Completed Year of the Dragon 100% but no new acheivements?
  • I finished all 15 levels, 3 stars in each, 100% Mighty Dragon devastation, golden egg and banner levels completed, but nothing new shows up in Game Center.

    Does anyone know-- are there no new achievements or is game center just not updating? And if it's not updating, any tricks to force it?
  • There was something about MAximum points, but how do you get mighty dragon 1-5?
  • There are no new achievements. There is only 20 points remaining, so until Rovio develops a solution for the 1000-point limit, they won't add achievements.
  • Slim good news for you UThethered Jailbreak for A5 chip for Mac Released
  • Yes I saw that. I have begged my girlfriend to let me use her Mac this weekend. We will have to see if she will oblige.
  • One possible solution is to pull off what the creators from Cover Orange did. They simply made new achievements worth 0 points. I personally would rather have achievements worth no points then no achievements at all. They may, however, hit a roadblock in just the amount of achievements possible since the most recent update in Cover Orange didn't have any achievements at all, not even any 0 point ones. Who knows. Hopefully we'll see some achievements soon. They are fun to go for.
  • Why don't they just break Seasons 2011 and 2012 out to separate entries?
  • Not sure what you mean, Omega. Separate apps? Then it's separate purchases.
  • I think more like one app with 2 GC categories.
    There is also a limit in the number of leader boards a game can have in GC.
  • One app is one app. It can't have two separate GC categories.
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