The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 10
  • @mvnla2, I would love to get some in for you, can you give me some info? I must say I don't know what it is! :)
  • Thanks, @sunshine. *Turns knob on Mystery Machine to "Toxic Waste Candy - Short Circuits".* This here is a Auto-Target. Just put any consumable in,*puts Green Eggs & Ham in Auto-Target & Pulls Out Helmet Dent Gummy*Smash into it,*Goes outside & Slingshots into Helmet Dent Gummy with a Direct Hit*and VOILA! The food you want!*eats Short Circuits Candy. The pig on his icon turns all colors, then back to green*You can also change what villain the food takes shape of! Only villains, though. The color stays as Green.
    PS. 10th page! WOOT!
  • @all woohoo! 59330..almost high score!! now I gotta keep trying! another pig killer please ..I think there giving me the oomph I need! t.y.:)
  • Sorry, step out for a bit, My parents came by. It's passed 12 o clock and it's my B-day! They live down the street and came by with loads of plants for the garden.

    rounds are on me!
  • @justadoo444.. that sounded pretty tecnical! ill have to write it down in case my auto food/drinkek sender bows a circuit:)
    @laurence;) whatever is in the mysterious box...ty for the drink!
    @ all I miszed some comments on page 9 will have to go back soon:)
  • But since I couldn't get a day off, I have to work in the morning, so I will be leaving soon.
  • @ Laurence, do tell... I love mysteries :)
  • @E-Star ill have to put that one on ice..too many pig killers ;( on my 4th already...gonna have to switch to a bud light..:)
  • @laurence Awesome!! sound like some cool stuff!
  • Congratz Laurence, good name! Hope they make one with this name, I will be thinking of you when the do :)
  • Goodnight Guys and Girl! Have a good one and see ya all tomorrow!
  • @laurence - way to go! Any idea if they will actually use Hamospheres as a future episode? I hope so, Hemispheres was one of my favorite Rush albums back in the day. My submission to the contest was Battlestar Gal-EGG-tica, probably had too many trademark issues to go very far though.
  • Thanks guys! :)

    @Burbman I don't know, it's likely I would have though that the winner's name will be used, as for the runners up (there were 4) I'm not sure! But either way, if it wasnt for ABN, I would have know nothing about the competition! :)
    I think Battlestar Gal-EGG-tica would have been cool, but as you say, trademark and copyright may have got in the way :(

    Night e-star - I think I'll turn in myself in a couple of minutes!
  • Congrats to my special friends, E-Star happy birthday!!!! :) ;)
    @Laurence, congrates!!! ;).please keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • @E-Star goood night :) rest well, see you tommorow:)
    @laurence I'm confuse, did I miss something? I scrolled up but didn't see? you won a contest of some sort?
  • @Burbman gn as well..ty for all your advice:) cu to
  • @sunshine -- Head cheese tastes pretty good, especially if you don't really know what it's made of. One of my great aunts used to make it as an appetizer for Christmas (I think it takes quite a long time in the real world, but I'm sure you can make it in a flash). According to Wikipedia (with my edits), it is a meat jelly made from the flesh (and bone for gelatin) of the head of a pig. It is eaten cold. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I don't have the recipe, so you will have to google it if you really want it.
  • @Kathy, yes, he did, name a character... they must be interested in using his stuff!! Great!!! :)
  • @Laurence -- I did know what you meant when you said you got a mysterious box. Congrats again! Didn't it take quite a long time to arrive?
  • @laurence goo job!congrats
    @E-Star didn't know it was your bday! Happy birthday! will buy u a birthday drink tommorow, or breakfast if you prefer:)
  • @mvnla2, I will look up some recipes as well!!! Sounds good with homemade bread!! :)
  • @all does anyone mind if I play the jukebox? was thinking of the beatles song"blackbird" in honor of birdman:)
  • @Kathy, play what your heart desires!!! :)
  • @sunshine ty as long as there are no objections :) and ty for the dinner and appetizers..yummy!!!:)
  • @rd So what does your user name mean or how do you pronounce / remember it? I can't get past rd.
  • I had the same trouble remembering with yours..just kept scrolling up to make sure letters in right order..then after typing it so much I just got it..tried word association..still trying for you I think. Motor Vehicle Not Love All..prloibaly noithing to do with what the letters stand. for lol but it works:)
  • I'll take some pork rinds and a diet coke, to go.
  • You bet!! Here you go. It's on the house.
  • I need a drink! There have been some long work days as of late trying to improve this darn site. Keep'em comin' and don't skimp on the good stuff!
  • hey BL welcome!! anything you want orange bird will bring it right up:) on the house:)
  • roast pork any one?
  • could i have some ham
  • I suggest a pig killer ..great stress releiver...limit of 5 though..believe me more than that you will hate the morning lol..ty for all your hard work..greatly appreciated:)
  • @ harrystar sure thing fresh of the roaster:)
  • @birdleader do you want a late night snack..I believe there's some crispy pig's ears left...I could fry some up..I think @sunshine ( the best cook in the world) is out for the night! but I can handle it :)
  • @ harrystar np:)
  • @angrybirdsfanguy srry didn't see ya there..coming right up porkrinds and diet coke to go;)...
  • oh boy I don't know how @sunshine keeps up all day lol I got 3 customers...and am behind..God bless her :)
  • Hello @birdleader. The new site header looks good. I like the rubber duck by the pigs.
  • @all I'm out for the all enjoy!:) srry can't hang anymore 2 many pig killers I guess! very exciting day! raizing score in lotd ..great filling food.and.good.friends srry.gotta work. tomorrow! rest well all:)
    @ rd contact me tommorow if possible if not no worries :) we.will figure if out :)
  • Good morning to all of our European patrons and everyone else that will be joining us later. The food specials and Level of the Day have been updated so you can start your morning proper. My appearances will be rather scarce over the next few days. So if you need anything, contact @kathy or @sunshine. If it is extremely important, you may send me a message here if we are not friends on the social network side. If we are friends, message me there. Good luck on today's level everyone.
  • btw @mvnla2, my nickname can be described as follows:
    One of my favorite Frank Zappa songs is called RDNZL.
    Rips means that it is an awesome song.
    82 is my favorite number. I got it from one of my favorite movies, Rainman. In the diner scene when the toothpicks fall on the floor, Dustin Hoffman's character says the number 82 three times. I just love his delivery of that line. Anyway, have a wonderful day everyone. Enjoy your selves and be kind to everyone. *out*
  • Morning! Just a really quick post, have to leave to school. Had a long weekend, no school on Monday and Tuesday. Sigh. Drank lots of Angry Birds drinks. :)
  • @Mikkor glad u stopped in..srry I gotta go too many ab drinlks
  • Those roasted pig ears were delicious!
  • I'm glad you enjoyed them @birdleader. Anything else we can do for you while you work?
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