The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2601
  • To take your mind off Rovio and crap updates, the wonderful lyrebird:
  • God 2 you backed up yesterday @hunnybunny Before update I hope?
    Think @Karen68 meant me concerning Ham Dunk, My All Star and Finals episodes are missing;(
  • Loove the @lyrebirdpage changer :)
  • OMGiraffe @hunnybunny roflmao That bird is awesome, can imitate anything haha, even a chain saw, and just the sounds, like the camera wow!
  • Goodnight all. Happy flinging xx

    OB get the girls on the other side of the pond some drinks, my tab
  • Tooooo ccccccold tttttto fffffffling!
  • @kathy 53 @hunnybunny 55 and Mr Bunny 59
    @rat dont freeze to death out there
    @jlz666 ya bigger screens must help a lot
  • @kathy glad I haven't done the update for Seasons. I think Ill wait. I already lost all my scores once.
  • Thanks @gumby :D I knew i like you for a reason lol:) put it this way , in my album is a pic of me, my first avatar in a garden that was 5 years ago!
    And Ya don't update until they (someone) has some answers, and straightens this mess out!!
    Its freakin' coooild outside, tomorrow is gonna be worse, gonna be - 2° with a real feel of-24° at 9a.m brrrrrrr @knichy you tooo !! Uhmmm don't tell me you only fling outside while smoking, why would it be to cold to fling for you?
  • @gumby spot on for Mrs Bunny
    @kathy and Mr Bunny are rubbing their hands in glee! Mr Bunny 62, Kathy can reveal or not
    Now I'm really off to bed....
  • @hunnybunny either Im really bad at math or your equation was off
  • You got it backwards @gumby ,reread @,hunnybunny post and guess again lol, mind you I look much younger than i am, and act as young as feel:) *hint* I'm 15 years older than BF ;)
    And to me age doesn't matter your as young as you feel:)
    Alright I give , I'm 29 again!!! Heee heeee:)
  • @kathy Ya not ready to lose any more scores, and dunno how to get a 61k score on Tattooine 1-36 Im stuck at 59k. I must have the wrong aiming point or something, maybe off a little?
  • @kathy I thought you were Forever 21
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny
    Thanks for the drink :) Sweet Dreams
  • Well i can't really pull off the 'Forever 21" @gumby so I'm forever 29 lol, well maybe forever 39...
  • Has anyone figured out which Fairy Tale each level represents in FH
    I found a !list someone posted

    1 – Jack and the Beanstalk
    2 – ?
    3 – Rapunzel
    4 – Three Little Pigs
    5 – Snow White
    6 – Aladdin
    7 – Peter Pan
    8 – Cinderella
    9 – Hansel and Gretel
    10 – Princess on the Pea
    11 – Pinocchio
    12 – ?
    13 – Little Mermaid
    14 – Alice in Wonderland
    15 – Winter Queen
    16 – Sleeping Beauty
    17 – Pied Piper
    18 – Frog Prince
    19 – Ali Baba
    20 – Bremen Musicians
    21 – Thumbelina

    Golden Egg – ?
    Golden Egg – ?
  • Not sure how close it is to episode?
  • @kathy whats FH and ya I got it backwards ( 57 )
  • Fairy Hogmother the new seasons update , and yep you got it:)
  • @kathy I read it too quickly LOL I am super tired too. 162 miles today
  • I'll look at tatoonie 36 for ya @gumby, can't open SW atm my tablet is charging, but maybe i can help by looking at walkthrough, I'll try anyway
  • 162 miles, wow!! @gumby Well you'll be busy the next couple days, all those people that usually take the bus are gonna be coughing up cab fare lol. To bad Monday is a Holiday, or you'd be driving peeps to and from work!! Oohh and the kiddos are on vacation as well: (
  • @kathy Mondays don't matter to me I am off :)
  • @kathy I think @rat has become an Ice sculpture. And I think this level is one thats gonna take forever to get into top 10
  • @Gumby The Rat hasn't been outside long enough to become an ice sculpture. When your fingers start out numb, it doesn't take you long to feel the frostbite. I've been inside where it's toasty.
  • @rat good to know your not frozen out there :) If you are anywhere near where Kathy and I are, then its really cold outside.
  • @all -- Gaah! And I only thought I lost Penguin Day. Haven't checked anything else.
  • @mvnla2 :( hope ya haven't lost too much
  • I hear ya on the frostbite @Pa , once you've had it, forget going out in the cold, especially smoking. My fingers literally turn white and numb, gotta run them under water to get the color back and feeling back: ( although lately I've been drinking Superbeets and my circulation has greatly improved:) still is to cold to smoke, tomorrow worse: (
    So you have Every Monday off @gumby ? Wish i did !! I don't like Mondays!
  • @kathy YA every Monday off, but I work every Saturday and Sunday
  • I suggest you open your PD levels @mvnla2 they are all renumbered starting at 3-15
    And recheck your episdodes make sure your not missing any!!
  • Mine aren't numb from previous frostbite Ma. Just nerve impingement.
  • Has anyone else had problems with activation? About a fourth of the time my ipad screen doesn't acknowledge my left thumb. Very frustrating!
  • @kathy finally in the 60k now just gotta get another 1 or 2 k lol
  • @rat I have that issue a lot with Matilda
  • I've had frostbite and hypothermia @Pa so the cold really gets to me, but I tell ya the Superbeets really help with circulation. Idk about nerve impingement:/
  • I wish we'd hear Some word from @admins about this mess of an update!!
  • @Kathy -- I'm afraid to look. Maybe Rovio will fix it before I do.
  • Hopefully they fix it soon @mvnla2 :(
  • Ironically, beets are one of the few foods I hate. That...and cilantro.
  • Sorry to hear that @pa But Superbeets is a drink you can order , its a powder , or i think you can get in pill form (not sure,) but the drink powder i have is Black Raspberry flavor ( I think ) it might be black cherry well whatever is pretty good, you only need 1 tsp. And 4 oz of water and you just drink it like a shot !! Then if you don't like it you just drink a gulp of water after, really since I've been drinking it, I've had more energy and my circulation is much improved:)
  • Thanks Ma. I'll look into it now that I know it isn't nasty tasting beets.
  • Really @Pa check it out, I'll find the website for ya and pm ya tm.
  • Btw whats cilantro? Thought it was a spice?
  • It's a leafy herb. Found mostly in Mexican dishes and salsas.
  • Oohh hmm no wonder I've never heard of it @Pa ,I don't eat that spicy Mexican food , or salsa:/
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