The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2351
  • Thanks @Mumsie my niece out beautiful i agree. .I guess me and sis do look a little alike.. we both take after Dad.but i have more Mom in me..
  • @Kathy reload the page.
  • Ohhhhb THAT COUNT !! WooooooooHoooooooo!!!!!!

    OB Drinks For Allll!!! *breaks out the Cristal*
  • Thanks @Kelani !!!! Wow you've been preparing! !! Mwahhh ty !!
  • @Kathy I sure have. Not helped by the fact you're chatty kathy one day, and quiet kathy the next :)

    lol. that is a LOT of posts. I dunno who's in second place, but if it's me.. I'm 15,991 behind you :)
  • Good job @kelani

    Thanks for the drink @kathy
  • @kelani check @kimmiecv got to be 2nd
  • Ahem...*clink clink*
    First off this wouldn't have been possible if not for all you loyal patrons. .and i give great thanks to All.. through good and bad we've been here for each other. .struggling from fling to fling and rejoicing inn each other's triumphs over the pigs And real life struggles!
    It means the world to me (the virtual world) that Ripsy and i created a place where flingers from
    All over the world could come together and be friends! !
  • Lol there's chatty Kathy for ya kel..haha i looved that doll..
  • @hunnybunny I believe you're right. She's got 11,193

    It's easy to check, just click their name above their post. On the Comments tab is a blue bubble with a large number in it. :)
  • Good Giraffe, @kelani you've made 4000 comments in the BP since when did you first come in?
  • Also thanks to @Team BP
    And the admins that let us keep on going

    Thank you! !:)
  • @Kathy I just know the name. Those were made from 1959-1965, so a bit before my time :)
  • Ya @Kelani, are you trying to dethrone @Kathy? I came to BP soon after you and only have 1,500 posts.
  • @hunnybunny I showed up in here around March 20, and you can blame @Kathy @Rat and @mvnla2 for it, because they mentioned it while chastising me for ranting in the Danger Zone 22 walkthrough :P
  • Lol @kelani I forgot about that. .
  • Time for battery change. .brb
  • @fenikus well, you joined ABN four months before me, and I already passed you in rank :P

    But no dethroning will happen. If I'd come here shortly after her, I'd have a shot. At the current rate, it'd take me about 10 years to catch her.
  • Mumsie arrives a little disheveled having heard the 'clink' of glasses, accepts a glass of Cristal from OB, envelops @Kathy in a huge (((hug))) (without spilling a drop) high fives @kelani on a great job, picks another glass off OB's tray, having quaffed the first, then sits back in her rocker to enjoy the moment!
  • I average 800 posts/month. @Kathy avgs 714 (there's that number again!)

    @Mumsie Hope you didn't mind my sneaking the little banner into B&R. I thought it deserved a mention :)
  • @kelani - no but the banner itself is not there! No I didn't take it down!
    Well I've been in the BP for about 2 years but you've posted nearly 3 times as many comments as I have!
  • Sorry had to change battery! !

    ((((((Hugs))))) @Mumsie happy you can join us! Thanks to you also for being a Bp patron.. without you all this day would have not happened! *clink*
  • 714 again @kelani.. wow *insert spooky music*
  • @fenikus you say you play in airplane mode usually right? I do to but recently I've noticed if I switch to wi-fi I score a little better. Maybe my imagination. Idk
  • @Mumsie Sorry, I'm being confusing again. I didn't know if HTML or images worked in the groups, and didn't want to find out, so I just posted the text.

    edit: After asking Slim yesterday to create a badge that already exists, I'm trying to keep a low profile in there :)
  • @Princesspagechangerchattykathy That's getting to be quite a mouthful. Thanks for the Bloated Pig Ma. It's got me through some rough patches in my life. Most of them this year. lol I'll be glad to see the end of 2014.

    I wasn't here to guess, but I knew which girl you were in the pictures Ma. The cute one!

    @Mumsie I'm glad you didn't make us play pick you out of the crowd. I'd have lost. All this sitting in the rocker knitting had me fooled. I had you pictured a little different in my mind.

    Great banner @Kelani.
  • Thanks @Pa ;) I know alot of us can't wait to say abyebye to 2014..I know November will be tough for me.. already starting. .
    And Thanks to you for being a part of the BP ♡♡it really means a lot :)
  • @Kathy, not airplane mode -- I just turn wi-fi off when I play (and I always have bluetooth off). Don't you want to receive phone calls while you play? Airplane mode will turn off any communication with cell phone towers as well.

    Shrugs, idk about scoring. The only difference I noticed with wi-fi off are no parachuting presents and the game (especially HH) is less choppy.
  • @fenikus I use my tablet to fling so no worries about communication. .I thought in airplane mode would save battery. On phone I never use wi-fi for the same reason of battery use. I have unlimited everything with my sprint plan so I can keep 4G on.
  • I did notice that with w-fi on in HH some levels ARE choppy.yes and with it off no presents.. but lately even with it on I've not got any presents.I' wonder how those work, ie: is it just for a short period of time..or just when you first play the level. I Did get one when i played for the first time on phone last week.
  • @Kathy they drop like snow for the first week a new episode's released. Then sometimes you'll get a few when they want to advertise an update to another game. That accounts for almost all of them.
  • Thanks @Kelani :D take a nap..:/
  • Nope @kelani it's still sideways on My phone. .think it's the way I took it..?
  • btw the Bloated Pig logo in Kathy's banner was stolen from a sign for the Green Pig Bar & Grill. I found that pic awhile back and have been waiting for a chance to use it :)
  • Green Pig Bar & Grille @Kelani Really a real place lol!!
    It's a great banner thanks so much for that:)
  • @Kathy the link I just posted shows sideways for you?! It shows normally for me. There's an 'orientation' parameter in the image data that ABN and one of us is either processing or ignoring.

    edit: you know where the Green Pig is? I had no idea.
    edit2: yer welcome. You definitely earned it, and 20k is quite an accomplishment.
    edit3: I'm no estar, but good to know sleepykel can still throw around a few pixels :)
  • C'mon @Kathy, turn your wi-fi, bluetooth, and GPS all on at the same time (maybe that gives even more points)…I'm only 980 points ahead of you and you need only 850 to break the milestone.

    Edit: what got me over the milestone is 225,240 score in HH 15. The trick to a great score is for the middle of the right structure to stay intact after shot 1. This directs falling stones to the left where they bounce around and rack up extra points.
  • Ya it shows sideways kelani ..idk I took it with my phone in the vertical postion.
  • Ackkk @fenikus you got a lot of points today lol.!! Congrats! !
  • Wooohooo !!! OB @fenikus drinks on me :() WTG Fenni !!!
  • Thanks @Kathy :-) See my tip re: HH 15 above (I added an edit to my post).
  • Your welcome @fenikus :) and thanks I'll look for that tip !
  • Hm. I see dkey is down to one score left in Rio, that #1 on HH15. When I asked her to consider posting other scores, I think she meant it as all other games. not the rest of the episode she has a #1 score in.
  • Huh @kelani that was confusing? You asked her to consider posting other scores And she has , just not in HH?
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