The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1004
  • And thanks @rd, we all have our rough spots. I see the LOTD has Terence crashing through stuff so maybe that will make me feel better.
  • Oh dats nice 2 hear @rdnzlrips82 I remember all my passwords well not all of them
  • @karen Eli and Isaiah are both finally over their Sinus Infections. They are both back to their trouble causing ways. They got out of the house Saturday but we caught them real quick. It's pretty bad that I am looking forward to nap time about an hour after they wake up in the morning. And then I am looking forward to bed time an hour after they have woke up from their naps.
  • Hey guys and gals! Can't take it had to break! That's funny @kathy and @Ripsy I'm the one that does the research for all the voting too! My Mom, Dad and Sis just follow my lead! Been doing it too may years to count!
    Hey @karen68 hope your night gets better :)
  • @karen I am stuck in Birdday Party for the night, I believe. So no Terrence for me. But I am looking forward to him when I revisit Big Setup. I am currently going for top 100 in each episode of ABO and hoping to finish in the Top 50 overall for ABO when I am finished. I am actually hoping to finish above @JLZ666, too. We have a friendly competition going. I am in the Top 50 now, but the dust from the new update hasn't settled yet. I was actually ahead of Manu Malin on the Overall S&T leaderboards after getting above average. But that only lasted a day and he was back on top of the S&T boards very quickly. That guy is a machine. I am fully convinced.

    @penguinlover I remember all of mine as well. But since my Gmail account had a hack attempt on it, I am going through and changing all of them. I have them stored on paper and on my computer in case something happens to me and my wife needs to access my accounts.
  • Manu has to be a machine Ripsy I don't know how he does it and he does it so quickly! I'd love to watch him play just to see how he figures it all out!
  • Good to hear @rd. Your stories about your kids & the way you sometimes feel makes me smile, sometimes I miss the little kids that mine once were, they've grown up so much, but then you remind me of what I don't have to deal with anymore :)
    And good luck on your mission, I'm just getting back into ABO to improve my scores, only just got started. Got into top 50 in Seasons though ABO will be tougher I think.
  • Hi @kimmie, how are you? Haven't talked for a couple of days.
  • There is a lot of tough competition in ABO. That's why I made it my first goal. I know I can compete with everyone there in some form or another. I am just out to prove myself.
    Seasons is next and I am really looking forward to that trip. I haven't played much there since I went over average on all of the levels.
    I have noticed that my flinging skills have improved enough that I don't need to look at the walkthroughs or watch videos as much as I used to. I can now look at a level and figure everything out. Which is nice. I just wish it hadn't taken me this long.
  • I'm Ok @karen68 it's been a bit rough but I have hope it'll even out soon :)
    Seasons was a bit hard in some games for me so kudos to you for top 50! That's impressive @karen68
  • Omg @rdnzlrips82 ur gmail account got hacked??? How did dat happen? I have gmail 2! But at least u organized ur passwords I organize them with notes and emails on my phone or I write them on a piece of paper
  • @penguinlover My account didn't get hacked. But someone tried to hack it the other day. So I am currently going through and changing all of my other passwords just in case. I like to be safe. I would especially hate for someone to get into my account here at the nest and mess with my leaderboards.
  • Oh @rdnzlrips82 i hate wen someone hacks into someone's account or jailbreaks a persons iPhone or iPod touch I think one time
  • Hello..remember me? No one jumped me to the page change! !!!
    Wish I new how to make a stick out my tounge face and say blllatttttt..
  • Thanks @kimmie. Hope things look up for you soon :)
    Seasons is my favourite, although it contains my least favourite episode, Seasons Greedings, & TorT has some really tough levels. Lots more competition in ABO, so a tougher road ahead. Not too fond of Birdday Party either - have fun @rd. Playing the 1st few levels of PE is fun - they're so simple compared to what's ahead & you realize how your flinging skills improve.
  • Ooops, sorry @kathy, my fault I think!
  • Wen I was playing angry birds seasons with my neighbors son I lost all my data enexpectally albours the neighbors son thinks someone hacked into my angry birds game and stole everything luckly I was able 2 get it back by deleting and playing it again it never happened 2 angry birds or angry birds space I wonder
  • Oh hehe hi @kathy we should've told ya about the page change lol
  • @karen68 I decided to get into the holiday spirit! I'm in T&T right now and I remember that and Christmas were really hard ones! My fav is the pumpkins exploding with bats! :D

    @Kathy I'm sorry! I usually try to pull you to next page but my multi tasking isn't up to par right now! :((. Promise to get you to the next one safely!! ;D
  • @kathy You could try this:

    :P *blows raspberry*
  • @karen I have fallen in love with Birdday Party. Actually, I am very, very fond of Bad Piggies and S&T right now. The last update is quite possibly the toughest yet.
  • :p * blows raspberries * lol ty @rdnzlrips82 ((( hugs) ) to all..
  • @kimmie you love Halloween don't you!
    @rd I have yet to 3 star all of the new update, maybe I should work on that for a while.
  • Yep @karen68 I really really do!! LOL :D

    Nice Ripsy now we will all get raspberries from @Kathy All the time!! LOL
  • Nicely done @kathy!
    Think I'm heading out soon, getting late. Have to say thanks for the company this evening, my hubby is out tonight at a Rush concert, so he wasn't around to cheer me up, but you guys are nice to chat with :)
  • @kimmie It's my pleasure to teach @kathy new things. She's funny.

    @karen We are always here for you. We are like Cheers, but more exciting. :)
    Good luck with your flinging in S&T. I haven't posted any PATs but I have them all stored in memory. If you need help with anything, let me know here or via PM and I can help as much as possible.
  • Glad your feeling better @karen68 :). Have a good rest of your night and I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

    Ripsy I gotta agree its never a dull moment here in BP! And @Kathy is very funny, now she has more in her arsenal too! :D
  • Thanks guys. And you are better than Cheers!
    @rd I appreciate the offer, I'll see how far I get on my own but I may have to call on you!
    Enjoy the rest of your night everyone :)
  • Night @karen. Enjoy the night.

    I was just reading back and I wasn't paying attention to @penguinlover. I am sorry for that.
  • Well, I am not really tired. But, it is getting late so I am going to hop into bed and fling for a while. I want to get Birdday Party finished tonight so I can have some Poached Eggs in the morning. (pun intended)
  • LOL Ripsy :D. Have a good pillow walk! Maybe see ya tomorrow after my work is done! :) and good luck flinging!
    Guess I'm off to T&T myself! Will lurk inbetween for you beddy bye @Kathy :)
  • *goes over to booth to collect estars flashlight and shine it for her use tomorrow, sets out fresh candles for Kathys safe journey to dream land*
  • Wow @Kathy -- I didn't know you had earthquakes in New England. The epicenter was in Maine, so hopefully it wasn't too strong where you are.
  • Hey everyone! I had a great day at school today! I have maths homework but gtg and finish homework
  • @mvnla2 it was just an unexpected rumbling and shaking of house ..we weren't really sure what happen until the house shook and we saw breaking news ..first time ever experience ..I think they are saying we.juzt.experienced aftershocks..still was unexpected and scary :(
  • Hope you stay safe @kathy.
  • Ya I never experienced it here or anywhere else for that matter ..
    Places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth..with a glass of Cristal ;) ((((( hugs))))
    I got another class tommorow
    .then doc appt. Hope things look up;)
  • Hey @iamMighty if your still here lurking! :)

    *goes over to booth collects Kathys flashlight and shines it for her use tomorrow, makes sure candles are still lit*
    Thank you for the Cristal and the hugs @Kathy :). Hope your class and Docs apt goes well! Big kiss kiss to you and big ((((hugs)))) back! I'd say you get used to the earthquakes but they aren't normal for you guys so I guess you really won't! ;)
  • Hey @kim. Hope you're fine today.
  • I'm doing well how are you @iamMighty? Get your new apps together?
  • I'm fine. Yup, I downloaded some apps from the AppStore but they were not puzzle related games so I decided to see some new games too.
  • Urm, I got to run now. Sorry, @kim.
  • I just finished Maths homework! :)
  • Have a good day @iamMighty :). See ya next time!
  • That's great @Harrystar6 :) now you can play some games or watch your you tube stuff!
  • I feel a lot better now its done :)
  • I am watching tv
  • Well enjoy your tv and I'm happy for you that you got all your homework done! :)
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