The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2605
  • @kathy OH lol my brain is frazzled. Isn't sweet p an admin?
  • What's the tally page? The one that says "New High Score"? or the page at the completion of the level before it goes to the new high score page?
  • @rat the tally page is at the end of the level with the score and the stars.
  • A Gumby attack on my Space Kingdom? I'm not sure I'll live that long @Gumby.
  • @rat lol yeah maybe not, because I am doing Star Wars in between challenges and work. So you may be in luck :P
  • How do you know that's the tally page @Gumb? I couldn't find a reference to it. And what happens if you flub the picture capture? I've done it before.
  • @rat because thats the page where the score tallies up. and my question is kinda the same, can you replay it and take a screenshot afterwards as it would still show the highscore.?
  • So do I need to warn Wickett that you're about to beat him @Gummy?
  • @rat NO don't warn him LOL.
  • @rat wicket and I are co-leaders on Tattoine 1-29 although it lists him as top scorer.
  • OK @Guppy.
    I keep expecting you to say "I'm Gumby Dammit".
  • @rat LOL I am Gumby Dammit and Im using the sneak up and take over the world method. Nobody sees me.
  • @Gumby Out of 283 levels in Star Wars, you have tied Wickett on one level. I know he has to be worried. That's a very stealthy attack. ha ha
  • @rat Yes tied for top score thou, and many not entered even many more not played, so He/she will be safe for a while.
  • @Gumby If you want to see what an attack looks like. Look at @Sglouk's scores in Space Cold Cuts. Now that's an attack!
  • Good question! The answer is yes, @gumby. It would show the previous high score.
  • @rat he's coming for you. I think I saw him with some D-con lol
  • :( can't do challenge anymore tonight I left my phone charger in the taxi :( :( :(
  • hard to believe not 1 challenger has broken into the top 20.
  • Yes @gumby @sweetp Is an admin, and I see she answered your question, but it can't hurt to also add @ admins in case sweetp isn't online, @ admins notifies them all
    Yes @Pa that is the tally screen, with the stars , your current score and previous best score:) can't photoshop that, weeelll technically someone probably could but at least it shows pu's
    Never going to be able to absolutely determine someone's score, but that's why we are members of the Nest, and we get to know each other and build relationships, rivals and acquaintances based on a time of getting to know ones character, based on honesty and trust
    Trust is the hardest human emotion to give to another. That's how We know each other doesn't cheat:)
  • Wow that was almost philosophical! Lol:)
  • @kathy whaddya have for breakfast an encyclopedia LOL
  • Nighty night all..
  • Night @Pa
  • Night Ma
  • @rat Maybe all the people who use someone's strat to improve their score should donate 10pts to the strat's owner. Cosmic Crystals 7-23 is a good example where you (and later comex with his vid) made everybody's life much simpler, including mine.

    You still have a lot of supplies in Beak Impact, around half of the total, it seems. It is only if/when those start to dwindle that you may consider yourself under siege (btw, @burpie is still much closer to you than me). But as I said, it is unlikely to be a project for this year: I just don't like Beak Impact. Reducing the gap in Pig Dipper and Brass Hogs, which I do not like much either, btw, shall keep me busy for months, not to mention Cosmic Crystals where I have been stuck since weeks (anyone said "single pebble theory" here?). At least I made it recently on Pig Bang 1-23, the level that almost drove @happyshake nuts. But still a lot of work to do till top spot there.
  • Hello ! 6 months that I didn't return on ABN...
  • Heloo @Zacks flock!! Long time !! Welcome back:)
  • @kathy WAAASSSSSUUUP. Ya its Friday but that doesn't mean very much when ya work on Sat and Sunday. Its TGIS for me, LOL Mon and Tues are my weekend :)
    @hunnybunny I used to have Eddie airbrushed on the back of my denim jacket :)
  • and we totally forgot Blues night this week :(
  • @gumby Wwaaasuuuppp!!
    And Yeppers we sure did forget Blues Nighg, and Wwhhiinne Tuesday:/
  • Never heard of him @hunnybunny ,@gumby
  • @Zacksflock Thats it we are gonna have to dock your pay. 6 months absence is inexcusable in this work environment LOL. Hello and welcome back :)
  • @kathy Eddie is the fictional mascot of the band Iron Maiden, kinda looks like the Cryptkeeper on crack.
  • @sglouk congrats on the new puppy and top score on the level
  • Oohhh Thanks @gumby ,I think when I was young er I heard of them, do they sing 'In a gadda da vida' lol That's old , never thought of heavy metal back then but I did listen to a lot of stuff like that, Is Metallica considered Heavy Metal? Yes I'm old lol We just called it Rock n' Roll:!
    Black Sabbath ¿
  • @hunnybunny you're speakin my language. I was covering Iron maiden back in the early 80's! Run For the Hills, Flight of Icarus. I had big hair and I wasn't afraid to fling it!

    And @Kathy, not that I would, but I could. Photoshop anything, that is. It's what I do for a living. I take crappy vacation photos off the internet and turn them into beautiful 3D models of buildings
  • Uhmmm @knichy ?? I wouldn't think you would Photoshop anything:/?
  • @kathy no Ina Goda Davida was Iron Butterfly not Iron Maiden, and Metallica is more like hard rock.
    @knichy could ya photoshop me up a few billion dollars and run it thru a 3-D printer so it becomes real :)
  • Ohhhh lol thanks @gumby I got the 'Iron' part right anyway lol
    And ya @knichy i second that request, small bills please:) and I'll settle for millions , don't need billions:)
  • Now If you could Photoshop me a bird that could Actually Hit where I aim and magically insert it into Summer Pignic ...hmmm Nah that'd be PU , I'm all set cancel that order!
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
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