The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2480
  • Do different devices have more pixels than others? Stupid question yes.. but on BI 8-29 trying to follow @kelani great pic..i know where i need to hit BUt that is not a choice I'm either a pixel high and miss or a pixel low which always leaves a piggie somewhere !
    OB a SpacePigKiller please
  • @Kathy, thanks…but the wheels have to break to even have a chance of truck self-destructing, correct?
  • Oh ok, n/m…I see what's happening here…the wheels brake at some point and the truck shoots up and is supposed to leave the gravity field. Except it didn't for me -- it just fell down on the planet. Few more tries then I give up.
  • Sorry @fenikus I hadn't looked at the level you were speaking of, there is another level with the cart i was thinking of that the wheels need to be intact for the destruction. bad carry on Feirce killer of swine..
  • @Kathy, ya -- looks like we're on levels 29 of two entirely different episodes ;-)
  • Lol @fenikus yep..*sigh* its frustrating that i have all the BH levels 3 starred but the last 5 are still locked ! Do you have all unlocked yet? Does anyone or are we all playing the date/green arrow skIp ahead ?
  • @Kathy, yes -- I had all 30 levels unlocked since Sunday. I used the date/time trick to speed up through daily missions.

    @Rat, are you not getting the 9-29 truck to even start shaking uncontrollably until the wheels break? It happens pretty consistently for me after few minutes but it just doesn't have enough oomph to leave the gravity field.
  • Thanks @fenikus I'll have to be more active on my date/green arrow thingie. . Just some impossible 10 point missions I've been getting and to many 2-3 pointers :(
  • Yeah, I gave up on 10 point missions at about 300 point mark because they suck you in and waste too much time (though I did improve 2-3 Beak Impact scores this way). I just concentrated on completing 2-3 point missions and in about 2 hours I was at 360 points.
  • Kk ty @fenikus I'll just keep trying the 2-3 pointers and get there eventually :/
    Ya and you just made me think about that! The points to unlock kkeep going up each time right?
  • @Kathy, not really -- the amount of points between levels does increase the higher with levels you go, but ultimately you just need to get fixed 360 points and you're done.
  • @Rat, you keep laughing, but I now entered scores for 7 levels and beat you in all of them. Got 5th place just above you in 9-29, which is really the top score among those that didn't get the truck self-destruct. You better fix that pixelator or you'll be crying soon instead of laughing...
  • Night Pa♡
  • Morning Ma

    @Fenikus I've never seen the 9-29 glitch. On my iPad Air2 the car bounces, loses both wheels and lands on the planet every time. The android users tell me it lands with one or two wheels intact, travels a little further, then explodes. Don't know.
    Great flingin' on the levels you've posted. Me, I'm flingless for the fourth day in a row. Let me know before you usurp my Kingdom. I'll have my crown polished up nice and shiny for you. ha ha
  • Well OB it's Friday and no one here tonight i guess:(
    I'll have a SpacePigKiller please :) my keyboard still crazy is the stupid word prediction but i need it on in order to swipe or else i gotta hit letter by letter and that takes even longer:(
    Hope everyone is having a super Friday!
  • Wow! 2 posts all day! Hope everyone is having a good time.
  • Brrrrrrrrrr
  • Night Ma
  • Hellooooo-ohhh? one here, or silently lurking in the shadows.

    OB, a large mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows, please. Had a bad start to the weekend, starting last night so I'm cold, tired, and my muscles ache.

    Poor hubby thought he lost his phone last night when we went to grab some dinner. I thought he was going to lose all of his marbles, he was sooooo mad!
    Tried tracker locating and calling it, activating the screamer (Lookout Security), downloading the data and contacts to PC, and calling the cell carrier to disconnect the phone. Then figured it was turned off because there was no ping back when trying to locate it again. So, this morning went on to do errands, and ended up at Home Depot. As we were getting out of the car, HWDNF hands me the phone, and I looked at it and it was HIS PHONE! LOL, LOL. He swears he didn't see it last night when he checked the car THREE times! Whew, glad that ordeal was over.

    Now we can relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend, since the weather will be much warmer than the past few days, so it's time to RIDE! Woot-woot!

    Have a good weekend @all!
  • Oh @sweetp you're a credit to your name and a better wife than me ;) Talk about tolerance and understanding :O
    My hubby would have had zero sympathy and I'm afraid in this family friendly pub I can't say what I would've called him lol! Trust me it goes both ways and he wouldn't have let me forget it either ;) Hope you're feeling better soon and can hit the road with aplomb! Enjoy your weekend x
  • Thank you @JLZ666. I actually called him a goofball stinker before I handed it back to him! When he saw it was his own phone, he gave me that "look" of embarrassment, confusion, and shock all rolled into one split second! When we came out of the store, I started laughing and told him it was really a SENIOR moment he had. He gave me a sheepish grin and said he wasn't amused, but admitted it would be quite a funny story in the future. Kinda like looking for my sunglasses when it's on top of my my head...

    Don't know if we get to go for a ride today, but it's going to be warm so got some gardening in mind, after I bathe and groom all four dogs!

    Hope you have a fun weekend!
  • @burpie, will ya stop spamming my email box with them sheriff emails ;-)
  • @fenikus, You grabbed my highscore on 9-27, I grabbed yours on 9-5.We're the same. Well, almost... I post detailed strategies and thank-yous on the walkthrough pages whereas you mostly post questions ;-)

    I'm done with Brass Hogs for now - I hit my target of 3.2M for the episode to secure my nr. 2 spot overall. I'm heading back to my chess server for a while.
  • After five days of no flingin', I was starting to get worried @Burpie. Great flingin'. Hopefully I'll be flingin' again soon, as @Fenikus is making a run on me as well and I don't see him stopping at 3.2M. He's not doing too bad considering he's a Rio flinger. lol
  • Ouch @burpie, that stings ;-) Well deserved though because I have been lazy about posting in walkthroughs.

    So you're a chess player, too? I tried playing online for a while but it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as playing in person.
  • @Rat, you won't have to worry about me for a good while -- I've got a new job that keeps me real busy so I'm mostly a weekend warrior right now. I do hope you get back to your 100% flinging capability soon -- it's more fun beating you that way ;-)
  • Hi @all -- Is anyone playing the last bunch of Ham Dunk? I have 3* on all except 4-2 and 4-9, and all feathers (well, ball bags) except 4-12.
    On 4-2 I don't think anyone has gotten 3* without a glitch, and the glitch doesn't work on my iPad, either because its too old, or because it still runs IOS 7.
    I'd be tempted to switch to 8 except for the fact that the mirror levels are in full color with IOS 7.
  • @Fenikus I don't enjoy playing normal time controls online either but I do find blitz games entertaining. My main hobby changes every few years. Before chess and Angry Birds it was answering camera questions on Yahoo Answers.

    Fenikus, best wishes in your new job. @Rat9, I hope to see you back in fighting form soon. I'll be lurking for your banter and walkthroughs ;-)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • Back home in the cold weather, but today was the best February day the UK has ever offered. Cold, clear, sunny, no wind. A lovely walking day.

    @sweetp nice to know I'm not the only one married to a forgetful old git!

    @rat @burpie love watching you two battle it out in Space (@fenikus go, boy, go!)

    @JLZ666 judging by the accents in Tenerife, Scotland must be empty!

    Night all. Sleep tight. Ready for piggy destruction in the morning.....
  • I know you're happy to be home @HunnyBunny but I hope you had a fantastic time in Tenerife. Time to pinch the p's again for the next trip.

    Not much of a battle Mrs. Bunny. Today's the first day I've flung in six days. @Burpie (50k) and @Fenikus (?) have eaten away most of my lead. But you know me, I like it close. It gives them a false sense of security. lol
  • Welcome Back @hunnybunny :)
    Ob I'll have some crispy pig ears and a SpacePigKiller ty :)
  • @mvnla2 I'm a bit late to the party as only played and entered my scores yesterday. I couldn't for the life of me realise why I couldn't get 3* on level 2 (have a score of 93k & 1*) Finally I went to walkthrough and wow! What a mess. I've had a mini glitch I guess where it bounced 3 times but after hours of trying I can't get it to do it again. I'm on iPhone 6 iOS8 so either I just suck at it or the glitch doesn't work for me. Thank goodness we can't post our scores for it seeing as Ernor reached 1 billion lol!
    @hunnybunny That doesn't surprise me in the least! I had 3 clients last week heading off to Tenerife. It'll only get "worse" from today as the schools are on holiday for a week. You are so right about the weather,it's been stunning. Very cold but crisp and frosty with gorg blue sky and sunshine. Our sunset on Saturday night was without a doubt the most beautiful I have ever seen. It even made the BBC news! The pinks,purples and blues then led into blood red,it was jaw dropping. Stupidly we just stood on the deck gawping at it but lots of people posted their photos online so I'll try to find one. Yesterday we took advantage of the day and went for a long walk around Loch Leven then stopped at a lovely wee restaurant for a bowl of smoked haddock chowder and crusty bread! What a perfect Sunday. Long may it continue :D
  • anyone awake? been up for the last three hours, should have come here for compny.
  • Hi @jkhab69 Yep,awake but about to start preparing lunch so can't stop. Hope someone pops in for you!
  • @JLZ666 Now that's a sunset! Wow!
  • Hello @Jkhab69. I hurt my neck trying to look at your putty tat.
  • Wow @jkhab69 If the black spot on his nose was smaller he'd look remarkably like my boy. That's also his favourite pose ;)
    @rat Now I see the photos in here,they look fake but hand on heart that's how the sky looked. I've never seen colours like it. I'm never without my phone and yet I chose to stand and look at it instead of photographing it? Fail :(
  • That is looking out my front door:(
    good thing is no work today:)
  • Oh my goodness @kathy! Yikes :( That is an impressive amount of snow. Thank goodness you didn't attempt to go to work. We would've lost you in the driveway! Is there more to come?
  • Yep @jlz -666 Still coming down and will continue till tomorrow morning:(
    we have at leasr 4 feet already. Then another storm coming Thursday!
    no where to put it even though we have a huge Ocean lol.. the environmental's wont allow dumping it in there, which makes absolutely no sense to me:/
  • @jlz666 what a sunset. I've only been to Scotland once, as a child, but with views like that, a walk along Loch Leven and smoked haddock chowder, we may be there soon!
    @kathy I love the snowy picture, it looks like it's black and white, until you look closely. I have one, here, similar, but mine's frost. They look good, but dreadful if you can't get out the house. Will post soon.
    @jkhab69 nice cat, although I'm more of a dog person!
  • @estar what did I do wrong in trying to resize the picture? I tried changing the 640x480 to 320x240 and just got a blob with a cross in the middle, instead of a smaller picture. Guess I'm still a little computer illiterate....
  • Wow @hunnybunny that's a cooool pic in both ways! never seen anything like that either!
    very perfect frost formation almost like sculptures
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