The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2724
  • Haven't read back, as tired as Wolf myself! Thanks @bernersenn we never tire of Wolf pictures
    Good night all. Last day with the girls in London tomorrow :-(
  • Hello Everybody:D Finally Dinner finished moving my father daughter to her new apt.!!
    Well moved , unpacked, old apt. Cleaned pretty much all set up for her to, Eat,sleep and shower:) That's why i went to bed so early @Pa
    Lots of work today!
    @bernersenn thank you so much for the Wolf pictures!
    Yes @hunnybunny i feel like Wolf looks in the picture as well lol
    Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams, looking forward to your return:)
  • Guess everyone is busy this day
    I'm listening ti my book bedtime soon
    OB how about a Nice strong Pigkiller with a shot or 2 of sunshine's super secret flinging stuff :)
    Thanks. .off to fling myself to sleep..
    Nighty night @Pa ♡ Hope all is well ?
  • @kathy WASSSSUUPPP
    @hunnybunny I know you are about 7 hours into your sleep by now lol
    @bernersenn OMG the picture of wolf exhausted from his walk/play time is so adorable :)
    @knichy HELLO where have you been?
    @sweetp I still haven't beaten my previous score with my strategy but I am trying :)
  • Wolf may be tired but he looks happy @bernersenn. Loved the pictures. That sure is a lot of dog! ha
    You asked for help but I don't know what you're flinging at @bernersenn. Did I miss a Space challenge? I've been out of touch. Below average? tsk tsk tsk Let me know which world/level and I'll try to help you. We can't have you below average. ha ha

    Hi @everybody. I've been playing hooky instead of Angry Birds. But I can still be found in the back booth of the BP in the middle of the night.

    It sounds like you worked hard @Ma. You're not ill, just tired.
    Nighty nite @Ma
  • oohh my not a single comment All Day! !
    Yes @Pa I did work hard, ,up and down stairs for 5 hours loading vehicles, more stairs, unloading vehicles,,unpacking, cleaning, but she is all moved in, cleaned both places, unpacked and all set to live. plus her emotional stress of the whole moving ordeal..takes a toal,anyhoo is done. .
    tommorow Dentist appt.
    I'll set up for Whine Tuesday now,
    Whoever has a bothersome level feel free to Wwwwhhhhiiinnne here on Whine Tuesday! #
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, and the table by the door*
    Free Drinks for All ,alcoholic beverages and Non Alcoholic beverages available, ,just ask OB for what you want and the blues also deliver to All episodes, All levels, ,Tuesday only,

    but of course you can Whiiiiinnneee whenever you want lol..
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please :) with a shot of sunshine's super secret flinging stuff! !
  • @all WOW it must be vacation/holiday for everybody
    @kathy WASSSSUUPP I did the dentist again today, and another appt for 2 weeks from now, good luck
    @rat hello way back there in the back booth
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !??? I'm almost ready for dreamland. .still flinging
  • I thought @hunnybunny was back today, but she must need a day off from her vacation lol
  • @kathy I just got home and haven't flung yet, but I will check out the challenge :)
  • Wth I just got logged out And saw alll kinds of ads! thank goodness I'm a certified nester, i could not deal with that!!
    Nighty night @Pa
  • LOL kathy I think you mean Uncaged
  • ya @gumby uncaged right. stop dinging me lol
    Nighty night. .
  • lovely pics from Wolf @bernersenn. He's so cute!

    I just came back from the dentist. He treated a tooth for nearly an hour. It didn't had hurt before, now it hurts...
  • Ouch! @trishohara The members map puts you in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe (@kathy I had to be that precise, so you would know where Frankfurt was lol), but you sound Irish! Care to expand? I'm interested in AB friends. If you prefer not to, as some prefer to be private, I'll understand.
    And, yes, @kathy I'm back!
    Two days in London with Mr Bunny, watching the Round the World Clipper Race final sail past. The Imperial War Museum. Got a cheap ticket to a play, and a (already purchased) expensive one to a show. Both excellent. After two days, Mr Bunny left, and the girls arrived: shopping, wine, food, shopping, wine, food, wine Yeah!
    All on foot, walked miles, and miles, and miles
    Got home last night, knackered, hot bath, nightcap, slept for nine hours
  • Thanks For the precision @hunnybunny :)
    To be clear you don't mean the game AB freinds right , you mean freinds in the Nest?
    And welcome back,, again I hope you didn't wear heels?
  • @kathy friends in nest!
    Heels worn to dinner three nights, although the last night I had "emergency flip flops" which were much appreciated. Other than that, loafers all the way! I don't do trainers, never got on with them and they make my feet stink.
    Nighty night. See you in EE tomorrow. I bumped you down today. Bet I'm bumped when I wake up!
  • Good to hear @hunnybunny gotta preseve the toesy's :)
    Nighty Night Sweet Dreams :)
  • Yikes, checked, bumped already.....
  • sorry @humnybunny; /
    @trishohara @all , dentist for me Monday, getting a proper partial,, I'm nervous ,but will be better than swallowing my 'flipper' that's what they call it:/
  • @kathy WASSSUUUUUP it seems like many of us have been visiting the dentist lately, I go again in 2 weeks
    @hunnybunny welcome back
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! Yep the BP crew been going to the Dentist, , good for a Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee! #
  • @kathy at least its been cooler for a couple of days :)
  • Yes @gumby much, although muggy a bit until tonight, is soo nice out right now, feels like fall,I love it!! No sleeping with the AC woot!!
    I have Monday and Tuesday off to get my teeth done, I'll be miserable but lots of flinging:D
  • @kathy you may find yourself sleeping a bit afterwards
  • a bit after what @gumby?

    oooh after getting teeth done,,yep most likely, ,I love to sleep lol :)
  • O.k. OB I'll take a PigKiller please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion!!
    And now I'm gonna Wwwwhhhhiiinnne. EE level 9 is bad very bad, anyone have any tips?

  • Listening to my book. .nighty night all. Fling On!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @hunnybunny my username is a phantasy name, just for internet. Trish because I kinda like that. oHara because of Scarlett o'Hara from Gone with the Wind, my all time favourite movie. My real name is Andi, and yes, I live near Frankfurt/Main. I guess your username isn't your real name as well? Great to hear you had a good time in London.

    @kathy good luck with your dentist visit at Monday.
  • Nite nite @Ma

    I still have no idea which level you were having problems with @bernersenn. I'm going to assume you've rectified the problem yourself.

    Hello back at ya @Gumby.
  • Good morning guys.
    Problems with a game @rat ? What game. Nowadays with all the games. All my skills are gone. I hope to get them back during holiday. This saturday is the big day.
  • eek! I think I would not walk that. Would you?
  • Lol @trishohara in my defence your English is so good, indeed nearly perfect, I could be forgiven for thinking that you originated in the UK. And "Gone with the Wind" long time since I saw the film, but read the book (again) earlier this year. I love Scarlet! My real name is Jac, but you wouldn't believe the people here who refer to my "rabbit ears" all the time!
    And that glass path is scary, very, very scary. I'd be on my knees after ten meters crawling back....
  • thank you, Jac @hunnybunny :-) I wished I would live in UK, but I could not yet manage it, and I guess now with the Brexit it might get even harder.
    Wow, I think you are the first one who I ever met, who read the book completely. Even my mom, from whom I got the book, only read it half.

    Regarding glass paths - the one in Tower Bridge was enough for me. I also wouldn't go to the one at Grand Canyon.
  • @trishohara I read it first aged 17 or 18. Lent it to a friend who never returned it. Mr Bunny bought me a new copy about ten years ago, read it then, and third time this year...
    And we voted "in". In BP there is no politics, but a little hug with a fellow European is not really political...
  • It wasn't meant political in any way, just saying that my dream to move to England got even more difficult. Sorry if it sounded wrong.
  • No Trish I meant I was sounding political...
  • Lol , @hunnybunny , Jac & @trishohara, Andi , ( Oh and i knew you were Andi from Twitter:)
    Neither one of you sounded political. , Just 2 folks getting to know each other.
    I would love to visit Europe, sorry my knowledge of the geography is very limited, and now with Brexit is confusing again, i don't know what voted' in' means , does that mean you voted 'in' to leave Or t stay? Anyway I'd love to visit Scotland mostly, but would love to see London and of course any place with castles!! And preferably NO GLASS Bridges!!! Agree with you both ,I would Never. How long do you think before we hear of someone falling or the glass failing, or whatever is holding up on the side of the mountain fails, or the mountain itself shifts and causing the support to fail Or a Medical emergency Or.....i could go on lol:)
    OB Ill have a PigKiller please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
    A round for everyone , whatever like!!
    Ooh Plus Jac WHAT is up with Those safety Shoes!! I wouldn't be caught dead with those things on my feet, and Why do they need them??
    Thanks @Bernersenn for the article , very interesting indeed:D
  • @kathy a small political update:
    The U.K. voted to go into the European Union in the seventies. All these years later, we were given a choice, in or out. Brexit was the name given to those who wanted out. Nobody thought they would win. They did. After so long, so many trade agreements, so many Europeans living here, working, I can't believe the Brexit won. But they did. Sad..
    On flinging: bumped you!
  • On drinking: three fingers of special stock please!
  • On shoes: never!
  • On bed: now!
  • Lol @hunnybunny thanks for the explanation of Brexit. , sorry that the vote didn't go your way,, Nighty night Sweet Dreams:)
    And Ya forget those shoes haha!!
    @Trishohara sorry that the Brexit makes your dream of going to The U.K harder, but again I don't understand the geography if Germany is in Europe , but Not part of the U.K. Ohh never mind, i kinda understand, somewhat, and i agree with Jac your English is outstanding:)
  • Hello @all lurkers if your lurking
    @smw45forever , @catsnbirds ,@bonneypattycat and others sorry of I've missed anyone
    OB please send a bottle of Crystal to the lurkers section and a non-alcoholic bottle of sparkling wine, or whatever fancy non-alcoholic bottle we have in stock.
    On the house of course:)
  • @kathy don't forget @knichy and a Blue Mongo
    @hunnybunny sleep well my long eared friend
    @trishohara is that part of Germany? sorry its been a long time since I have looked a a map
  • @gumby Waassssupppppp???
    What do you mean "don't forget @knichy" is he a lurker? Noooo he pops in from time to time when he's not working or flinging:/ And yes OB I'll h have A Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
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