The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2805
  • Mornin' @Ma
    *I left your crown with OB behind the bar.*
  • @rat @kathy may not have power there are 23k power outages so far
  • Afternoon @Pa
    @gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????? I have power, but ya there has been a lot of outages!!
    Supposed to change to rain around 4pm?
  • @kathy they say around 4 to changeover but then I think we get the backlash of snow. 48k outages
  • Ya that's what i thought, z it will change over then backlash!! 48Thousand outages????!!!
  • That doubled in less than an hour!
  • I'm dying for a cigarette but i dont want to go outside:/
  • Space challenge today @Pa. .. Pig dipper..
    I just went and 'Tried' to clean off my car!! This stuff is heavy!
  • Thanks for the Space challenge warning @Ma but I saw it too late. Which level of Dipper was it? I wonder if I lost another 1st place. I'm down to seven in Pig Dipper now. Oh well, easy come, easy go.
  • Ahh sorry @Pa i didn't catch what level :(
    One of these days I'll go back and reclaim your trophy's for us!! After all the King and Queen will someday take back the Kingdom.
    Gonna listen to my book now for a bit, gotta work tomorrow :( Cancel that sad face I'm thankful i have a job :)
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Just for the record @Ma, I never lost the kingdom. I was sure I was going to but after three years the siege stopped.
    Nite nite @Ma
  • For those of you that celebrate Festivus, don't forget tomorrow is St. Urho's day. ha ha
  • @Pa Wwwwwhhhhiiiinnnneeee :( someone stole my trophy in CC mirror 2-1 Wahhhh!!
  • I had avoided that level because you had the trophy. That makes it fair game for me now, right @Ma?
  • Nope, still off limits. The trophy is still yours. That flinger could not possibly score 5k higher than your score @Ma. Add to that, it's their only score entered in the nest, and I call "BOGUS". I even tried PU's. Not possible.
  • Thanks for letting me know @Pa , get it if you can , but I'm flagging it and I'm telling!!
    Nah nah na na nah :)~
  • Ha ha Flag away. You have my full support. There isn't an extra 5k. There's not even an extra 1k with power-ups.
  • Flagged @Pa and note to @sweetp and @mightyred1 :)
  • And That's that!! Got my trophy back :D
  • Btw I cited your expert opinion in my post ;)
    @rat hello stranger
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??
  • I see you survived the weather!! It's soooooo cold out right now!! The wind off the water is brutal!!
  • @Gumby my boy, how's that snow treating ya?
    @Ma There are a lot of Space levels where anything is possible. But CC-1 is not one of them. There are few points, if any, available to beat your score. I keep saying that I won't take your trophy because it's your only claim to fame in Cold Cuts. But the truth is, I doubt I could tie, let alone beat your score. Well done. And I have no problem being used as an expert witness on this level.
  • @rat snow is a four letter word, it should be banned from existence
  • Now now @Gumby. I have more fond memories than bad ones when it comes to the white fluffy stuff.
  • Nighty night @Ma
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Today is St. Urho's Day, the patron saint of Finland who drove the grasshoppers out of the vineyards to save grapes for wine making, acording to legend. The color for today is purple and the drink is red wine.
    We'll be having pea soup (I'll leave the Finnish names out.), a salmon & potato cassarole, w/ cucumber, red onion, dill and sour cream salad w/ iced Finlandia and Runeberg torte for dessert.

    @stocktoad Happy St. Urho's Day!!!!!
  • @kathy, I guess it's taken care of. When I first got the email, I couldn't figure out whether you meant Cold Cuts or Cosmic Crystals. But seeing the level number had me chuckling because that was one of the first episodes in Space! Anyway, I couldn't get to it fast enough, but now I see you got your trophy back. Yaay!

    @sunshine! Hellooooo there, long time no chat! I hope you're back to stay awhile. Sure do miss you around the Nest.
  • Wow!! That's Huge!!
    @sunshine ((((((((((Hugs)))))))) so nice to see you!!
    @stocktoad Thanks for the information about St. Urhos !! I never knew!!
  • I did wear pink today :)
  • @kathy great sign!!!!! Enjoy you meal that I made!!! ;)
    @sweetp thanks!
  • Yeppers @Sunshine I'm enjoying it Thank you!! And with a nice glass of Red Wine :D
    Very interesting Holiday!
  • That sounds yummy @sunshine! Never knew that there was a special holiday for shooing the grasshoppers out of the vineyards! Who woulda thunk? LOL
    @stocktoad also sent me a message about this special day, but I don't think there's a Pig Days level that would suffice, so I'm sorry there's nothing I can do for now.

    OB, please break out the merlot, pinot, and cabernet for our guests!
  • Woo Hoo! @stocktoad and @sunshine started a BP celebration. I'm wearing purple and had a glass of red wine earlier. But OB I may take advantage of @sweetp's generous offer and have another
    @sunshine lovely to see you xx
  • @hunnybunny hi there fluffy white person
  • Just another brief meeting, @gumby I'm off to bed, after a couple of flings, of course!
  • @hunnybunny sleep well it sounds like you need some extra rest :)
  • @hunnybunny glad to see you are drinking red!
    @gumby you are the right color!!
    Happy St. Urho's Day and St. Patrick's Day!
  • @gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
    Oops @sunshine I wore Pink:( lime green _not my color lol!!
    Nighty night @hunnybunny hope you feel better soon!!
  • @kathy I think I was thinking grasshopper = green, my bad today's color is purple....I think that means E-Star color! Lol ;)
    Green is the color for tomorrow....
  • @sunshine you should see evil gumby he is purple LOL
  • @gumby lol!!!!!!! :D
  • No worries @Sunshine I thought @Stocktoad said lime green and pink..!! I was way off lol!!
    But yeppers i know for sure Tomorrow is Green, but not lime green lol Kelly green?
    I thought @Estar colors were pink and Purple? No green huh?? I'm sure your right!!
    OB why don't we all have another bottle of the Red Wine,, on the house since another partner of the BP team has popped in cause for celebration!!
    And she made a terrific meal, !! Hasn't lost her way around the kitchen :D
  • @kathy you are right @estar colors are purple and pink!!!!!
    I think another bottle of red should be had!! Cheers!! :D
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