The Best Day/Mounth/Time for Angry Birds Updates!?
  • Hi to everyone!

    I want to know what is the best day, mounth or time for you to get a New update of Angry Birds? Or do you know on which day since now the most updates were available in App Store? For me personally the best day would be Saturday to get a update but i dont often remember back to weekend Updates!!

    Please let me know your opinion, ideas and best surprises for Updates!

    Thanks CC
  • Tuesdays&thursdays
  • they are the days where update mainly land
  • But i hope for a tomorrow Monday Update :-)
  • any days they can update, but usually Thursday or around that
  • They usually land on Thurs that is the day Apple refreshes its iTunes feature apps, free app of the month etc.
  • @lostgreybird
    Thanks Good to know
  • Tuesday's and Thursday's are umm. "special" I seriously don't know why but a lot of new episodes of tv shows are at night at a tuesday or Thursday
    If another wild west update comes to Angry birds (I doubt it) maybe at a Wednesday, 12:00 PM universal time.(noon)
  • I think that Thursday is big day so I could have Friday (day of anticipation) to prepare myself for weekend playing.
    I am not sure for time as new updates are usually already available early morning CET.
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