The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2807
  • That must be scary!!! ;)
  • @gumby may I have your crown for a few minutes???? Don't tell @kathy ,but she just missed another page change!!! ;D
  • *warily peeks in the window, hands covering eyes *
    *Spreads fingers ,, dares to peek*
  • Ahhh thank goodness @Sunshine changes the page!!:D
    I don't even mind about the crown , cuz you stole it from @Gumby :D
  • Great timing @Sunshine!! :D
  • @sunshine do you have a crown pic LOL
  • Aww man is getting late, gotta do my bedtime routine pretty soon :(
    But I'm my having so much fun!!!
  • Lol!!!
    I miss this banter!!!
  • @gumby I do not have a crown pic because it was always saved for the princess @kathy
  • @sunshine no worries I am @gumbycrownthief after all :)
  • I miss it too @Sunshine !!
    And thanks, lol i did earn that crown!! That was crazy, remember Estar did a graph of who changed the page the most? That was funny!! I wish we had access to the old first page write ups:/
  • @kathy and @gumby I will let you guys get some sleep. You need to rest up for St. Pat's Day after all of the St Urho's Day celebration!!!!! ;D
    Thanks for a fun night!!
  • I hate to spoil the fun, but i need to go take care of my teeth, I'll be back shortly!!
  • @sunshine sleep well, no celebrating for me until Sunday night. I work tom, Sat and Sun
  • (((((((Hugs)))))) @Sunshine I'm soooooo happy you popped in :D
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • I missed the party. Whaaaaaa!
    Nighty night @Ma
  • Taste of Home St. Patrick's Day. Celebrate the luck of the Irish with these St. Patrick's Day recipes, corned beef and cabbage, colcannon potatoes, Irish stew, shepherd's Pie.
  • @sunshine how lovely to see you!
    Wonderful food suggestions - I'm not big on cabbage if it's cooked but I do love shepherd's pie!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day :)
  • Well, hello everyone. That bit of narrative that showed up here that didn't make sense was me working/practicing on putting a memo on here. So, hoping it all comes across, here is the real, whole, thing:

    Hi Angry Birds Nest flingers. I have been off in other spaces, one of which has been muddling through to obtain my PATH OF THE JEDI SCORE ADDICT BADGE which i have just completed and sent notice and pics to @sweetP. And i made it through with only minor bumps and bruises.

    The best part of the journey was comments - humorous, WHiiiiinnne, intelligent and otherwise strategic designs; with a smattering of 'just go for it like a crazy person' ! Being a bit crazy on some levels actually made me feel better!

    I chose to show my Thanks And Appreciation here rather than notes on each level. This list shows those I remember as being frequent helpers and advisors as I tumbled through:

    @f91jsw, @bird-tester
    @bird-addict. @brave1966
    @lesleyg. @wrw01
    @kathy. @bikkit
    @karen68 @spurs01
    @amslimfordy @werewolf69
    @stocktoad. @78rpm
    @jtb. @odie
    @kimmiecv @creez
    @mvnla2 @swellD
    @sglouk @erik
    @kelani @truckdriver
    @justpast40 @crazy-rider
    @jaydee @jlz-666
    @gumby @rat

  • hey!! It finally worked - remembered this system doesn't like emojis!! It totally dumps all else out if "system" encounters one.

    I need to figure why the - (dash) isn't working where @ names have a dash in them. ? Anyone know?
  • Hey @Patz Nice to see you back!! And a Big Congrats on your Path of the Jedi badge!!
    The dash Does not work for @names in the Forum, i don't know why, really @Sweetp or @bernersenn may be able to tell you.
    @KimmieCV and I had loads of fun working our way through ABSW Twice lol, that's what it takes to get all the goodies heehee! Happy we brought you some laughs and the 'just go for it like a crazy person' heeehee!!!
    You know you get 5 points per comment, per walkthrough which improves your rank, so better off leaving your comments in each walkthrough , But that said It's perfectly fine to comment here as well, you just get no points. Bit Yeppers you can practice all you want here, feel free!!
    Also keyboard emoticons don't work here either, but you can go to and those emoticons work here as with bitmoji , again i don't know why lol
    Now have to look what my favorite cook and party bringer @Sunshine cooked up for St. Paddys Day.. although without looking I'm sure it's Corned beef and cabbage lo!!
    I can actually smell the cabbage (yuk) sorry @Sunshine lol..
  • Heehee @Sweetp , speak of the devl... Or Great minds!!
  • Hi guys,
    Pulled in by @kathy.
    I can confirm that mentioning the @admins doesn't trigger sending us a email.
    Will ask the other admins how this is working. Will report it here
  • I can't explain why a dash doesn't work, maybe @birdleader can tell us.
  • @Sweetp @bernersenn i know @Estar had Birdleader fix it so we don't have to put the dash in her name, but just hers,, everyone else with a dash doesn't get notice,
  • But @bernersenn that's just in Forum right?
    @admins works on site?
  • Ok, got it.
    There is no admin support on this BP - it is a different system.
  • Oohh O.k thanks @bernersenn :) just in the BP , works everywhere else
  • @kathy and @karen68 I have to agree 100% with both of you on the smell of cooked cabbage or cooked cabbage at all!!! ;D Happy St. Patrick's Day

    @kathy you may want to let @birdleader know about the - issue again. It's been 6 months since Slim has been to the nest, and I think he was the one that took care of things like that as well as Estar..... :/

    @sweetp I had a thought on a level for next years St. Urho's Days celebration. Something from angry birds summer picnic or summer camp. After all that's when grasshoppers are out and the grapes are growing!!! :)
  • Hey hey @Sunshine!!
    No Estar had the dash thing only fixed for her, because she is part of the BP team, i remember because i thought it would work for @jlz666 but Estar explained it was only for her!
    And ya the smell of cabbage , not for me, But the rest of your traditional meal sounds wonderful, and although I'm Irish , i won't drink Green Beer either lol!!
    Good suggestion for next year's St. Urhos challenge!! There is a forum especially for suggestions that I'm sure @Sweetp will put it on the list :D
    OB break out the Cristal, it's a celebration to have our Sunshine pop in 2 days in a row :D
    Hopefully @Lesleyg will pop in, it would be so nice to have all the ladies together again!!
    OmGiraffe i swear I'm losing my memory, i was just gonna say something and it totally went in and back out of my mind that quick:/
    Sorry I missed you up there @Pa .. I'm sure you miss all the ladies turning the pages!!
  • OB do you have any Guinness back there? Not my favourite but I could manage one today.

    @sunshine the only way I can stomach cooked cabbage is in a cabbage roll, because there's so much else going on. And yup the smell... blecchhh.

    A little Irish song...
  • @kathy I understand about the - with Ester. My point was that this part of the nest is on an old "platform" (sure I'm technically wrong). I think Slim and @birdleard had/have the only keys that can or could solve the issue. ;)
  • Better idea @Karen68 I can stand a Guiness, whadda they call that a Stout?
    Thanks for the Tunes:)
  • @karen68 I don't even like the smell of cabbage rolls. I hated when I would come home from school as a kid, and walk in the door and smell that smell of them cooking all day! Run for the woods as fast you can!!!!!!!!!
  • Ooohh @Sunshine your correct, we are the only forum (i think) that didn't move to the New 'format' platform' whatever is called lol idk.. but yes that's why.
    I'll talk to Birdleader and see if it would be to much to fix it so the dash works for everyone.
    Really Is only 6 months since slim left? Feels like forever lol.. He really did take good care of things!! That's because We always served him up his Sam Adams heehee!!
  • @karen68 love the song!
    @karen68 maybe a Killians Irish Red instead?
  • But i like being on the'old platform' so if that's the only way then I'd decide to sacrifice the - issue..? What do you think?
  • @patz nice to see you back and congratulations on being a Jedi Master :)
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
  • @kathy not much except for luckily I wasn't shot today.
  • Huh!!! Why @Gumby did something happen!!??? Who didn't shoot you??
  • @kathy I was sent to Stewart st to pick up somebody. When I got there the cops were running around with assault rifles looking in the parking garage for the customer I was supposed to pick up.
  • Here's a tune from when I was a kid - The Irish Rovers. @kathy and @karen68

    @gumby Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Cheers! :D
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