The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2146
  • Night Pa ♡
  • That's a small window of opportunity on level 39, huh @Kelani?
  • night Ma
  • I am a little sorry about level 39 @Kelani. It's a great feeling when you're all alone in that rarified air.
  • Oh well. I guess he had a rough day or is busy flinging. I'm talking to myself.
  • @Rat Not a problem. Better you than some random jackass. Besides, I still have my airspace, it's just gotten little more congested. I'm sure it'll get worse tomorrow. Actually, I'm surprised my 3 scores survived the day. I'm sure they'll get swatted tomorrow. I hate not being able to play. Now I know how you felt on the River,

    @Kathy I don't remember any Jericho comment. :(
  • @Rat no flinging for me til tomorrow night. ipad's elsewhere til then.
  • @Kelani I barely threw yesterday and today was a no go except for your juicy points on 39. It's not much fun watching everybody else have fun.

    Edit: It's so quiet I might go in for a few flings. What Mama don't know can't hurt me more than my neck. lol
  • @Kathy -- Video on 8-20 was done by Slim. : D I think the boulder you're talking about is in the background???
    @Rat -- Just thought I would use the correct name so you would know where I asked for help. I did see your comment on the 3rd pass. So hope you get there soon; I'll probably still need help. : )
  • Good morning all:)
    @mvnla2 thanks I just assumed it was E* cuz all the rest well most I didn't look at all of them.
    @kelani on the previous page about halfway up my keyboard called you Jericho haha
    Going flinging. .
  • Hey @Kelaniz_Kebob ( @Kelani ), that's a pretty productive iPadless day you're having. Congrats on the new puppy! I saw this morning (on my own, very proud of it) that Rio was COD again but that HD-9 level is too fresh for me -- I'm still sick of playing it ad-nauseum back in February. One of my biggest nemesis in the episode.

    Edit: Hm, both new puppy owners on HD-9 are PC players. Must be "PC-friendly" level.
  • Wow, Mws. Bunny is surrounded by some experienced wabbit hunters. She's putting up a great fight though!
  • @fenikus Good catch. It may be PC friendly. I'll have to add it to the test list. I do know it's buggy as hell. There's something mysterious going on behind the scenes in HD. Almost every level lags or drops frames horribly, especially when zoomed out.

    Productive day, but I'm still counting the minutes til I get my spacesuit back. :) I haven't answered any @mentions since I became bereft of ipad, and am already up to 26. That may not be much to the popular crowd, but it's 24 more than I'm used to :P
  • I see two new faces snuck up the BI Boards overnight: @trishohara and @sparty83

    @Kathy that's kinda hilarious your kbd called me Jericho. I played trumpet in HS/college and in a big band in my early 20s. :P
  • @kelani they are both well known respectable players I'm surprised to see @trishohara back she used to pop in here way back when. ..
  • @Kathy I see they've been here awhile, just never competed against them that I can remember, anyway.
  • Check out the high score on level#26 I don't think it's Possible :/
  • Hm, I finally started playing Beak Part 2 and after completing 3 levels, 2 people have already gotten a "new sheriff in town" notice. What's going on, seems like sheriff requirements are pretty low at this point in time ;-)
  • @fenikus check out level #26 high score whadda ya think?
  • Oh in part 2
  • @Kathy, haven't gotten to #26 yet but Lyrian fellow seems pretty capable from what I've seen so far.
  • @Kelani, you never answered me re: which Rocket Rumble level you think has a DCB score?
  • Hello virtual world ;)
    Well 7 days of no communication was actually quite refreshing! We even bought........newspapers.....remember them? My only real wifi was the pub in Plockton on Friday. Yep @hunnybunny you were right,it was "Hamish MacBeth" the lovely puppy was "wee Jock" I agree,such a cutie! Thank you for showing @Kathy the photo of the pine martins. Hubby had the good camera and has captured some great photos but I only had the iPhone which although is ok as camera phones go,it just doesn't cut these kind of moments.
    So I tried to download the space update and it took over night Frid/Sat to do it! I'm pretty chuffed that I managed to 3* most of them on the 5hr drive home......on an iPhone,through a storm,on single track roads (New badge for lunacy?) On top of grocery shopping and a ton of wet muddy laundry I managed to get some scores in...(insert laughing man) Achhhhh they're not too bad but some are shocking! Some are pretty good though so will look at the scores properly and see what the walkthroughs are saying tomorrow. I can't believe I asked @estar earlier if she had played it yet!!! Dooooohhhh;( Just read up that she's done some vids! Proof of no communication. Anyhoo it looks like fun so I'll give it a proper bash soon.
    Ok I'm trying to keep 1 eye on the Canadian Grand Prix and 1 on the phone so sorry for any typos.
    Happy Sunday
    Oh yeah @kelani,@trishohara & @Sparty83 are loyal good flingers
  • Thanks @fenikus I've left him/her a post in the walkthrough. But really 8k over @rat9 second place seems awfully high?
  • Hey @kathy ((Hugs)) back atcha! Whewweeeee! I know I said I was ok without wifi and in all honesty in that part of the world I was but it's good to be back in the land of the living! WTH did we do before it? Oh yeah......have a life LOL!! Hubby's frown started to ease up whilst we were away but now it's back...whoopsie ;) Please forgive me for not reading back but are you now floating in space? How is it?
    Sorry I didn't mean to be rude. Good evening @kelani @fenikus @lurkers. Got 7 laps to go so eyeballs are going crazy!
  • Lol @jlz666 ikr what did we do without it! ! Yep I'm trying the new space update its fun!!
    Especially cuz we are all (BP patrons) playing together:)
  • @Kathy, I don't know who that @rat9 fellow you're referring to is, but he/she is apparently not that hard to beat.

    FWIW, when I first entered my score on #21, it was 12K above the second place.
  • Good evening @JLZ666, welcome back!
  • OMG huge crash brb:(
  • Ohh @fenikus well Then I guess will wait and see thanks; )
  • Wow ok,that looked nasty but everyone is ok. Sorry,I know nobody is interested but.....;D
    @fenikus thanks! It's good to be back.
    @kathy I'll give it a go but I'm not as competitive anymore so won't join you in the battle so I'll just have fun keeping my head above water!
  • Maybe ;)
  • What race are you watching @Jlz666 ? I used to like watching I've even lettered a couple race cars in my old job:D
  • It was the Canadian Grand Prix @kathy. What's lettering?
  • @jlz666 lettering is putting the numbers and the sponsers on the car:)
  • Sorry @kathy,should've said Formula 1.
  • Hi @jlz666 glad you enjoyed it. Good luck with the muddy clothes, I spent ages scrubbing my new Converses after only a weekend in a very wet Devon, let alone the rest of the stuff! I think you're exaggerating your poor scores in Beak, I've seen some :-)

    Good evening @all

    @Fenikus last time I looked you were the only one ahead of the wabbit! But a certain Rodent, mention no names, seems to be flinging without posting scores. An informant tells me his real score was 2364590 about an hour ago, sneaky little rat (oops, shouldn't have mentioned his name)

    Of to fling, just to stay close enough to @fenikus so I can see his heels!
  • Sorry my sister is bugging me.. she keeps texting doesn't she know i have a life Dagnabit! !
  • @Kathy It's too soon to say whether #26 is possible or not. New strategies still being discovered. Several of my high scores were 9-15k above the previous, and @Rat's scores are (relatively) low on some levels 'cause his initial strategy may be lower-scoring.

    edit: Lyrian's description makes sense. I tried that shot many times as well. I think the points are there.

    @fenikus Nevermind. I think it was RR #15, but it may not be one. You just don't see many people with scores 7k above Manu.
  • Yep your probably right @kelani ..didja get your ipad back yet?
  • ((((((((Hugs)))))))) @jlz666 Welcome home!
    Well Fellow BP Space patrons I was right - finished Beak I - entered my scores and apart from 5 scores - all are way below avg! Was delighted to find I was 3rd on level 19 but see I have already gone down to 4th! Back to Beak II!
  • @Kathy Nope. 1 hour 30 mins left. *trembles in withdrawal.*
  • Wow! ! I just figured out I can Slide back and forth between windows i have open on my phone! ! Instead of keep going back and forth between tabs I can just slide! ! Lovee it:)
  • Argghh @kelani but you can still fling on p.c. right?
  • Ah ok @kathy. I asked hubby and he told me to hang my head in shame for not knowing ;(
    @hunnybunny I've definitely ruined a pair of trainers (sneakers) Peat bogs appear out of nowhere :( Well I'm happy with a couple of scores but that's very polite of you! The rest are pretty poor. It's sauce early days but even I feel left behind! I've not even tackled the river since I posted scores. I've somehow even dropped 2 places in ABO since I've been gone :( it's never ending!
    @kelani don't worry! Not flinging is good for your head sometimes :)
    @mumsie heyyyyyyyy!!! *kiss* I owe @hunnybunny a large drink for the Plockton reference so whilst I'm feeling flush can I get you a G&T?
  • @Kathy yeah, in Rio, but I WANT BEAK.

    @JLZ Maybe, but since BI came out, I've only had 8 hours over 4 days to play it. It's like giving a kid a Christmas present, then taking it away, repeated over several days. :)
  • @kelani how come you can't play Beak on your p.c. ? Sorry if I've missed it if you've said already
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