable to explain his strange eating habits ;-)
  • @bernersenn see you're doing well in the @fenikus hunt as well
    Good flinging!
  • I've got to go out now, I'll be third on my return I expect :-(
  • @all I bagged another baby bunny this morning. The wabbit hunt seems to be going fairly well except for level 8-6. I'm anxious to see the walkthrough on that one. I can't figure it out on my own. I'll be so happy if I ever get through the second pass. This fling a little while, wait a long time, is for the birds. (Sorry avian brothers.)
  • Hi @Rat good morning to you. Wabbit hunt, who knows. I think the Harry Potter guy is bothering us more
  • @rat good flinging. You may need my strat on #6 haha!
    Time to tackle the ironing mountain, see you later
  • I sure hope you can beat those Southeastern Snipe @HunnyBunny. Snipe hunting isn't nearly as much fun as wabbit hunting. Fling away!
  • @bernersenn I'm not too worried about Harry Potter yet. He has all his eggs in one basket.
  • it's your turn again @hunnybunny, got a few points.
  • y'all are hilarious. You know that, right?

    Someone apparently just abandoned BI2. I just refreshed the leaderboard I left open last night and "5 out of 95" dropped to "5 out of 94". Are you guys scaring people off again?

    @Rat Snipe hunts in Europe, Asia and New Zealand are way more fun. In those places you might actually bag one.
  • Who the heck is this "Harry Potter guy" now? Vortex of Doom dude?

    Edit: I never saw a single Harry Potter movie so I really don't know.
  • @Hunnybunny, did you know that fenikus fenikus was recently declared protected species by a special UN declaration? Hence it is allowed to eat whatever it wants ;)
  • In Beak 1, all I see is the beer guzzler on a rampage. He's burping his way up the LB.
  • @fenikus all I know is all his other scores suck and he's been a member since 2011. Talk about lurking.
  • Ah duh, never mind on the Harry Potter thing, I think I figured it out. @mvnla2, some magic for you on #26.
  • Where did @burpie run off to? I just looked at Space Overall: 1. Rat 2. burpie 3. Me

    @Rat has accumulated a 160k lead. That's not something I expected @burpie to allow.
  • @fenikus, my good friend, listen. The name Fenikus is coming from the Harry Potter movies (I'm not that read freak) so I saw a part of one of these movies. With one part of that one movie my interests in HP were over. In the movie was playing a hairy animal, called Fenikus.
    And, @hunnybunny and myself are moving up, very slowly, but constant. Now I hope that our bunny will agree with this, we'll see
  • @bernersenn I'm afraid @fenikus has spotted the other Dutch contender creeping up the boards. I fear him as much as Mr Rat
  • @hunnybunny, don't forget @burpie. He's coming very silent, but he comes.
    I have to be honest when I say that scores aren't going up that fast, it's a battle for every point. About battle, OB, we need something to drink, ask them what they want and serve this - on my tab
  • Evening all
    Well my crappy first day back at work after 10 days started with the sheriff knocking at my door ;( No worries @kelani I didn't expect to hold that one and don't intend to fight for it so no need to borrow it,it's yours! Well done! I have zero control over those eggs. I'm pretty sure I know what happened as I mentioned in the walkthrough so was I right? I think the 2nd shot....or was it 3rd? Anyway,one of the blazers moved right and caught the fallout from the next drop. Not going back anytime soon as still have 2 levels in B1 to reach average.
    Sorry but my feet,back and brain are all aching tonight so it's no flinging,just chilling tonight.
    Enjoy whatever your doing peeps!
    Oh shoot,before I go,@kelani I'm sorry but you didn't say the age thing with you and ex g'friend,sorry,didn't mean to bring up bad memories:( That was a seriously sweet thing to do though. Silly girl! I'd love to know how her life turned out ;) FYI early love can last. Hubby and I just had the 25th anniversary of our first "date" yesterday. (Yeah I do insist on 2 Anniversaries,seeing as it took us 14 yrs to get married) I'm only 41,so it can last :D
  • @JLZ You mean her being 22? I wasn't too much older. :) Don't worry, you didn't bring up any bad memories. Even if I had any, thinking of her would remind me of the disco ball tower, and that'll make me snicker til I die. :) As for her, I'm sure she has a lovely home in the suburbs, with a white picket fence, a dog, a cat...and four loving husbands to come home to :P
    Congrats on your 25th date anniversary! I think it's great when couples can still celebrate (or even remember) such things.
    I hear you on that evil level. I don't know why I was even compelled to play it. Still, you got the great score first, so I'm leaving your name on the trophy. :)
  • @bernersenn just cracked my bête noir made 3k convinced I'd be #1
    What did you do?
    @jlz666 @kelani I'm 54 been married 32 years this year. It works sometimes! And we hardly ever have a cross word, other than a mega spat in the pub on Sunday, which resulted in some obscene language and eating dinner in silence.......
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