Angry Birds Space Custom Figures
  • So by an odd twist, I ended up with a second set of Chinese Angry Birds figures, so with Space coming out last Thursday, I went to work last weekend on these:

    I just finished Ice Bird tonight, having to make him from scratch from a reusable ice cube from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

    Note the Antenna Egg on Red's base. And Ice Bird has an eggsteroid base rather than a standard moon.

    What do you think?
  • Very nice.

    On a side note, I had no idea that there were such things as reusable ice cubes.
  • These are really good! Did you send to Rovio so they can add to their fan art?
  • Indeed, this are amazing! Sign me up. I'll buy a set off of you.
  • Thanks everyone!

    @mvnla2 - I posted to their Facebook wall, but that is like spitting in the ocean. I don't tweet and every time I write to them to ask random questions on the Rovio site, they always refer me to their public relations department or similar group and want to know the Web site and firm I am with, so, no, I haven't submitted anything to them.

    @BirdLeader - sorry, these are one-of-a-kind customs. The original Chinese (most likely knock-off) figures were hard enough to get in the first place. Getting a second set to customize was harder and unexpected.

    Personally, I wish Rovio would work with a licensee on a series of cheap, pocket-sized birds with a full set to collect. Erasers, pencil toppers, mystery box figures, larger hard figures, etc. just don't cut it.
  • @Dr Omega -- I tweeted this link to AngryBirds and Peter Vesterbacka, hope you don't mind. When I've sent e-mail to Rovio, I've put N/A or none for website, and self for company. Peter is the "Mighty Eagle" and chief marketing officer. If you want, I can send you his e-mail, but I think BL would prefer if I don't post it (again).
  • Those are super awesome figures!
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