The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3001
  • Page changer, hand me that fez please!
  • @TomPuss think I get the fez for last comment on page. you get @Kathy big lump on metal. she thinks its a crown. poor girl.
    not sure think that's how it works
  • OK guys, I got there before all of you. See p2992.
  • Those bugs r something else. One of my customers has Lyme disease, usually caused by deer ticks passing on bacterial infection. 10 years on she's still having debilitating symptoms even tho she's been over to the US several times for treatment.

    Me? I just keep getting bitten by dogs. 5 times and counting. All in the line of duty. Think it's the sound of my ladder they don't like. Or maybe I smell of pork sausage?
  • @ixan57 Oops, sorry for the breach of protocol!
    Handing you back the fez and taking over @kathy’s crown!
  • @BrianN Horseflies also very nasty. A problem in Switzerland with all those cows! My husband’s arm swelled up mightily and he had to go to the doctor.
  • I think we ought to limit our comments on bugs and disease. Poor @gumby 's feeling green but not too stretchy right now. Shout out to the gumster.
  • Thanks for the library tip BTW @tompuss.
  • Hey @kathy,you're reference to Winston Churchill as a famous comedian made me smile. There is a connection between him and Spike Milligan. Apart from the fact that they were both involved in. WWW2. Anyone know what is?

    BTW Kathy, what with all that hard poofing and stocking stuffing, sounds like u had a fun Xmas!
  • Hello @desperatedan,if you check in any tips on today's challenge? Can't get within 5k of you guys. Basically trying to replicate @comex666 vid method. :-(
  • This page is becoming a monologue. Meant to say thanks o owlish ornithological oracle (or oooo as we like to say) Got another one for u. Does Danger Zone or NBA levels get included in daily challenge? @gumby would be in like a shot with this one!
  • Quite a lot to catch on.
    Firstly well done to @ixan57 for getting the fez but more significantly for making the 150000th post.
    Secondly to all those who have worked out my name, I thought it was a good clue.
    Thirdly, woot woot for the Challenge returning to ABO! Proper tough stuff. Puppies don't come easy. Sorry @briann, I can't shed any light on my score, method same as the other guys, second shot is the banker.
    Working on the WC & SM question.
  • @BrianN oooo? Cute.
    Yes to both, although we try to avoid the NBA levels that are no longer available.
  • Very good clue, Dan, you should have a go at kryptos. Or did you create kryptos? Speaking of fiendish challenges hats off to @comex666 for pulling off those 2 shots one after the other in today's challenge. Take me a month to manage that.

    Thanks again @karen68.One day I will astonish the world by stumping you with an ABQ you don't know.
  • Very racy @tompuss,for 1960 that is. Do u reckon Shirley Maclaine can still do that? (Apologies if she's shuffled off her mortal coil and no one told me. In which case she'd find it very difficult).Disappointed there wasn't a big reveal at the end.
  • @DeaperateDan now that we know your name here is the page hopping solution
    1) copy the address from e.g. page 3001 on Android the address it will pop down below the address window, copy it from there.
    2) paste it onto the address window.
    3)the address will contain p3001. Change this number to what ever page you want and enter. Hey presto your there.
    Try it a few times and you will get used to it and be there in seconds
  • @TomPuss pity @gumdy 's place is temporary closed the girls would have went down well.
    @gumby get well soon
  • @ixan57, thankyou. I am just off to page 4000 to see if @kathy has run out of things to watch on netflix.
  • Hey @briann, @meanguy's gonna get you...
  • Yes @desperatedan no doubt. Bit late for @asher.I think @kathy will be on to S45 of Blacklist by then. Where are u BTW Kathy, cat got ur tongue?
  • Hi @gumby.It's a new day here, hope each day finds you getting a little better, or a lot better.
  • I've set my alarm for 2:50 am. If old meanie beats my score I shall use earthquake to beat him by 50k.Sure to be barred from the Nest, but we'll worth it. Nite all.
  • Well, it’s up to us to keep @gumby’s place going!

    So at the risk of boring the pants off you, here’s a re-run of my favourite dance videos:

    Brimful of Asha (NOT Asher)!!

    MIT’s fantastic take on "Gangnam Style":

    Killer Boogie:
    Rasmus, the guy in blue, front left. moves like no other:

    Moscow flashmob: "Puttin’ (Putin) on the Ritz":

  • You have too much time on your hands @tompuss.As do I at the moment. Love the girl with the red dress and wobbly legs in the first video. (Think we've all had a brimful @asher.)

    My fav take on Puttin' on the Ritz has to be Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein. The tall guy moves like no other.
  • Lol @BrianN, hadn’t seen that version!

    Over and out till next year.
  • I'm here, my tablet wasn't working! My head is missing something?? Lol
    @DesperateDan am I the only one who doesn't know your true identity?
    @BrianN I wish I had a cat lol..
    I'll try to catch up but no promises..
  • Oh And Happy New Year!!
    I got another few hours to go, but I'll be sleeping by then ..
  • Yes, Happy New Year to all flingers. What with lockdown and furlough, it's been a good year for playing AB but not a lot else. So I think I would wish 2021 to be a less good year for playing AB, and a better one for everything else. If you get my drift.
  • Happy New Year!

    The Downing Street Cats:
  • Hey @tompuss did you see the present day incumbent catch a pigeon the other day. Think it was on BBC news. Not just a mouser.

    I meant the cat at no10 not Boris, he couldn't catch covid.
  • BTW @kathy always thought 'cat got ur tongue' a strange one. Let's be honest any animal the size of a cat would render a person speachless if it got ur tongue. But you never hear anyone say 'shitzu got ur tongue'.

    I think it's a doggy conspiracy.
  • Hi @gumby,how are you today, I hope things have improved?What's this about a bunch of dancing girls at ur place? Bit of a dark horse are we?
  • Anyone got any resolutions? How about the smoking @kathy? My resolution is not to wind up @kathy. May have broken it already.
    Ooh, another ABO Challenge, goodee!
  • Happy New year to all and one. Hic
  • Yes, you Scots have an extra day off to recover.
  • Recover from what? Hey @tompuss that Larry is one cultured and eco friendly cat. Understanding the benefits of catch and release. Bet a dog couldn't do that.
  • My resolution is to wind up @kathy even more. Let's be honest it doesn't take much.
    Picture the scene chez Kathy's on a Sat night. She's already annoyed because Dave and babbler#2 keep yakking during Blacklist. Feeling peckish she goes to the kitchen for a snack, storms back in shouting. "Dave if you've eaten my mozzarella sticks I'll.."
    BTW have you noticed we never see Dan and Dave together in the same room? (rubs chin and adopts quizzical expression.)

    Seriously @kathy have you lost it yet today? Wot, not until just now? Gulp(puts on tin hat and descends into underground bunker).
  • @kathy here is a clue to @DeaperateDan identity.
    Dan is approximately 3200 miles away from you. He is not a million miles away from you
  • Happy New Year to all my flinging friends everywhere!
  • Too wet to woooo my oracular friend. Hope Canada hasn't disappeared under a pile of snow.
  • Smart flinging @briann. But remember, a puppy isn't just for Christmas. Anyway, I need to get on that scoreboard so I can't stay here babbling.
  • Hey @kathy where are you? Shitzu got ur tongue?
  • @BrianN I'm never very far away,, really a Shitzu??? , well.. that's not a very pleasant saying, I wonder Why Anyone ever said 'cat got your tongue? ' must be an old form of torture hahaha!!
    Soo @Ixan57 Now I gotta do Math to figure out Dan's true identity!??? *Sigh* this n gonna take some thinking, I'm good at puzzles , really, just haven't given a real honest effort!
    I will!!
    @DesperateDan (for now)Bring Home an Asher Asher Badge you'll be a hero! You can call yourself by any name you choose :)
    I can't fling, now that tablet isn't working, strange if Was fully charged, bit then I switched chargers and it drained!
  • This song has been stuck in my head, I guess it's not a New Year song, but could be
  • AHHA!!! I figured it out!! @DespererateDan True Identity!!! Whoa!! What a Coincidence!!! Lol!!
    Wasn't as hard as I thought!! Heehee !!
  • @BrianN YOU KNEW All Along!!!! :)ppp~~~
  • @Ixan57 Your Math clue didn't really give it away, But it put me on the right path, sort of kinda, but not really.. I'm Not telling How I figured it out, just thought back a few pages, a few posts and voila!!
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