The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 964
  • Srry I got lost again..
    Hi @Kimmiecv Cristal for all of age..:)
  • Whatz up Birthday girl?? Have you had a nice day erm after all the Ty's anyway? :D
  • Lazerbird milkshake ..for all.others the best birthday ever..
  • Hahaaha PPC IS IN THE HOUSE!!! You go Bday girl!!! ;D
  • Nice Cristal hmmm clink... To our Bday girl may she have all the best this year, just as she deserves!! :)
  • Thanks @Kimmiecv 'clink'
  • Oh..wait for me..'clink' ;-))))))))
  • Hey @lesleyg :). I'm trying really hard to figure out why S&T has inadequate birdies for some of the new games?? It's not making sense to me what little blues can do to cement! Got me a bit stumped but I'm still not defeated!! Grrrr :/
  • Hey OB another round of Cristal ..aww heck bring the bottle ..hi @lesleyg :)h
  • Hey cool! Maybe I'll have better luck when I'm loopy! :D thanks @Kathy clink to you again!! :)
  • Thanks guys...yay, more Cristal! clink away!!!! Happy Birdday AGAIN @kathy..I hope your not sick of hearing it, lol
  • Hey @kimmie cakes...which levels do you mean in S&T that have given you insufficient blues to break cement, that what you meant? btw...I also wanted to thank you for your recent @mentions in some of the S&T levels you left me lately..I have been meaning to reply to sorry, been realy busy with life always getting in the way!
  • LOL. Nope..clink...ty..:) where's @rd?
  • I don;t think I can stay too long tonight but wanted to keep my promise of coming back in as I said I would ;-)..I need to get to bed early because I have a dreaded Monday ahead of me...but I can stay for a bit ;-)
  • Hmmm..these page changes...
  • yes where is @rd..would love to visit with him a bit..I have missed my friend the last few times I was here at night...i got to see him earlier today in the midst of the BDay surprises ;-)
  • You don't have to reply @lesleyg I just want you to know you helped me achieve above avg is all! :). And I'm just starting the newest update of S&T and it boggles my mind why they give you silly birds to defeat certain materials that those birds just don't do much to! However I start to think of new ways to twist it and I finally get my 3*s! Won't look for help unless I can't get high above avg. and I'm on level 25 right now, ha I just low end 3*d it so take that evil piggies!! :/
  • Wtg @Kimmiecv ..I am still struggling in ham 'em high
    Yah @rdnzlrips82 hightailed outta here and angryboy too on last page change ..I knew I shoulda used the super stretchy arm...dang it...
  • lol @kimmie..yes I think I do remember some of the levels you speak of...You have become an excellent flinger so I'm sure your low 3 star will soon become a high above average 3 star..the little piglets don;t stand a chance!!!
    I know you are moving along to get above average in the levels as I am suppose to be finishing..I just started Ham'O'Ween because it is Halloween time but I keep getting side tracked with the Challenge levels, with what LITTLE time I've got to play lately...I was wondering if this is why you don't play to not get side tracked from your goal like I have, lol>!
  • lol @kathy..I betcha he's gone flingin' to try and get the Underdog badge I think I read he really wanted!!!
  • Thank you @Kathy and I can't say it enough Ham em is an evil game!! LOL ;)
  • I see my presence is requested by the BP Lovlies.
  • The Underdog badge is simmering on the backburner with @kimmie's sauce. I am going for top 50 in ABO.
  • Yep @lesleyg that is Exactly why I won't do challenges!! ;D. I'm getting my above avgs so I can finally play all the new updates!! At this rate I will have dozens of new games to play! At least all the cyborgs will have leveled the avgs out!! And I was hoping to get to seasons before the Season! LOL But I don't think that's going to happen :( at least not before Halloween!
    And Ripsy is so on a mission to get that badge!! :D and good luck to him!
  • Aww your not trying to get it just yet then Ripsy? Ah well once you've hit your goal then you will abso get that badge!! :D
  • I have ABO's number right now. Mine & Dine is being very generous to me. Making a lot of headway there.
  • After M&D, I will hit Birdday, then back to Poached Eggs.
  • Ooh got lost again..hey @ripsy.. OB another bottle please..
  • *grabs a glass. Clink*
  • What is underdog badge?
  • There's my favorite @rd!!! Nice of you to drop in! I'm sure you will have top 50 in no time!!! Probably top 20 if I know you ;-)
  • btw... I hope you are leaving PAT's in ABO as I have almost all of those to go back and re-do yet...trying to finish Season's first and I have a waaayyss to go yet, lol
  • @kathy it's the new badge that you can get if you get the Top Score over all in one of the Daily Challenge levels
  • That is the Top Score of everyone..not just most improved ;-)
  • I am going to try to leave as much as I can. I am just blowing through them. No walkthroughs used yet.
  • Wtg ripsy ..I'm happy you finnally have some flinging time:)
    Don't forget to leave me hints ( breadcrumbs as me and AA fondly t call it) get your ranks up;)
  • Top 20 of ABO would be sweet. But...that will take a lot of work. Plus @JLZ.and I are racing to 50.
  • So you have to reach #1 on the board?
  • So real life has been keeping you away @AA? Such a pity. :{
  • Gah and I'm thrilled if I can just pull off top 100 or close to it in every game!! :(( hmm nope not gunna get all freaked! Just happy with my sad little above avg on occation top 100 thingy!! Maybe once I get avgs up I can go back! Humph by the time all you cyborgs get done my measley close to or at 100 will drop to who knows what!! LOL
  • I am not a cyborg. Just obsessive.
  • However I will not likely NEVER go back to Ham em! And of course we all know at nosium (?sp) why!
    *cause kimmie Hates the desert!!) :D
    And yeah Ripsy you are!!!
  • Yes @rd...quite a pity indeed!!! I hope things have come to calm down...but just when i think they are, there's something else, lol...I'll send you a PM soon, propbably better then dwelling through it all here. But I do miss our nightly chats so hopfully they will be more often coming ;-)))))))
  • lol..I think most people that play AB like we do have the obsession thing in common. Most "Normal" people just don't get it, lol ;-)
  • My sis thinks I'm nutters for sure @lesleyg :D she sees me obsessing over a level sometimes for ddays and she looks at me like I'm an alien!! LOL
  • She hasn't even 3*d most of them!! I can't think until I've at least done THAT!! :D
  • Cyborgs are half-human, half-computer. I am all human.
  • What ' normal ' lol? We are not?
    Sooooo for the underdog you have to be #1 on the board? Noone answered ;)most lotd I can't get to cuz of progress loss..but abo I think I can I did Poached eggs tye other day made #26:)
  • Sure Ripsy just don't get to close to a magnet right! And hey maybe that's why your baby monitors are tweaking!! Hmmmm............
  • You have to take the #1 spot on any Challenge/LOTD level on the day it is the Challenge/LOTD level.

    @kimmie The baby monitors do act up when I am around. :-S
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