The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2566
  • @kathy lvl 1 180450 rank 30
  • @kathy its one of my better scores on the advent
  • Well @gumby your in the top 100: that's not too bad, you just need the 3 P's you'll do better:)
  • @kathy the 3 P's pray, whine and luck only 1 has a P in it
  • @Gumby Pratice, Patience,and Persistence and I forgot the 'D' Determination!
    The wise advice of aDear friend and great flinger @Wrw01 :)
    And Whining helps lol:)
  • @kathy yea and luck helps LOL so its 3P's a D a W and an L, LOL
  • Lol @Gumby yeppers 3P's a W and an L hmm we only need a vowel maybe we could make an acronym haha! Oh by the way it helps if you Pray to the AngryBirdsGoddess sometimes she takes pity
  • @kathy so 4 p's a W and an L LOL
  • What's the 4th P @gumby¿
  • Ahhh Pity from the ABG yes I wouldn't count to much on that lol
  • @kathy actually it was for pray
  • Oh yeah @gumby hmm your right! Darn gotta check that 3 Pb again, pretty sure i got it right by @wrw01 but hmm yep we gotta add a P..jessh this list is gettng long and still no vowels.
  • @kathy maybe Vanna White can sell you some
  • I gave up on 22, back to working on 6:( this is where Patience comes in , waiting for that left tower to fall is killing me.
    Just about bedtime, actually past bedtime 1 and a half more days of work then 10 days off:D
  • @kathy 2 days 24 hours work then 1 day off LOL I wouldn't know what 10 days off is in a month LOL
  • Haha @gumby If she pops in be sure to ask her
  • Awww @gumby guess I'm lucky, work for a company that shuts down twice a year, fourth of July and Christmas :) I love it! Paid as well:)
  • @kathy sweet deal. I will be crashing soon as well I gotta be up at 5
  • Nighty night, I'm gonna fling a couple more then pass out with tablet in hand probably lol
    Have a great day tomorrow @gumby
  • Night @Pa wherever you are♡
  • @kathy ok sleep well and try not to break the tablet lol. have a great day as well :)
  • Thanks @gumby :) its insured;) night
  • I was in the corner crying because I let the team down. I'm out of the top ten. Oh woe is me.

    Good night @Ma

  • @mvnla2 Amazing - I was saying to myself "Angry Birds"! -:)
  • @kathy
    Thanks for the compliment, good night dear friend.
  • Hello guys
    Just a short pop in. This Seasons episode is for me one large Challenge. Argh. I started very well, then suddenly, luck and skills disappeared. Gone, Away.
    Therefore to have the damage a little bit controlled, much flinging and less talking.

    Answering my questions:
    @Hunnybunny Level #14 did kill me, it still does. How on earth is it possible that just one player can put that OB on the right place. No doubt about the score of Klara, but WHY will this bird not go on his right spot?

    @Kathy @Rat those cloud updates are horror. In November I lost most of my scores. I cleared that out with @Estar. It means that it is what it is. I had a backup of a few weeks ago, restoring them would mean that I lost a lot of scores of the Eggsnatchers Episode. So I let it for what it is. No chance to get your scores back. Answer from Rovio, roughly "we're said about what happened, but cannot do anything about it".

    Well, ok, that is it for me.

    Of course I want to wish everyone here a very happy and warm Christmas. New Year wishes are coming next week.

    Happy flinging
  • @kathy @mvnla2 cook the turkey, take it out of the oven, put it on a plate, cover loosely with tin foil, throw a couple of tea towels, an ordinary towel, the oven gloves, whatever, over it. It will sit there happily for at least 90 minutes. And tastes better for resting there.

    Turn the oven up to its highest heat. Throw some oil, dripping, or best of all: goose fat, into a tray. Let the oil/fat get really hot. Throw in the peeled spuds. Turn them around to get them covered in the greasy stuff! Turn halfway through cooking. Tiny about 10 minutes Big 20. Keep your eye on them. The timings of the roast potatoes are critical. Everything else can wait.

    And I hope by now you've saved your turkey juices for the gravy.

    I serve mine with roasted parsnips, carrots, sprouts with chestnuts and bacon, and this year ( for a guest who doesn't like parsnips) cauliflower cheese.

    End of cookery lesson.

    I think I'm a much better cook than flinger....
  • @rat buck up, you are a top flinger
    But your just teasing us, as always....

    @bernersenn Happy Christmas to you and your family, including those beautiful dogs

    Sorry if I missed anyone. Christmas prepped out LOL
  • Oops, sorry @gumby (hug) @tompuss (hug)
  • @hunnybunny thank you. Wishing you the same.
    @rat I read in the walkthrough today that it is a pixel thing. Automatically I was thinking about you. Come on, get it.
  • @bernersenn which level is a pixel thing? 14? @Pa get that pixelator running, maybe you need to oil it? Or a fine tune up?
    I'm off ti get ready for a party i don't want to go to bf boss party ,ughh no flinging for me, then work party brunch tomorrow then family here on Friday argghhh 3 days of no flinging:(
    Thanks @hunnybunny for the Potato instructions, but hmm I'm cooking a Ham
  • @kathy lol, I could use a tune up on most of these levels. This episode turned out as I thought it would be.
    The pixel thing is the today game #23. Go to the walkthrough and search for "pixel". If anyone can save our but, he can.
  • @kathy much the same instructions for a ham...
    Have a great time at your parties, seem to remember you not wanting to go last year and then enjoying yourself
    Goodnight, God Bless xx
  • @hunnybunny thx HUGS back :)
  • K seems I've missed everyone, partys over, dragged bf ouuta there before he drsnk to much, yep I'm a party pooper lol,
    @bernersenn I can't find any mention of pixels on today's level 23¿??
    Pa??? Anyway n I've only have 2 stars:(
  • It's not my skill level that's holding me back Mrs. Bunny, As I said at the onset, it's limited fling time. My cervical issues won't let me play for very long before shutting down body parts. And I like having functional pieces parts. Too many (MOST) of the levels require R&R while waiting for the magical points to appear. I can't wait. I said I'd try to help the team, not carry it. Where are you? You should be taking advantage of my situation to beat me on this episode. ??? I keep expecting the bunny to hop over me. Come get me!

    @Ma @bernersenn The pixelator is in the shop to adjust the focal point and increase the magnification. It won't be available for months. It's delicate work. Akin to neurosurgery.
  • :( Dammit @gumby if Your gumby Why can't you fix Pa's pixelator!!
    Pa I only have 2 yeppers 2 TWO stars in today's level!!!
    Somebody help me, and I told my daughter she is getting baked potatoes dammit I Am gumby!!
  • If I see that last chance thing again I'm tossing my tablet!! And it's Raining *sigh*
    OB I'll have something... You decide, my decision making skills are out the window, soon to be followed my 2 tablets And a phone!
  • Wooot got 3 stars!! Helps to whine.. Barely got 3 though, and whats up with the 3 star minimum not being at the top, first the related video link gone, now the 3 star minimum:( I understand @Birdleader maybe trying to save space but those were Good things: (
  • Sorry I wasn't around to help ya with level 23 @Ma.

    Good night.
  • @kathy here is the pixel comment:

    greybrow53) on Dec 23, '15 at 2:57 am → Score: 243,550
    The low fling is more effective but needs pinpoint accuracy. Stella has to literally clear the first structure by a pixel or two.

    Happy Christmas to all of you
  • @Kathy, In reference to the note above:

    2Ps=Patience & Persistence
    3Ps=Patience, Persistence, Practice
    4Ps=Patience, Persistence, Practice & Persuasion (help from another)
    5Ps=Patience, Persistence, Practice, Persuasion & Pray
    5Ps & B=Add a little Booze to the mix

    To all in the BP, Have a great holiday season, hope it is relaxing time spent with family and friends
  • Happy Christmas Eve everyone. :)
    @wrw01 I like the new "5Ps & B" , a great addition to the list.

    @hunnybunny thanks for the cooking lesson - I'm convinced that those of you across the pond are born with this innate ability to make perfect roasted potatoes. My English grandmother made them & they were always soooooo yummy, & though I've tried many times to duplicate them, they're never as good as hers.

    I've got my hubby's family coming to dinner so I'm off to bury myself in the kitchen. I'm doing a ham, which thankfully isn't as much work as a turkey. Time to make the cake for dessert then a couple of the sides to heat up later.

    OB could I get a large black coffee please? Have a great day all.

    My favourite Christmas tune -
  • @all Happy Christmas Eve!

    @karen68 Lovely performance! Thanks so much for sharing -:)

    "Till" Christmas!

    Aled Jones: "O Holy Night":

    For all of you slaving over a hot stove: Holiday dinner party, with lyrics -:)

    Letter to Santa discovered 30 yrs later:

    "Where are you, Christmas?" by the Piano Guys:

    Grand finale: stunning carol performance:

    @bernersenn, @all

    Nothing to do with Christmas but oh! so beautiful:
    Mountains, Mighty Eagle, music by Philip Glass from his "Tirol Symphony" - wow!

    Happy holidays!
  • Anyone hyped for chrismas?
  • And Again I spelled your name wrong sorry:(
  • O.k here is a laugh for all..
    well you All know my Hoodoo Phone, well my new tablet (for ABN only)( well kinda only) has caught the disease, right in the smack middle of a pm or l it went wonky on me, every time i tried to type a next sentence, the cursor kept typing over a paragraph above, sooooo me thinking i could finish said paragraph went on the Real computer, my pm wasn't there, duh, i had not hit send, well the Real computer is still trying to send my re-typed pm ,I resorted to my phone lol which although has Hoodoo voodoo, at least It's quick :D
    Just home from work party, i give up and I'm off to fling!
    Will catch up shortly ,my finger is getting tired and i need to get some flingjng done!
    Merry Christmas Eve to all
    OB drinks on the house :D I'll have a Mimosa ,made with Cristal please:)

  • HAPPY CHRISTMAS to my birdy friends xx

    Track Santa here

    No flinging till Boxing Day...
Post in the New Forum!