The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1003
  • Hey everybody! Say "Pickle flinging butterfly rainbow" if you love the King Pig levels!
  • Going to fling some birdies in T&T :D
    Have a great evening everybody and enjoy the evening. Might pop in before I go for my Pillow walk, so @kimmie, I will light the candle and leave the flashlight in your booth. HUGGS

    @Kathy [[[hugssss]]]]] hope the refresh has worked and you can return to the battle against the piggies

    @wrw01 it was nice to catch you real time, will write to you soon! have a wonderful evening!

  • @E-Star Thanks and talk to you soon. I am in Seasons Greedings trying to catch your scores.
  • ((( hugs))))) @E-Star sweet dreams :)
  • What are the King Pig Levels?.I can't figure it @BbinMiami
  • Okay...Say "Jumbo Melon Ice Chicken" if you are ready for Angry Birds Star Wars!
  • The special King Pig levels on Classic when you 3 star all the levels!
  • and now i keep getting trapped on the last page
  • Whoa sorry @Angry. But you freed yourself!
  • What's classic? @BbinMiami is it ust or pc? Heyu whole house just shook..
  • Angry Birds Classic!
    King Pig levels=
    4 mini-games
    King Pig, Total Destruction, Material Mix-Up, and Bird Frenzy!
    It's on pretty much all devices!
  • We just had an earthquake ..4.6 magnitude holy moly. My whole room shook my water botltle was shakinh..its on the newss..
  • wow @kathy! hope everything is alright
  • Thanks @angryboy everything seems o.k never had that before ..wonder if @Amslimfordy felt it? Says it went from Maine to Massachusetts ..I.didn't know what was happening, just sitting on my bed and everything startes rumbling. Like 500 pound person was jumping in the middle of my bedroom doesn't happen again..wonder if it went further south..?
  • I sure did. Add that I'm quite ill. Not a great combination: Headache + Earth shaking.
  • sorry about the earthquake guys. good to hear everyone is okay. Sorry about the headache @AMslimfordy.
  • didn't think the east coast could get earth-quakes, hrm...
    gee... hope the headache goes away soon @slim
  • Oh my! Welcome to my world guys!! :D. Exept I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well @AMslimfordy I hope your feeling better soon.
    I'm pretty sure it can happen anywhere its just we get them regularly so it's not a big thing unless its like a 6.5 or above then were looking at major damage!
    You doing alright @Kathy that had to freak you out pretty bad!
    Hahaa done with the decos at last! Took forever! Looks wicked inside and outside though! :D
  • Heyyyyy everybody I can't believe it 50,000 comments on BP this is amazing i just got back from my art class how's everyone's night
  • Ya pretty freaky @Amslimfordy, sorry your not feeling well...hopefully that's the end of it...
  • @Kimmiecv I never heard of N.E
    Getting earthquake was really strange..what's the highest they can. Go on the Richter scale...does that count for alll quakes...yep I'm pretty freaked lol..
  • Hey @penguinlover :)

    @Kathy they can go really high like 10 and above! Remember the one in oh I can't remember the name of it! They had a sunami from it! 4.5 here is no biggy at all really, I've been through several of those but you all don't get them and I'm sure you don't have buildings that are equipped for it so damage can be a lot worse for you guys! I've heard of NE getting them but really really rarely and I'm not sure about your area at all! Sounds like it was more rocking than anything? Yep I can see you freaking out big time! :)
  • Hey @kimmiecv how r u? Wat an odd day
  • I'm fine @penguinlover it's for sure been a busy day! :) I'm in and out of BP gotta do some PMs so I will try to follow what's up with you! It'll just be kinda off and on is all, how are you today?
  • I'm good @kimmiecv I'm exhausted from my art class and Dori wasn't here again but I'm sure she will b at skool 2morrow my period is normal didn't effect me :) I also got a instant win McDonald's monopoly thing I need 2 enter the code I could win

    Hey @angryboy how's ur night?
  • Debate on..I'll be lurking...srry

  • Good deal @penguinlover hope you win! Glad things are calming down for you too!
    Hey @angryboy I'm sorry you missed the big event! :( how was the thing you had to do?
  • Oops ok will be lurking! Wanna see the debate!
  • it's good @penguin
    @kimmiecv it was good, but not worth missing the big event
    well I'm out, g'nite @all!!
  • Thx @kimmiecv :) I'm entering the codes on Friday yea this was a good day but i miss Dori :(

    Dats nice 2 hear @angryboy
  • My mom is watching the debate
  • @penquinlover you should watch too..applys to your future;) growing up you want opportunity to make descions for your country that affect you, your schooling, lots of stuff..sit with your mom and just try to listen;) its very important, may seem boring but maybe your mom can give you some insight;)
  • So...
    Is everyone off watching the Debate, then?
  • Congrats to @team, 1000 pages & 50k comments! Nice little place you're running here!
    OB some Scotch would go down really well, thank you.
  • Not watching @rd, not my election! Although I did watch a bit of the previous one just to educate myself.
  • @karen I am not really a political sort of fellow. I leave that up to my wife. She comes from a very politically aware family. So I let her do the work and tell me who to vote for. @kathy will probably yell at me for saying that. But I can assure her that my wife and her have a lot in common. :D
    And if you don't mind @karen, this calls for the good stuff. Blues, I believe the occasion calls for three fingers, tonight. Thanks.
  • @Kathy mom wouldn't let me stay up 2 watch the debate Ik in 2 years ill b able 2 vote though it is boring and I just don't think none of the presidents r gonna do good 4 our country dats my opinion srry
  • Thanks @rd, had a bit of a rough day so 3 fingers of the good stuff is perfect.
    I'm not particularly political either, but I try to be aware of the important stuff to make an educated choice. Otherwise I find it all a bit tiresome. Your system works differently from ours too, we don't actually cast a vote for Prime Minister, whoever leads the party that wins the most seats becomes PM. (Hope I'm not breaking rule 2).
  • Well @penquinlover I hope you change your mind..and pay attention ..its very important ..
    I'm breaking rule here so no more talk of debate ;)
  • @karen I believe your conversation falls under a more educational vain. I don't have a problem with it if you are explaining how a specific political system operates.
  • Oh hey @karen68 and @rdnzlrips82 how r u guys?
  • Also @karen, sorry to hear you had a rough day. Mine wasn't that great, but I am hoping breaking into the top 200 on Bday Party 18-15 will help. I am close, just need to milk another 2k out of it to be safe. Then I am done with BDay Party.
  • I am good @penguinlover. Just busy trying to change all of my passwords scattered throughout the internet.
  • Oh good, I respect the rules so don't want to stretch or break them.
    How are the kids @rd, is Eli finally on the mend?
  • Yea I agree @kathy Id like talking about politics and the girls in my art class were talking about the debate ughh let's talk about something else :)
  • @rdnzlrips82 no worried. Lol I tell. Bf who to vote for ..Id rather not have an uninformed.voter who's taking an uneducated guess I am actually very factually informed so. He'd rather trust me than not vote ..
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