Smash Maniac is bugged (Rovio answered my email) Page 3
  • I finally got it. I logged enough hours over 2 years to get to # 92 on Gamecenter (just before before Surf and Turf was released) plus logged about 7 hours playing Golden Egg 14 before finally getting Smash Maniac while working on Surf and Turf. I'm not so much excited as I am puzzled how it could have taken so long. I'm hoping something was lost in the transition from iPhone to iPad that reset the counter because Smash Maniac is back in AB Space.
  • Let's put some math onto this one:

    Saying you continiously play GE 14 to achieve smash maniac, where you can destroy somewhat like 50 blocks per play. 500,000/50 = 10,000 plays. A average play takes 30 seconds. 10,000*0.5 = 5,000 minutes of playing = 85 hours. But on average levels you can achieve only less than half of that destruction. That would make somewhat about 220 hours of playing (give or take 50 hours). I assume you have a life, so two years seem very reasonable...
  • With Smash Maniac finally done for AB Original, AB Space is up next. As a point of reference (since I'm now paying close attention), I got the 15 hours played achievement and the 50,000 blocks achievement within a few minutes of each other. Extrapolating, it should take around 150 hours of regular play on AB Space to get this achievement.
  • Finally got the smash maniac achievement during the "Surf&Turf" Level 14. Playing since a year and a half or so....
  • Yesterday someone cleared my history and cookies on my ipod. Does that have any effect on my smash maniac count?
  • Your progress is safe. It is not linked to your browser.
    You lose your progress only when the app is deleted.
  • I can't say it's bugged. I alredy listed users to my Group on Forum who getting Archievement last week!!
  • This is for ABO I believe.
  • Ok @playdbird that could be thanks!!
  • Thanks for the response!
  • YES!!!! I finally got it today!!! Best day ever! :) GE-14 and 19 for hours!
  • 2 years after starting playing ABO, I got the smash maniac achievement!! It was not expected anymore ..:)

    Finally got it. Egg-14. Pause and restart as soon as the last tower falls.

    I had given up in my heart but now I feel a new man :)
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