The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2781
  • Your silly @lesleyg you look great in all of them,
    There is one we both look really short but that was because we were sitting and Dave who is tall was aiming from above us lol!!
  • AWWW! Me too @surfcow has been patiently waiting as well, how funny! I've been slammed as I said, coin toss! All of my clients want their year end statements and such, ugh!!! :D
  • *Whew* at least i managed to keep my crown

    Roflmao And No i wasn't even trying!!! Haha
  • Ughh yes need a vacation from vacation lol..
  • Yeah, you just give me a minute... I will accidentally take your PPT away...BUT, if that happens...I promise to give it back, tee hee ;-)
  • I gotta go do my stupid teeth soon, need to be at dentist at 8am then go to work late,.
    This working business is cutting into my Nest time :(
  • Hee hee Lesley no worries @gumby steals it all the time!!
  • @Pa Helooo... Where are you? ¿ did we scare you back into the walls ¿ :{
    C'mon say hello...
  • I'll be right back gotta get these choppers out of my mouth , back in 5..
  • I'm back.
  • @Lesleyg are you still fretting over pics?
    We'll have to do it tommorow, sorry I'm gotta get my but wound down for bed,,I'll be lurking for a bit, listening to my book, gotta get up early,, trust me All the pics are great, if you want we can look at them in pm, or Skype, @bernersenn said he mentioned it to you, is soooo easy ,and don't have to do face time, is just like texting!!:) we'll figure it worries
  • @Pa I'm gonna say good night now, Ya never know, my eyes will probably close.
    Nighty night ♡ hope your feeling o.k?
  • LOL! @Kathy !!! you already know me so well, hahaha ;-) I was multi tasking! trying to go through pics, tell hubby goodnight, make sure my youngest (25 year old) found his dinner plate left for him...etc., etc., And yes!!! Skype, I told Berny you knew how and he asked if I would send him request! @Kathy needs to teach me...Go figure! Tee Hee ;D
  • Heehee @Lesleyg will do tomorrow me thinks it's late now , Dreamland is calling..
    I'll shoot you a PM after I'm done with the dentist ;)
  • @Kathy, I only have a few to choose from, along with the "yatch club" which is AWESOME!!! Is it ok to post two, one with Dave one without?
  • Oh first gotta go to the playstore and download Skype , it has a Big Blue box with an S in it, there are a couple do make sure it's the blue box with the white S.. Then you set up an account , easy peàsy :) I'll talk to you tomorrow..
  • I didn't hit refresh so just saw your last post...ok we wait til tomorrow then, love you and sweet dreams!!!
  • Yes post them both, I'm fine with any of them, as long as you are that's why i didn't want to pick lol, whatever you pick will be fine with me :) after all my pic is on my very first avatar all have seen me lol;)
  • Haha gotta explain the 'Yacht ' club but will leave the suspense until tomorrow heeheeehee.,
  • Night Sweet Dreams to you to♡
  • Okey dokey pinokey! I just wanted to make sure, I'm ok with all as well, I just wanted to make sure you were too...oh aren't we just both so sickening, thoughtful and nice, rotflmao...just kidding of course, tee hee :-)
  • Haha we are , so true ....roflmao as i giggle myself to Dreamland teeeheee...
  • hahaha! I think the "yacht club" moment would be to hard to explain and fun left in suspense, hahateehee, it was so great but perhaps you had to be of those priceless memories!!!
  • The Yaawwwttt club.. Lol no your right , ya had to be there lol..
    Really going now lol ...zzzzzzzzz
  • Nighty Night...dreamland is waiting and so will the dentist be if you don't get to sleep... and wakey wakey on time, :-)
  • Mwwwahh (((((Hugs))))
    Dinger off ;)
  • Blue eyes just in case you're interested.
    Nighty night @Ma
  • You can do much better than 26th place @lesleyg.
  • Good morning guys,
    Pulled in by mentioning. Lots of stuff to read here, nice stuff.
    And of course I am waiting patiently for the pictures. As my mum always said "never disturb breeding chickens".
    I left Ragnagog behind me, not my episode.
  • Me too, @bernersenn waiting for the pictures...
    Come on @kathy @lesleyg
  • @bernersenn @hunnybunny Sorry waiting for @Lesleyg to choose which ones , I promised i would not do it with without her approval!! Although they are all great,, she is fretting about it lol, plus she probably had work today, getting dinner and family settled , in sure she'll post them tonight.. i hope...
  • @lesleyg not the one with Dave in the middle and my teeth look huge,, the other more relaxed looking one!!
  • @kathy WASSSSUUPPP
    @lesleyg nice to see you've come here once again :) Ragnahog yuck, finished with that for now.
    @hunnybunny where ya been hiding?
  • @gumby Waaassssuuuupppp????
  • @kathy not much here, I already know what you and " Mr Kathy " look like, but anxious to see the pics with a smiley lesleyg included. :)
  • Lol "Mr, Kàthy heehee
    Aww crap now my dot looks like a comma!! Gotta eat bbiab
  • I'm back... Flinging..
    OB I'll have a Strawberry Daquiri please for now, with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion :)
  • Getting ready for an early bedtime. ., pictures will have to wait until @lesleyg is ready,, i think she is busy with real life stuff atm..
    I'll be flinurking...
    Ob another please ., get blûes ready for delivery., it's cold out there, dréss them warm.,:)
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • I'm Here, I'm Here, I'm Horton yells to the Hoos!, hahaha :D Swuessshh! What a day! Followed by my brother stopping over for dinner. He just left and now it's 11:25, yikes ;( It is busy days for me this time of year...@Kathy you still around?
  • barely @Lesleyg lol , eyes were closing listening to my book, forgot to shut dinger off just dang in my ears heehee..
    sorry I'm doziñg off... but happy you dinged i totally lost my place in my book haha , gotta place à bookmarker and get my ass to Dreamland..
    Nighty night.. read your pm , about Skype @bernersenn explained better than I could
  • Hi Lesley
    Good NIGHT @Ma
  • I hear ya @Kathy !!! So Sorry to have "dung" you, hahaha ;-) No really, I FINALLY got to log on for the first time today and read all the comments...Whineyyy as you would say...seems I've missed the boat yet again...that darn "Yatch" Tee Hee!!!! Ok, really go to dreamland! I'm sorry I lost your place in book (which book by the way?) Oh, answer that tomorrow...go to sleep already, would ya! Snark :* I WILL BE IN EARLYish TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya :D
  • Hi @Rat9 !!!!! So good to see you ;-)
  • Ya know...I do love my fam but...I just had them ALL over and...then my Bro decided to stop by...hahahah that sounds terrible! I love my Bro...but Enough is Enough! Don't they realize that my AB Life matters too!!! Tee Hee, hahaha
  • Anywho...I will post the pics in the AM...I just figured out how to get them from my iPhone to my laptop...For whatever reason, my iPhone will not let me email iPad does...that's how I post screenies?!? Sooooo, I got smart (light bulb going off) and saved them to the "cloud" which is frightening cause now I don't know where they actually are, haha, but I then went to iPad and "BaM! Found them in my I emailed them to myself from iPad and Viola! There they are...sitting pretty as a picture ( no pun intended) in my inbox, so I saved them o my laptop pics and can now upload them to my Album! Whoo Hoo! so atleast that's two hours out of the way for the morn.
  • ok, well I'm off to fling, clears the mind...then to bed, nighty night! TBC
  • Are you still talking @lesleyg? ha ha
    All this talk about pictures reminded me that I still have a photo of myself in my album. I really should remove it. Don't want to scare all the young flingers. I look forward to seeing an update version of you tomorrow.
  • Oh No Mr. @rat9 ...I got one better! Here's a Pic of the REAL DEAL...Bat Woman (Me) and :"The" Bat Man (my hubby, Ronnie G) this past Halloween:
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