The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2725
  • @kathy I hate challenges like this one, a one birder and tons of luck required
  • the next sounds you will hear is @gumby snoring
  • @Gumby Did you get my message?
  • @Gumby. ..ding ding...@gumby
  • @Gumby Emergency wake up..ding your message
  • never mind lol..
  • Nighty night @gumby Sleep Well :)
  • Guess everyone is having a busy night, or sleepy night, ,seeing as there is no one here I'm going to Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee. .EE level 9 And 10 are killing me! I hate boomer and Matilda!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • Germany is a country south of UK @gumby @kathy. UK = United Kingdom. This includes Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is the big island in the north of Europe. Germany, and France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy and many more are countries in central Europe.
    Hope that helps to make it clearer. It's all smaller here than in USA
  • Good morning guys.
    @trishohara No, I never would walk on that bridge. I like mountains very much, though this is for me "a bridge too far".
    Politics? No, we not talk about politics. Neither are we Gangsters. In the walkthroughs we write things as "bomb to place/put in a specific place, followed by complete destruction". Etc.
    I think that the guys from the NSA have a hard job with following us.
  • About pictures of Wolf:
    We are going to Switzerland this saturday. This sunday there is a three yearly event that we will visit:

    The page is in german, but you can switch it to English by selecting the language in the upper left corner of the page.

    Later I will check the internet connectivity, bandwidth.
  • Have fun @bernersenn! I'm sure Wolf will love the mountains. But he's still a puppy, don't let him walk too long distances.
  • @trishohara don't be afraid. His walkings will take one minute per week. Meaning, that when he is 12 weeks old he can walk 12 minutes.
  • @trishohara I think Germany is East of the U.K.! But no point in trying to educate @kathy on Europe. We've all tried, sent her maps, fun YouTube things, but Kathy is far, far, better at flinging than geography
  • aww Max is cute. @hunnybunny Nowadays they say that a puppy should walk 1 minute*weeks s/he's old at one walk. Timmy also ran up and down hills when he was young. He never had any bone problems in his life. Peggy was already about 6 months old when we got her. But with Devon we heard this rule the first time and took it serious.
  • Lol @trishohara cute is not the word I would use for Max.
    Friendly, if you invited someone in. He'd get you to a wall, put his paws on your shoulders, and lick you to death!
    If not invited, he'd have your throat out.
    A perfect, and much missed, dog
    Doggy things done. Flinging time!
  • Bad flinging! Not made a single darned point. Bed time.
    Night night all, happy and profitable flinging, my birdy friends
  • Hello Everybody:D
    Nighty night @hunnybunny sorry i missed you:( Sweet Dreams
    In my defense @trishohara I'm learning each time someone explains Europe differently, your explanation was simple and to the point, i understood it well. I guess it's hard for me because the Americas have a defined border.. South America , Mexico, USA and Canada, the Hawaii of the west coast, and Puerto Rico off the East..Europe seems like one big continent with no definition ,, idk if just seems like lots of places next to each other but some are called The U.K and a place right next to it is not!!!! OMGiraffee I just explained it to myself lol, like Mexico is not part of the U.S!! well i kinda explained it to myself , but I Understand it better now. The one thing still confuses me is Britain and England..
    Anyway Also i did not know that about puppy's that they can only walk certain distance going by their weeks of age, interesting:\
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please and a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @hunnybunny have I caught the bunny still awake?
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!!
    And Nope you missed the fleeting Mrs. Bunny by a couple hours!!
  • @kathy dang it she's always dodging me LOL
  • Book on, teeth out, ,,whew after Monday ,i don't have to worry about swallowing them again!
    of course I'll still take them out at bedtime, but they will be secure in my mouth until I decide lol..
    Nighty night @all
  • Nighty night @Pa

    where you been, we (I ) miss you, , The Missus keeping you busy?
  • Not busy @Ma. Just not feeling well. My blasted neck has been has been acting up. After reading about your geography problems I'm not going to assume you know that the neck connects your head to the rest of your body. lol When the neck gives you problems it affects everything, including the head. Durn nerves travel both ways. ha ha
    Anyway...I've been having severe headaches and getting no sleep. I'm hoping I've started to break the cycle and am improving instead of getting worst. The next few days will tell.

    Night nite @Ma.
  • Good afternoon guys.
    @hunnybunny that 1 minute per week is a golden rule within the BMD world. Because these dogs are growing that fast, approx. 2.5 lbs per week. Their joints suffer too much when they move too much. Ending up in HD or ED.

    And indeed, getting 13 years old is very impressive for a GSD.

    Tomorrow there will be almost no flinging. Traveling and resting will be the case.
  • I think I play the wrong levels this week. Improved by 2000 points today, but that's all improvement since Tuesday...
  • @wolf!
    @bernersenn he is one top puppy!
    @trishohara what levels are you flinging? @kathy @gumby a few others and me are trying out Easter Eggs. Care to join us?
  • Yikes, forgot to mention @bernersenn in our flinging club! How could I've forgotten Theo!
    Seriously @trishohara we have a "room" where we pick an episode, fling away, share strats (good ones always posted in the walkthrough) and try to get top ten places, and beat each other.
  • Bunny: Dear OB, why on earth is Mrs Bunny sitting on the sofa, face covered in greeny brown mud, in the hope that it will make her look younger?

    OB: Dear Bunny, I've no idea, have a drink on the house, and fling your heart out. Having once removed the greeny brown mud, please
  • *poofs in to say "Hello Everybody ""
    uhmm OB Who is that uhhm person on the sofa, and why is her face covered with Uhmm Is that Green Mud?
    hmm i think I see Bunny ears lol!!
  • Soory to hear your in pain @Pa :( and severe headache no sleep:( Have you seen the Doc lately? I do worry about you:(
    @bernersenn Lol 'Hungry ' Wolf looks more like 'To tired to eat' lol
    @trishohara 2k is a nice Improvement for 3 days,,where are you flinging, and Yes we'd be happy to include you in our flinging group pm:D
    guys i really fear we've lost @mahd ..hope he's o.k. i should check his activity¿¿
  • Mud off, ears standing proud, missed my green friend (again) hope The Rodent gets better soon. Nighty night. Hugs to all xx
  • oooh @hunnybunny You look 10 years younger,,and a bit taller lol,,must be those proud ears:)
    *note to self, *find green mud *
    Sweet Dreams, ,sleep well g'nite Mrs. Bunny. ..
    And btw I bumped you;)
    @hunnybunny did you say green? maybe look more like Mrs Gumby LOL
    @trishohara yes we have a special chat room, but you have to be friends with everyone in it in order to use it ( not my rules, just the way it works )
    @rat probably twisted your neck up playing all those Space episodes. Have you tried Icy Hot or anything similar? It helps me when my neck hurts
    @bernersenn It looks more like wolf went on an hour walk, he looks sooooo tired. Adorable still thou :) I look forward to his weekly pic(s)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !
  • @kathy not too much
  • lol @gumby nmh either:( just cheated and ordered a pizza,, yummy :D
    I'm allowing myself a pizza once a week. tomorrow I am buying a Fit Bit, to count my calories intake. .ahhh can't explain it Google it, is cool:)
  • @kathy pizza isn't cheating, its actually pretty good for you- except for the cheese
  • wooot!! Just bought a new battery for my scale, yesterday at my friends house With Sneakers I weighed 80lbs, just weighed myself Without sneakers 81.6 wooot!! more then A lb. and 1/2 I gained :D i know sad right but as my nutruonist says "it didn't come off overnight, is not going to go back on over night" I'm psyched 1.5 lbs in 1 day is awesome!
    when i get my FitBit I'll do even better!
    *aww I'm embarrassed now,,turning red, at being so thin" :(
    *poof of Shame* goNe FLiNgiN. .
  • presume @gumby 'gONe sLeEpiNg'
    Sweet dreams. ..
    @all Book going on, teeth coming out,,earphones in..
    Nighty night
  • Nighty night @Pa
    hope you feel better soon :/
  • You don't have to chew milkshakes @Ma. Enjoy.
    What's an IcyHot @Gumby? ha ha ha I've never tried heat and cold together before. Well, in truth, maybe a few thousand times before. lol

    Nighty nite @TooSkinnyMa
  • @Pa I've found BioFreeze works better than IcyHot..
    Hey I gained a pound and a half call me * @GettingFatMa * Lol

    Nighty night @Pa
  • I would love to join your group and play the levels with you. What do I have to do?

    The levels I played last week were Egg Snatchers 1-15 - I would love to break 350k and Summercamp 1-1 - there I improved by 2k
  • Good afternoon guys.
    We reached our address in Switzerland safely. I'm already flinging.
    @rat sorry to hear that you suffer those pain, will it ever disappear?
    Wolf is almost dead from the trip today. He has grown that much that he can look out of the windows of the car when he raised himself. So he did, looked about 7 hours in a row through those windows. And of course, first eat, then sleep.
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