The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2089
  • Alas, not too funny, but too true :-(

  • I wasn't sure 2.6 million was possible, but you're beginning to make a believer of me @Kelani. Keep up the attack, you just might make it.

    And thanks for the kind words about Robert. He was a handsome cat. That's not your normal comment about a cat, but almost everybody that ever met him said it. And that was not a professional picture. Just one of the few we took at the house. His coloration was not symmetrical and he wasn't a purebred, but he carried a regal presence about himself. An air of sophistication. He was, and shall always be, "Robert, The Rabbit Hunter".
  • @Kelani, what did you do man? I'm shocked. @Rat, you got also plans in that direction?
    @fenikus, wake up man - there's a takeover ongoing here
  • Good Morning Everyone !! Gotta run of for work :( Happy Hunting:)
    Have a Fantabulous Flinging Day all♡
  • @Kathy, same to you!
  • Oh-oh! Guess what day it is…guess-what-day-it is?! Julie, guess what day it is? Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike guess what day it is. Rio Challenge of the Day. Woot-woot, yeaaaah!

    (after containing excitement, realizing it's another spray-and-pray one-birder level…I hope this doesn't give Rio a bad name).
  • @Rat, it's working. Just flung a few shots (I hope nobody of my colleagues are here in the BP) - added 10 points. It's not much, but it's a start. Thank you (and @Kelani of course)
  • @bernersenn, I'm awake and chasing 'em shrimps. Did you see that I'm only 690 points (well 700 now) behind you? @Kelani is next.
  • And by the way, I am SO disappointed in @Kelani and @Rat. Not for helping you, but last night they bickered about whose strat BR-19 was. Each claimed ownership when everyone knows this is trademarked @fenikus strat!
  • @fenikus, I read the comments yes. And that you are close behind I know too. Since last sunday I didn't get any more points. @Kelani gave me new motivation to take up this job. Can take a while, perhaps for ever, but I'm working on it. (This evening, at home)
  • Ha ha ha Don't be shy @fenikus. Stand up and be counted!!! But we all know it was really @bernersenn's strat.

    I'm not sure I'll get my twenty minutes of flinging today. My left shoulder is acting up with all this rain and humidity. I'd tell y'all to take it easy on me, but the Princess Lalani boat has already left the river and is steaming towards the 26th parallel just off the coast of the Bahamas. I think she's in the mood for a little tax free gambling.
  • Fill up with that diesel fuel, @bern-dawg and keep going. As far as I know, as long as they have fuel, them diesel engines keep going forever.
  • Ahem, if it pleases the court, I will state my case:

    Whereas it is a fact that Mr. @Rat first discovered that Blossom River's infamous level 19 can be one-birded (for which discovery he shall forever be held in disdain by AB Rio community as we can all agree that this level was much more pleasant to play when dealt with that nice and easy two-birder), I submit to the court evidence that Mr. Rat first called this "strategy" of his "dumb luck". He even congratulated Ms. C. Funkho who scored the top score using this "strategy" by saying "ain't it nice?"

    Excuse me your Honor (clears throat, reaches for glass of water, approaches his co-counsel Donald Sterling for a word).
  • Yeah, I had forgot about my initial discovery. Thanks for bringing that to the Judge's attention @fenikus. It's MINE, ALL MINE*. Ain't it nice. Go suck an egg @Kelani.

    *copyright pending

    Is it really "Ms." C. Funkho?
  • …Thank you kindly, your Honor. As I was saying, Mr. Rat never pursued better scores on this level. In fact, when questioned by his colleague in "slings", my client here, the esteemed Mr. Fenikus about what and how needed to happen to for this one-birder to occur, Mr. Rat said, and I quote: "I don't know. I was focused on another area of the screen each time it happened." Clearly, your Honor, these don't sound like words of a man who knew what he was doing do they?

    Excuse me, your Honor...
  • …Thank you, your Honor. Furthermore, the other defendant, Ms. Lelani, was seen at The Bloated Pig pub two nights later shaking her head and hollering: "Ya'll seeing ghosts on level 19. I don't see no one-birder!"

    Now, your Honor…my client here, this fine young gentleman, Mr. Fenikus, was the one who pursued this dream of one-birder, night after night, day after day, and came up with the plausible sequence of events causing aforementioned one-birder, and mind you, your Honor, POSTED aforementioned sequence in aforementioned level's walkthrough page. Furthermore, he subsequently and uncharacteristically whined on the aforementioned walkthrough page about his woes of not getting a good score using this strategy, causing everyone to start paying attention to this here level. Now, your Honor, I rest my case.

    And in the words of my Jamaican friend Wayne: Booyakasha!
  • Btw @Rat, you still can count to…number 4, right?

  • Wait a second. I thought you were my attorney @fenikus? I'm not sure I like where you going with this. But you're the lawyer. Trust the system Rat. He get's the big bucks for a reason. I'm just not sure who's paying him more. And why did you wink at Kent? Are you two dating? Remind me why I was paying you to defend yourself. Don't you know an attorney who defends himself has a FOOL for a client. BooYaa!
  • So sorry, but it's not going to work @fenikus. I can't count that high today.
  • Rat heads back to the bedroom to cower in the dark.
  • @Rat, maybe with the help of looking at the leaderboard, you can?

    p.s. No, I don't know if it's really "Ms" C. Funkho. She/he never responded to your query. It's all in court documents.
  • Fenikus heads back to "work."
  • Ah, never mind, @Rat. I thought you didn't take a look-see at the LBs lately. Now "really" going back to "work".
  • So what's been going on? Ah! Fenikus went berzerk and bumped Rat back to 4th place, the Japanese are encroaching on HunnyBunny's 6th place, Kathy is feigning to get some sleep, the rest are lobbing Holy Hand Grenades and Kelani is trying to sneak away from Bernersenn in the confusion. What a show!
  • Yes @burpie, it's showtime here. Later this evening I expecting firework, so switch your tv on - and have it switched on. Channel: Ipad. @kelani did give me a target.
    Let's do so wining here: there is just one (I repeat one) poor dutch player - getting beated up by three american giants. That's not fair, or is it?
  • Anyone notice @kelani absence since he made another 5k?
    He'll be at 2.6 before the rest of you resolve your court case!
  • @hunnybunny, you did shock me again. Wow, another 5k. Please, let us do this one by one.
  • You're in good shape @bernersenn. I'm sure you can find more points. With just 318 players total for the episode, you can get every level in the top-10.
  • @HunnyBunny, look out, Yoshiki is right behind you!
  • @bernersenn, if it makes you feel any better, I have dual citizenship, one of which European. For this purpose, I will chose it so that U.S vs. Europe is 2:2.
  • Mrs. Bunny, as Rat would say, @Kelani can go suck an egg. He's all outta points and bern-dawg and I are just warming up our diesel engines.
  • @burpie, you made me look up Yoshiki's profile. He's using an iPhone which, in my boredom today at work, made me for some reason research cell phone manufactures across the world. You guys have a company called "John's Phone"?

    Edit: that's according to Wikipedia, anyway.
  • @rat, got 130k with your strat. Thanks my friend (and still at work, don't tell anyone)
  • @fenikus, I knew it, you're my greatest friend.
  • @fenikus, I've only seen that phone in the wild once. As a joke purchase. But apparently you can still order them.
  • @burpie, so what's the most popular phone in old 'Olland? iPhone, Phillips, Nokia?
  • @GreenImperial the movie that was shown in US TV in the early 1980s. The TV series was very mild.

    @bernersenn I welcome all tips that let you attack my throne, as long as it keeps you guys ahead of the pack, I'm happy. ( @Rat there's your dignity and wisdom)

    @SweetP Shhh. I have a plan. :) If we can raise the bar high enough (or low enough, for limbo) all those other non-BP-enabled contenders will give up. But you and Mrs. Bunny have a premium membership to B.River Tech & Moral Support. :)
  • Anyone know anything about @MP? He's some Star Wars II player and my latest random stranger friend request.
  • @Kelani, if he's the same MP I accepted friendship request from, he's legit, even exchanged couple of PMs.
  • BTW @Kelani, you must've cleared pretty much everything on BR-13 for that score (144K + 3 bonus birds). I can barely get 143K with all 4, so I think you might hold on to that top score for a while. Well done.
  • @fenikus Thanks man, I'd like to keep at least one high score when it's all over. As for maxing it out, I actually think there's potential for at least 5k more. For my score, the level did the slow crumble thing, which left lots of heavily damaged debris. Something bumped that pile of tiny stone blocks off the edge, and a few more stone blocks up top broke, but other than the damage, the debris seemed really similar to my 143k score.

    The mystery of how scoring differs in crumble vs. blast-to-kibble would make a great time-wasting opportunity after DCB is put to bed :)
  • @fenikus Regarding phones, I didn't bother to look up numbers but I mostly see Samsung and Apple. HTC sales have dropped off, Nokia (with Windows?) and Blackberry are way down, and a small percentage of LG, Huawei and other brands in the budget segment. If Philips still make phones they're keeping it a secret.
  • @burpie interesting -- same thing here at least in NorthEast part of U.S. -- Apple / Samsung war. Also employers finally started dropping blackberrys so they're toast. I see Philips sold to Chinese but looks like they had the right to use Philips name till 2012 so there still may be some Philips branded phones around. Just saw a pic of one 2011 model, looks pretty spiffy.

    I see you have Rat's sense of humor. If you guys banter in BP during your match ups, I might switch the channel in June from World Cup to BP ;)
  • Hi @Kelani, nice to see you hanging around here. I was, temporarily, gone. Dinner, walking the dogs, etc. That was sneaky flinging, my friend, gathering point when I sleep. Well, I did the same - not that much. And, I'm just kidding.
    About keeping one highschore, I wanted to invert it, 17 togo.
  • Unlurk......

    How bout a dog hunting cat? I've seen my cat ambush my much, much bigger dog before, but that was to play. This is just amazing.

  • @burpie thanks for the warning on the Japanese rear assault! I'm home again now. Let the flinging begin. Methinks #13
  • @ABcrazy I once saw a tiny gray-striped kitten leap straight up and swat the immortal crap out of a black lab that was pestering it. Dog ran away yelping and never came back. :)

    That slap needs a name. The lab was female, so a certain highly offensive slap name describes it perfectly, but I'll pass. Catslap? Dogslap? Puppyslap? Gotta be something better than that.
  • You know what @Kelani? I decided that you may be alright in my book. You are playing today's Rio daily challenge (as you did the 2 previous ones) and I think you like the game and will be back to play new episodes. So I'm sorry I called you "Space Invader" -- unlike that @Rat feller, you're not here to conduct some social experiment and make waves, you're here to stay.

    In other words, I don't feel anymore that you being in top spot is an abomination or that "Rio has fallen." Which doesn't mean I'm going to let you win (nor is @bern-dawg if I know him as well as I think I do), you're going down buddy. Now that @Rat feller…that's another story. He'll have to earn my trust. This is the circle of trust. Here's us inside the circle. Here's Rat.
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