The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2055
  • k less talk more fling! !
  • @Kathy You bet he did. He is a really helpful guy when he's not stomping around grumbling about whippersnappers.

    @mvnla2 Lelani? I l know I have pretty eyes, but i'm not a Hawai'ian princess! :P
  • Great T-shirt idea.
  • sorry dinnertime
  • @Kelani -- Either there is someone named Lelani on the Nest or the old forum doesn't care if you misspell the name. Sorry about that.
  • @Kelani, I'm not having trouble with seeing dotted lines in Golden Beachball? Maybe your iPad brightness is too high? Or maybe they updated graphics there as well.

    @mvnla2, thanks. Don't know why I didn't think of this but when you go to game details in the app store, you can review version history and it gives you the exact timeline.
  • so I was right @mvnla2 the first release ended with jungle escape the others were update periodically:)
  • But Probably Will @kelani = BPW ;)
  • @mvnla2 -- What is "Rio Free"? I mean the regular Rio is free so what's the deal with free-free version? I remember when I first signed up for ABN, I was entering my scores into the "free" leaderboard until I realized I was in the wrong place...
  • BTW, @Kelani, it looks like Golden Beachball originally only had 15 levels and they added 15 more in July 2013. I can only assume they resolved the background issue then.
  • @mvnla2 -- yet another question: I un-bookmarked Bloated Pig forum as it proved to be a little much for my inbox. I then assumed I would get notifications if someone mentions me here but I'm not getting them?
  • Goodnight all. Going to dream about darn marmosets tonight. I'm sure they're plotting against me on six and nineteen, they just won't die :-((((((
  • night @hunnybunny ; sweet dreams hope you don't dreams of Marmoset! !
    @fenikus you should get notification when someone @mentions you idk why you wouldn't unless your @mention name is different?
  • I think Rio was not originally free. The free version probably had ads and a limited number of episodes.
  • @fenikus -- Unfortunately, it's not true that I know everything about ABN. I think you need to chose some settings in your profile (maybe?) to get notifications. @E-Star would know, but she might be asleep.
  • @fenikus GB seems OK to me now. It may be a certain level, or I was thinking of another bright yellow level. Actually, I learned yesterday that someone set my brightness pretty low. People always changing my stuff!

    Beach Volley and High Dive still have the problem, even on PC. Basically any level with bright white clouds behind the sling. Bright blue sky acts like snow blindness.. There's one or more episodes like that in every game.
  • @hunnybunny fear not. I am close to cracking the secret of the #19 1-birder. When/if I get it, I'll let you know :)
  • *Dr. FrankenRat looks out from atop his castle and smiles. IT'S ALIVE! The River Monster gets stronger every day. The villagers have embraced the River Monster.*
  • *But why do they all have pitchforks and torches? And they're getting so close.*
  • *Listen to me. It's Dr. Fenikustien you want. He's the one that controls the River Monster. Not me.*
  • *Dazed and confused pops into BP*
    OB send the blues to the River with more Marmoset killer
    *strange force drags kathy back*
  • lol. @Rat your new avatar looks like a dachshund who got loose in Sherwin Williams.
  • @Lelani That's my first ever avatar. @Estar took pity on me and has made two much better ones for me.
    btw Like your name change.
  • @Kathy Wow, wow, wowwowowwwooowow wow WOW! Aren't you doing good?
  • @Rat It's nice, just really purple and dachshund-ey. :) Yes, @Kathy has been on quite a tear. If she get another 15k points, I'm gonna start flagging all her scores :D

    You will get no hula dances from me.
  • @Kathy I think Inspector Gadget said it best "WOWSERS".
    You're about the only flinger that has a coaching "staff".
  • I liked his color best of all @Kelani. I could always find my comments. Plus, he has the same intelligent look about him as I do.
  • *Why is Mrs. Bunny's pitchfork bigger than all the rest. And why is she climbing up the hill so fast?*
  • yep Pa I'm doing o.k after all i have a great coach and wise sharpshooting teacher;)
  • And the student becomes the teacher. Any tips for me @Ma?
  • I'm not saying you won't do it @Kelani. If anybody can, my money's on you. But those points get harder to find the higher you get. Just ask @fenikus.
  • I'm having real trouble finding points nothing cooperating tonight:/
    o.k then back to the slings..
  • @Rat Somewhere between brain and fat fingers your reply got lost. You might wanna re-read that. :) I never said I'd be #1.
  • oh good, my ipad is home. maybe now I can get somewhere on 2&5.
  • Unlike the Marmoset Murdering Madam Ma, huh @Kelani? I get it now.
  • I sure will be happy if I can ever fling again. I miss it.
  • Yes, I think we unleashed a monster.

    and I hope you get back to flinging soon, too.
  • @Kelani, I do have all the notification settings at Yes and I am getting notifications when someone mentions me in walkthrough comments or sends me a PM. If @ does nothing in this forum, wonder why we use it?
  • ? 3 places @kelani ? make that 4 places ,;)
  • It does work sporadically @fenikustien.
  • @fenikus I get notification here when someone @mentions me. . but i also have the gold star on
    but in notification it says 'so and so mentioned you in a comment'
    is your forum @name the same exact as your on site name ?
  • @fenikus No earthly idea. I just use it to make the person's name blue :P I used to wish @notifications from here appeared with those from abn walkthroughs and pms, then I realized all the @ activity here would make that feature totally useless.
  • *Breaking News* Masses Marvel! Marmoset Murdering Madam Ma Makes Miraculous Move. Details at eleven.
  • gack. it's @Kathy the leaderboard slayer. While you're at it, go ahead and kick that next guy's arse too. Then take a break so I can get in a safer spot :P
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