The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2053
  • @Rat That sounds like a Norm Abram-worthy shop. Do you not have room for one, or can't aggravate the pain? I can't fault you for taking the auction route, but I really hate them. Auctions/estate sales funnel great stuff into private collections, overpriced antique shops, or back on ebay at jacked up prices. When old hand tools cost 2x more than brand new power tools, something's not right.

    I aspire to be like your father-in-law, so I have a Frankenshop. I'd love to do welding, metalworking and hell, even blacksmithing -anything that lets me fix everything. When I meet an old-timer who knows all that stuff, I can talk to 'em for hours.

    It's weird. I spent my 20s immersed in computers, hacking, electronics and music recording, and my 30s in shavings, sawdust and Cosmoline. My friends laughed at me, but if the world ends tomorrow, I'd be busy, and they'd be poking dead power buttons. :)
  • @Annifrid -- Good Luck! An hour and a half isn't very long.
    How long is the essay supposed to be? Is it "creative" writing (e.g. fiction) or persuasive? What are some topics you might find?
    I heard a good writer give a lecture on how to write several years ago. The assumption is that you have time to rewrite several times, and don't have to worry about organization on the first go-through. The first step is "stream of consciousness" writing. Don't rewrite or cross out anything; don't worry about organization, spelling or grammar. Just write everything you think of on the subject as soon as you think about it (it does help to be able to read your writing, but maybe you do it on the computer). If you only have time for 3 passes, the second one would to outline a reasonable organization, eliminate stuff you don't want to include, and add important stuff you forgot. Last pass is to write what you've got in the best possible way.
    If it's persuasive writing, don't forget topic sentences for each paragraph; state your premise at the beginning, and don't forget a conclusion at the end.
    I spent a huge amount of time writing proposals (basically to win contracts), and I am a fairly good technical writer, but probably lousy at creative writing.
  • @Kathy Do you remember I played Hogs and Kisses with you and the Furious Five not too long ago? I have a vivid memory of teaching @Karen68 a lesson about the rules of the "Furious Five Accord of 2014" by bumping her from second place. I haven't played it since. Well, either my memory is wrong, or I've found a way to move up the leaderboard by not flinging. I'm in first now. ????? Do you remember who was in first?
  • @mvnla2 that good writer was spot on. Many use voice recorders for the "stream of consciousness" step so they're not slowed by writing.
  • Sounds like were birds of a feather @Kelani. But we all lived to far away to manage the dissolution of the shop. As I said, I wanted a lot of the stuff, and it was there for the taking, but I had to be realistic about my health and space limitations. Even so, each of the three kids rented a U-Haul. I didn't say we didn't take anything. We're now the proud owners of everything from my wife's first baby shoes to a sterling silver celery server. You know, only the things we'll use every day. lol
  • Btw @Kelani, try say that three times real fast. Sterling Silver Celery Server, Sterling Silver Celery Server, Sterling Silver Celery Server. My tongue hurts.
  • @mvnla2 The minimum lenght is 250 words. That's quite short, but there's no time or room to rewrite it anyway, not even once - because coming up with a good beginning (IMHO the one hardest thing about this!) usually takes me ~20 minutes.
    The topics are a mix of 'creative' and persuasive ones.

    I consider myself quite good at creative writing - if I do it voluntarily and have no time limit, that is. In fact one of my teachers once told me my writing was TOO creative :D
  • may the 4th only comes once a year so saber it!
  • @Rat birds of a feather sounds much nicer than "Kel is the fun-size version of Rat". :) Glad you managed to hang onto some things. I'm not as good of a realist. I've had my dad's 1923 Brunswick full-size pool table in storage for 10 years. Common sense says sell it, but unless I have kids to will it to, that thing's gonna be buried with me.
  • Ooooooh! Fun sized version? Ouch!!

    Edit: Do all the women you know say size doesn't matter Kel? I couldn't resist doing an edit. I know they're taboo at the moment.
  • I didn't catch the pun about saber it @Angryboy. What's it mean?

    I can't give you any advice on writing @Annifrid. I hate writing.
  • @Annifrid I completely understand. :) What @mvnla2 told you is definitely the way to do it. Another trick I used in school was, imagine you're telling a story or writing a letter to your best friend. When you're talk to someone close to you, you aren't focused on stress, so the words flow out easier. Then you can go into analytical mode and adjust it as needed.

    @Rat Sterling Silver Celery Server, Stuffing Slather Curly Surfer, Sloothing Slaffing Coofthy Sthbvr... crap. I just spit ginger ale on my laptop.
  • @rat instead of saver, I said saber, as in lightsaber
  • yea.... it's a lame joke
  • @Rat an ex once called me that in front of 10 of her friends. She's 5'1", so she was also talking about herself. Unfortunately, NONE of her friends caught that part, so they all understood it to mean something else. Something bad. I damn near had to move.
  • @rat9 there was a user "Dr.X" who had a suspicious number of high scores & #1 rankings, not only in H&K but in several other episodes as well. The powers-that-be cleared a lot of his scores off the boards a few days ago.
    Believe me, I haven't forgotten the lesson... And it's the Ferocious Five, although we're certainly furious as well :D
  • @Rat @Annifrid told us a bit ago, it's Star Wars day.

    @angryboy a bit lame, but I liked it.
  • Sorry @angryboy. I should have got that one. Star wars. Funneling coffee down my throat, eyes starting to open.
  • its ok @rat, it wasn't that good of a joke anyway
  • If I ever get a time machine, I'm going to visit George Lucas in 1975 and offer to tell him his future for 1% of any future movie deals. Who'd pass that up?
  • Sorry @Karen68. Ferocious it is. The coffee is starting to work.
  • @Karen68 So Dr. X was fictitious. I remember some of his scores now. I couldn't touch em.
  • @Kelani I went to an early showing, not the premier, of Star Wars in London. You could smoke and drink in the theatre. Good times.
  • @Annifrid -- I understan why you might think there's no time, but no space? Sounds like handwriting in what I thought were obsolete blue test books? 250 words in 1.5 hrs shouldn't be that hard, and you can always try writing from the back of the book and crossing out. Just a thought. We should probably stop trying to help.
    @Kelani's suggestion about talking to a friend is a good one.
  • Hello Nesters.
    I am 3 yeard old today ... on the Nest:) May, the 4th :)
    thought I would share this with you...
    thx for @hunnybunny for telling me to come here to celebrate
  • @Annifrid A high school teacher told me the same thing after I made her Star of a creative writing project on monsters. :) My 3rd grade teacher also told me to "stop using big words I have to look up in the dictionary" :P

    @Rat I was 22 months old when Star Wars hit. I think it came around a few years later, then mom and dad got it on one of those 12" laserdiscs. btw, you can still drink in theatres -if you're sneaky. Just don't bring in snacks, or you'll get the firing squad.

    Whew. only 3 BR levels left, then I can be asst. coach on Team @Kathy.
  • @joey welcome and congrats. :) I'm only about 3 mo. old.
  • Congrats @joey :) I'm celebrating a year in the nest on May 16 :)
  • @joey congratulations again. If you go to page one, you'll see the rules for the Bloated Pig, which includes free (but, sadly, only virtual) food and drink on your first visit!
  • @hunnybunny i know the rules already.
    So I'm getting a cake for everyone to taste :)
    I'm cutting the cake at 5 today. Feel free to join
  • Hi @Joey. Always happy to meet someone who likes Space. Not enough of us.
  • Hey everyone! good afternoon! !
    lol @mvnla2 yes I'm getting used to waking up with 'QWERTY'imprints on my cheek!
    @ Pa yes i remember the Ferocious Five accord of 2014;) im flingin'
    as far as the questionable scores I've pretty much gotten the same answers @mvnla2 so im not going to bother slim.
    thanks for the Marmoset Killer OB; )
  • oohh yes Welcome back @Joey and Congratulations:)
  • wow @Joey you've been here longer than me! !
  • and Yes Pa I remember who was #1 hee hee good job!!
  • @Rat I love Space. My favorite I think.. I know not lots of us are into it

    thx @kathy
    yea im here since a while and I love it
  • whadda ya mean @kelani?
  • @Kelani It's like that in every game. In Star Wars, there are about 1,600 scores entered in Tatooine, but only slightly over 300 in Death Star 2, the final episode.
  • @kelani some people are interested when the game is launched. Not everyone continues to the final stages. Some of us (Addict Angry Birds) do continue and are always waiting for new levels and ready to compete
  • arghhh !! I finally broke through on #14 I had 103k with 3 birds waiting at the sling
    wooulda been 133k right? soooo im waiting waiting waiting for the tally BUT noooio
    there was a stupid Marmoset sitting on the bow laughing..!! which if he died I would have had 108k with 3 birds sitting on the sling and TOP Score!!!
    OB a double please! !
  • oh and of course i was soo mad I flubbed the next 2 shots! !
  • That makes sense. :)

    Crap. BR #2 is another DZ-22. (keeps giving identical scores) I put it in the tester for 50 identical flings. Got 1 score if the tower collapsed, another if it didn't, with only two anomalies:

    23- 45960
    1- 48500
    1- 50880

    I also noticed my best scores for 2 & 5 were on ipad. PC can't get anywhere near them.
  • @kelani, Us poor diehards, addicted to this crap, must follow these episodes. We don't want to do, but we must. And I must say, when I always ended in the 1000+ position, I doubt if I would enter my scores. About scoring, my scoringflawth is over. An old chinese law says that if you don't play you don't gain points. Lots of work and a favorite soccer club in big trouble - yes, they degraded this weekend - kept me of flinging. Well I'm back.
  • By the way, I got trouble with the games #3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Is that a series or how come?
  • That's probably Rovio's idea of a cruel joke :) Mine were 2,3,4,5
  • wow @bernersenn that does seem a series 3 levels apart each!
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