The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2092
  • muhahaha.
  • @EvilLurkingLelaniPagechanger

    edit: CRAP. All that princess talk just made me typo my own name.
  • I'll send a picture of my setup soon @Mvnla2. But SWDNF would shoot me if I don't clean up my play area first. It's outside, so I don't pick up or clean up as often as I should. And with a ceiling fan directly above my head, the ashes from my smoking are all over the place. I'm surprised my laptop has survived the humidity, ashes, and the occasional close call with lightning.
  • See @Mvnla2. The Princess is always here. ha ha ha
  • @Rat Yep, usually cos of all these @notice popups I now get. If y'all wanted to get rid of me, the silent treatment would work - eventually.
  • @Kelani Coke or soda. Growing up we called them all cokes.

    Edit: Did I pass or did I lose my Southerness?
  • @Rat OK, you pass. :) It's the same in my county, but soft drink is more common than soda. Can't forget the heavy drawl guys who sa co-cola, either. I'm glad you didn't bring pop back with you.

    @bernersenn Yesterday was my vacation day from the river. I wanted to give you a bit more time to catch up :)

    btw, who is this Yoshiki who's testing our dominion?
  • @Kelani I think the term soda snuck in there from all the years I spent in CA. As a kid in MS, they were cokes.
  • @Kelani Never got into the Southern boiled peanuts thing though. Salted peanuts "in" my coke, OK.
  • I'm not sure @Yoshiki speaks English. S/He has no friends and has never posted anything in the three years s/he's been a nest member. But you're right. Coming up fast at the river. Look out @Ma. I've got no Whoodo Voodo for use against @Yoshiki.
  • You doo too got voodoo

    lol. couldn't resist. Same here. Boiled peanuts=X pickled eggs=X chitlins=X pork rinds=X Moon pies=Eh. rather have a donut.. I like raw peanuts until they make me sick. The big question, what are your thoughts on livermush? (Liver pudding to everyone else).

    Think you're right about @Yoshiki. All I know is the name means something like Fragrant or Perfumed Life. Male name, but not always, and he's dipping into some dangerous waters. If he keeps scoring points, we may need to hire an interpreter to mediate a peace treaty.
  • @Kelani Never tried or heard of livermush. Grew up on liver and lights when we could afford them. ha ha Just joking. The slaughter house would almost give away the liver and lights. Along with beef tongue. But tongue got popular and is quite expensive these days.

    Edit: Did I not mention to you that my mom was very frugal? Her father was a sharecropper in the South so she knew adversity well.
  • @fenikus Both he and @Estar could hide in plain site over here. Unless we're not hearing an accent. Do you have an accent @Burpie? Wait, you can't ask the person you want to know about, whether or not they have an accent. To them it sounds perfect. Shoot! I'm caught in a loop. Catch 22.
  • I must admit @fenikus. That was very funny for a "Dog" video.
  • @fenikus, love that video, so sad! I subscribed immediately.

    Ok, a moment back to my little troubles here with my language. I've thinking why it's happening to me, because in normal live I never experienced this.
    I think that it has to do with cultures, more as with languages. My both mothertongue languages are German and Dutch. That has to do with the region I was born. People overthere speak a german dialect, so as little child I did. Of course at school was spoken dutch. But, beside this languages, there is a way of thinking belonging to that language. And, that's different for the both of them. Sounds crazy, but it is true. When I am speaking or writing english I don't think english, but translate just of my own languages into the english one. And, what here in Holland and Germany is well accepted, obvious in America it isn't. I've only been once in the US, went for a week for my work to NJ (saddlebrook), and NY (free time). That was back in 1995.
    So, I cannot promise that it will not happen again, but I will be much more careful.
    Now back to flinging, kicking some ...
  • @bernersenn don't worry about it. Like I said, your English is better than many Americans' If you ever do make a horrible mistake, I think everyone here would assume a mistake, rather than getting angry over it.

    One neat thing I learned from all my Brazilian exchange students, when you start dreaming in English, that's a good sign of fluency.
  • @Rat and @Kelani, you mean to tell me you never saw that video before?? I thought it impossible, it was such a viral video couple years back.

    @bernersenn, when I first came here I also used to translate from my native tongue to English. So sometimes I get a chuckle from your posts, not because I'm laughing at you, but because I've been there and brings back some good memories. Like @Kelani said, don't worry about it, and keep writing, your already good English can only get better with practice.
  • @Kelani, I did the href tag correctly. I even (to @E-Star's chagrin, I'm sure) made two edits experimenting with spacing to no avail. I think the forum is playing tricks on me.
  • Preview tab. You learn something new every day. Yesterday I learned that I should use my glasses when playing ABR. Thanks @Kelani, don't know how I managed to not see that tab all this time.
  • @kelani, thanks for the friendly words. And, have a strong coffee before looking at the ranking. Eureka ! (Thanks to #12)
  • lol. I LOVE that tab. It's a great edit preventer. Without it, when I posted that html-ized BP space invaders screen, my edits would have made @estar's inbox explode.
  • Btw, your code previews correctly.
  • Oh-oh! @bern-dawg slingshots into 450 point lead! Okay, enough talk, going back to BR-9, earlier almost gained 3K on that level which would make this a virtual 3-way tie. I love it!
  • @bernersenn Well, congrats for passing me once again! I knew that day off would bite me. Strong coffee -before-? Are you trying to give me a heart attack? :D

    *cracks knuckles* OK, vacation's officially over. I'm going swimming. :)
  • Aw man, I just beat my #5 PC score by 800 points, and thought I took the lead back with @Ratesque speed, then saw my #5 posted score is 2k higher than the PC score :P
  • @kelani, I'm sure that when I wake up tomorrow morning, that #1 will be down the drain, happened before and will happen again.
    @fenikus, #9 took me 4 complete days (actually evenings) to get it happen. Then suddenly, it worked. Same for #14, that little monkey at the right remains alive. Wrote a comment incl.
    picture in the walkthrough. That game will be decisive for the final ranking - that's what I think. And, next to this all, when @rat can play without any barriers he will crush all our scores (Evil word?)
  • He shoots. He scores! Wait a minute, referee rules it's not a 3-pointer and awards only 102K for BR-9 one-birder. What a game, what a game.

    @bernersenn, "crush" is not an evil word on its own. But saying "rat will crush us all" is an evil phrase!
  • @fenikus :-( now better?
  • @estar, thanks for using your backchannel, got my badge today (now I have 2 instead of 1)
  • @bernersenn, I was kidding -- you can use "crush" all you want in any way you like. I just don't like the particular "rat will crush us all" phrase, the offensive word being "rat", lol
  • @bernersenn how much was your lead over me, again? :D

    I wonder what's offscreen to the right on #5 I just had a bunch of grapes fly off there, then 4 seconds later, they came flying back in a nice lazy arc and hit my bird in the sling :)
  • @kelani, well done. We are approaching that 2.6 million - as predicted. Actually, about #5, you must talk to @fenikus, because he's the master of that game. Now I must say that it was a good idea to join the BP ( @sweetp asked me to join), because playing this way is much more fun. That's playing and pubtalk at once. Played the same way the High Dive (with @fenikus), competing but without this social thing
  • @kelani, of course I don't wish you a heart attaque. Just from black coffee? I'm drinking black coffee the whole day, no issues here. Ok, now we are at this theme I'm in a good mood, OB ask this people what they want to drink and bring them these drinks, for me black coffee - on my tab.
  • I just prefer the caffeine jolt *after* the nasty surprise. :) Not so much an issue with me, but considering the age of some of you guys in here, may be a good idea for them :D

    I too like the BP. Wish it was real-time chat, but this is better than nothing. It'd be nice if some of our BR competition would stop by. I bet they would if they knew the top of the leaderboard is all BP regulars.
  • Bumped to eight. Who cares? Real life is pretty good and the next two weeks get even better
    Good luck, fellow flingers......
    But who knows, killer bunny may come back with a vengeance
  • @hunnybunny, any sunny plans?
  • @kelani, considering the age? Remember, the stommach gets stronger and stronger - the rest is ...
  • @bernersenn the stomach gets stronger? I don't see many elderly people eating an entire pizza and drinking a bottle of scotch :)

    @hunnybunny A minor setback, I hope. Surely you didn't hop all the way up here just to become River roadkill? ;)
  • @kelani, I never eat pizza neither drink scotch. 176 lbs - 6 ft 3, 56 years old - eating as a wolf, drink a lot (water, coffee, once in a while a beer). No problems with the weight or the appetite. Perhaps it's because of my dogs, they wanted to walk a lot each day, and they are not allowed to walk by themselves.
  • @bernersenn my birthday weekend. Then some washing, ironing, packing, and off to Spain for a friends wedding. Hat, dress, high heels. What girl (excuse me those who don't like that word) could ask for more?
    I love your English, and your attempt to make if better.
    I hope google translate worked lol
  • @hunnybunny, google translate (my tool also) works - that's not evil what you have in front of you. Spain in this time of the year is lovely, not that cold watery weather, lovely. Sun on your skin. Have a great time. (Once I thought you were german, remember). Ok, here's another for our American friends: danke - bitte
    Oops, almost forgotten, happy birthday, enjoy your day.
    And, my english here will be famous, they will find it hilarious, crazy - or I got kicked out. We'll see
  • @kelani a minor set back, but I don't really care. I've flipped out of AB before, sometimes I really want to play, and to be fair, BR really got me flinging again. But if I never flung again .....
    Goodnight, no need for google translate for that one!
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