Angry Birds Big Setup 3 Star Walkthrough Level 11-8

The best strategy for Big Setup level 11-8 is to fire the first Big Brother through the middle of the ice tower, taking out the four pigs on the left side. Launch the next bird into the top hollow stone square, pushing all towers to the right. If necessary, use the last Big Brother to clean up. The score in the video below is 122,450.

Version 2022:

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Comments (33)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

130k strat

1st BR/b- To the first columns square stone block(the first one)and a bit below should clean up the whole right side.

2nd BR/b- For cleanup!

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 128,800

@iamMighty, you don’t like the ABN leader board or are you really lazy? [j/k] ;-)
Thanks for sharing your strategies.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Call me lazy please :P
Actually I look forward to add them after Rio. Glad you liked them Sal :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 133,070

Great strats Mighty, thanks! :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 133,070

I actually got 2 pigs left after the first bird, the leftmost and rightmost ones. When I hit the left one, it somehow bounced into the right one while clearing some debris!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6175 points
By harmkt (@harmkt)Score: 134,080

Thanks @iamMighty, it took 3 birds, but I am happy with my score.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 129,830

I went through the ice tower as @iamMighty says

Poor Bb is dying a horribly slow death rolling around in a hard hat in corner ..he wont stop…wish I knew how to make’s gone on for a good 2 minutes and still going:(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 129,830

Thanks @iamMighty got. 129830 with your help;)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 137,920

Thanks your start! I use 3 birds +4K!

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)

Good strategy ~ Thanks for sharing.

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By rocklands (@rocklands)Score: 142,470

142470 with 2 birds, first over the glass strucutre to the top hollow square in the back, I had a pretty good collapse of the back section here. 2nd I hit the glass tower in the middle and the big bird goes on to bounce onto the middle platform to kill the pig there and went on to do some more damage to remaining debris. I’ve come close to 140k with 3 several times with the same strat but using the 3rd bird for additional damage. Twice I had a score of 133-135k after three with the small pig suriving.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 127,060

Good strategy rocklands I use the video’s but I lob the last bird to clean up the right side of the level. 127k.

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 134,190

Aimed the first BB at the top of the left hard hat and land it in the lower hollow stone square. Takes out a lot of the right structure. Should be in the 90k range. The next two BB to take out the pigs and debris on the right. This level is a 3 bird solution and debris dependent.
Obtained a two bird solution in the 123k range.
Gained 12k in points

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 131,480

I agree @wrw01 I actually got a one birdie 2xs on this one and the destruction wasn’t enough it only yielded in the 120k range! Thx again for the strat got me a tidy sum I can live with! :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 139,350

This strategy worked really well for me, thanks for sharing it. Got a bit lucky with my score, had a 2-birder but plenty of rubble so cleared it with bird number three very nicely!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15955 points
By jlz-666 (@jlz-666)Score: 144,560

Just a few hundred off a puppy in today’s challenge but a great improvement none the less. My 144,560 went down just as @wrw01 described but with a two bird finish. Fantastic damage from first bird,then second blasted through what remained. I think there’s higher scores to come with this two bird strat as there was still debris to collect but it’s going to have to be two cracking good shots and I think I’ve lucked out at this score ;)

Rank: Sling God with 46235 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 139,710

Congrats on the smashing score @jlz-666! Your 1st shot must have been a sight to see.
I needed 3 birds for 139k, the destruction varies so much. I also 1-birded this but only 124k. Definately a good level to play when you’re flinging angry :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15955 points
By jlz-666 (@jlz-666)Score: 144,560

Ahhhh you were lurking in the BP then @karen68 Yep a good old smash em to smithereens is what I needed! The first bird was a great one but actually it was the second one that surprised me more. I’m pretty sure it ploughed through then hit a block at the end and bounced back smashing more because it ended up back in the pit on the left. I was too busy looking at the score rack up to fully appreciate what happened. I took a screenshot as I knew I was close to the puppy and if you look closely you can see 2nd big red in the pit. He bounced around on top of the yellow helmet gathering more points before it timed out.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 139,670

@wrw01, improved 2k to 134620 on my Android phone during Challenge. I certainly need to fine tune my aim, but noticed that if I don’t pull the slingshot back all the way so that I’m using a less powerful 1st shot I get many more points. H

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By MadSadBird (@sadbird)

This level is most definitely the most sadistic and cruel one that I’ve ever played, I’ve been at it for at least 9 hours since last night and it just raises my score by a few 100 points at a time, considering I’m doing the shots as @wrw01 describes, I should at least have 135k but someone doesn’t feel the same as I. Please, whomsoever it is release your negative hold on me!!!

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By MadSadBird (@sadbird)

It’s true, it’s true what I’ve read here about whining and your score goes up, I just went from 129940 to 133700 right after whining, praised be the righteous!

Rank: Champion with 3105 points
By cjcp (@cjcp)Score: 134,850

Strange but good – The screen wouldn’t close to acknowledge my new high score. Waited and looked again, and it had increase 40 points. A stone block is rocking on top of a hat and has now given me over 250 additional points so far. Time to do something else and let it rock. The difference between my score and 133960 will be how much it finally gives me.

Rank: Champion with 3970 points
By cresteddirdir (@cresteddirdir)Score: 145,060

150000 + possible here – came back to improve my scores on the old games, came close many times to 140000+ – the trick is to hit the 4 vertical ice blocks and break the lower hollow block in the middle tower – got massive destruction (still ongoing, 110000+) and immediately sent the second bird to sweep up the rest – my first high score in the “traditional” oldies games. Let us see how long it lasts…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

four months and ten days. thank you for posting @cresteddirdir. was looking at your comments the other day and thought this one useful (to provide new insight) so decided to give it a go again. not quite 150k yet, but up to 146k/3 following the 3-bird strategy described below, based on your 1st. here’s the final score screenshot

‘only’ got a 122k score after the 2nd bird in this run, but the small stones in the middle were all heavily damaged and this time i got lucky and the 3rd did slice through everything to the right of the pit, missing, except for the debris visible in the screenshot, only one or two small stones (did not have time to look carefully or take a screenshot as the action was very fast and the level timed out directly after the remaining, rightmost, pig was killed).

don’t have many top scores in abo, but funnily i now hold the top score for both this big setup level (11-8) and the corresponding ‘small setup’ level (7-1). more points in both of them, so let us see how long it lasts…

Rank: Champion with 3970 points
By cresteddirdir (@cresteddirdir)Score: 145,060

My pleasure @vuelva, your innumerable informative comments have helped/compounded my Angry Birds original compulsion… I have replayed all the levels, and progressed on the total leader board nicely, all this without getting carpal tunnel syndrome…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

hi @cresteddirdir, looking at your progress there still seems to be more in it. there always is, but i mean that your rankings are higher in the earlier episodes than in the later ones, where i would think that’s harder than the other way around? (not that i want you to get carpal tunnel syndrome of course…).

replayed all levels?? hm. there’s a lot of them nowadays. how much time did it take you? come to think of it, just 3-starring all ABO levels within 1 day would already be quite a feat imo.

in fact, i read your comments since i read one of your recent ones per chance, and since you were doing quite well on the leaderboards indeed, i decided to have a look at your other comments as well (in general i’m not replaying old levels unless i think a new idea has been or can be found; typically the daily challenge is a good source of new ideas).

Rank: Champion with 3970 points
By cresteddirdir (@cresteddirdir)Score: 145,060

I meant I replay mainly the original ABO, which is my preferred episode, revisiting levels where I am not in the top 100. I enjoy reading the contributions like yours @vuelva – insights and brilliant solutions to reach higher scores. I try not to spend too much time on the game, but subway rides to work can get boring, while writing papers for school needs to be interspersed with play… AB seasons has some great levels, trying to progress there also.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

144610/3 by a strategy described simply as go through the top layer of the front glass tower as often (between 1 and 3 :-)) as needed/useful. More precisely:
1st) through top layer of front tower (through 4 vertical glass blocks onto lower hollow square stone; as described by iammighty,wrw01,cresteddirdir). what should be achieved is that
– the front glass tower is largely untouched, say at least three of the vertical blocks of its next layer remain;
– the structure in the pit next to it has collapsed (preferably but not necessarily totally destroyed); and
– the rightmost tower was pushed over, to the right, into destruction;
2nd) through top layer of front tower (through its remaining glass blocks onto the base of the remainders of the stone towers). hope it slices through (not infrequent, say 1 in 8); and
3nd) through top layer of front tower (through the three vertical blocks of its 2nd layer, landing just to the right of the pit); hope it either slices through all the way to the right (the best, but infrequent, usually the small stone blocks are too much of an obstacle; twice it happened to me, but in both cases it was stopped by the 2nd) or it bounces up from the small stones, hopping over them to the right platform where it hopefully takes out the remaining (pig and) debris (not infrequent, say 1 in 4).

most of the time the rightmost pig survives after both the 1st and the 2nd which means you can take your time, but if not, you have to get the next shot(s) in before time-out (have to be very quick; also in deciding whether it’s a good idea to throw the 3rd at all).

the 1st is (i think) just the same as described above by iammighty first, wrw01 later, and finally cresteddirdir (for current 145k top score). what i was looking for was to get some consistency after it, despite the huge variation in damage and score, which resulted in the 2nd and 3rd as described. destroying the remainders of the stone tower with the 2nd is the key to high scores (if it does not slice through i reset; typicaaly i continue after a 120k+ score), and the shot described was the only reliable way to achieve it (relatively, 1 in 8 is not that great). i think this could give a 145k+ score with 2 birds (as described by others; during play this time i’ve had four 127k+ scores after the 2nd with one pig remaining; was paying attention to these as my top score then was 142k). still, there is enough material in the level to get a 150k+ score just from damage with 3 birds, so i was looking for a way to get access with the 3rd to both (some of) the glass in front and the debris on the right platform (getting just the latter cannot give much more than 140k, i think), and the shot described was the only decent one (percentagewise) i could come up with (trying to get top spin and slice through /everything/ by sending the 3rd onto the platform to the left of the pit through all the glass could work but there’s something weird with that platform; very strange bounces).

this strategy served me to get 140k+ scores every 20 minutes or so, and got me my present best of 144.5k. it even has 150k potential, i think, if the 3rd does slice through everything to the right of the pit; should be rare though since it needs most of the small square stones in the middle to be, at least, heavily damaged after the 2nd which is rare in my experience.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

is (a link to) the first of three pictures i’ve put in my album illustrating the three successive birds/stages of the strategy. only the last two are from the same run, the one for my current best score of 144.5; clearly still suboptimal, already after the 2nd (have had 129k destruction then). i think 147.5k is reachable with good play by this and 150k with luck (slicing through the debris in the middle with the 3rd instead of hopping over them).

Rank: Sling God with 33510 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 147,310

Same strategy as @vuelva but with a lucky third bird.

So here it goes from top to bottom:
This is the first bird trajectory.

Then the second bird trajectory.

And the third bird trajectory.

At the end, this is what it was looking like for my best score.
A few debris here and there but nothing much.

And here is the highscore screenshot.

Hope it helps.

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 141,670

Thanks @asher. Followed your pics and was able to break 141K with 2 birds. The level timed out before I could launch bird 3, but with the spread of the debris I believe I could have gained more than 10K had I been able to launch.

By terence

my score will be 146k

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 154,098

@jg I played this level a couple of days in Classics chasing your 147k score, then finally hit the jackpot. First two shots like the 2022 walkthrough. It’s important to get the far right stack of stones to fall right off the platform on the first shot and to cause a lot of destruction to the remaining stones in the middle on the second shot. I had the far right pig surrounded by glass blocks left after two shots and about 118k. This gave me time to set up the third shot. I went low through the three glass blocks in front above the bottom layer of three. Most of the time the bird just barely made it across the platform and petered out before getting through all of the remaining glass blocks on the right, but I finally managed to get him all the way across, through the remaining glass, and rolling off the screen to the right.

Score proof:

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