The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2999
  • Ohhh My!!! Forgive me please @Ixan57 I left out Wandering star !!! How could I!!
    OB hitch up that ole' Hitchin' post in case WanderingStar wanders home!! Fill up the Water trough and Feed buckets, put out some Cheese and Erik treats for Donny although I'm sure Donny is safe and sound at home with @Tompuss :D
  • Nighty Night Birdies..
  • Wow such memories. @kathy you were just drinking a Pigkiller & poofing a couple of pages back, haven’t seen any of that in a while! And Kimmie’s snail takes were the best.
    I wonder if there’s still any of Ripsy’s special stock stashed away.
  • Hey @Karen68 I'm sure OB can find the Special Stock , it's surely well aged at this point !
    And seems The Princess wanted in on the action as well,, sorry Dan..
  • Ok, I relent, start of page 3000 will do. But there will be work for you guys to do as well.
  • Seems like Xmas is cancelled here. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth. When the patrons of the BP at page 4000 look back to page 3000, let's hope it all seems like a strange dream that we all woke up from. Twiggy doesn't care, she's happy as long as she can have a game of burger ( I won't try to explain). But I am afraid she will be very suspicious of Donny.
  • But of course, anything is possible in the BP.


    Including peaceful and beautiful things.
  • Lol @DesperateDan , usually OB hangs the decorations, I'll have to go down to the storage area and see if I can did them up!
    Sooo Work¿? When we reach page 3000 ? What kind of work are we talking?
    Idk about Donny and Twiggy , you and @Tompuss will have to sign that out..
    Off to listen to your song..
  • I think we have to give you the privilege of ushering in page 3000 @kathy. Don't be rummaging down in the cellar when it comes. Just 42 comments to go now.
  • Well @DesperateDan I hope I don't miss it! Is Sunday night, and I gotta work tomorrow.. we'll see :/ don't put it on hold on my behalf though.. I'll catch up and celebrate tomorrow night :)
  • @Tompuss Love Josh!
    What now nobody is gonna chat? If your waiting for me to change the page, that's not fair :/ there waaaayy to many comments left for me to do it all alone??
    Twiggy have you learned 'Speak' c'mon girl There's a treat involved.. crispy bacon bits, made by our very own Chef!!
  • 10p.m December 21st 2020 .. documented for the record, less than 50 comments to go until page 3000 :D
    86 posts left to be exact (ish)
  • Remember, we only need to get to 149950 comments to reach page 3000. But with @briann mysteriously off grid, we will get there at gentle canter, it appears.
    Anyway, I see we have some decorations up now @kathy. Do we have a banner ready? Bunting? Ticker tape? 500 dancing hamsters? Sausages and pineapple on sticks?
    OB is conjuring up a new cocktail, what is it I wonder?
    Anyone know?
  • Strange @brianN was active 23hrs 29mins ago but left no comments
  • He did say he was going off grid, whatever that means.
  • Hmmm, off the grid, prison food, stopping by but not visiting in the BP ... Sounds like @brianN is in the midst of an adventure. Hopefully there is some joy involved!
  • Looks like Gumby will be spending page 3000 and Christmas in the hospital. First surgery went well
  • @gumby First surgery! Glad it went well, sending the best of wishes your way :-)
  • Get well soon @gumby
  • @gumby Get well soon!
  • Fez scene - surely filmed in the BP, it looks crazy enough!
  • @BrianN is Off the Grid?? I missed that, had to go back 2 pages to see his last post! I thought he was joking about prison though now I'm wondering? Nahh he was joking! Maybe just busy with Christmas stuff, in laws and such¿
    @Gumby Waaassssuuuuupppp??? Nevermind I know..:(
  • Happy Birthday @Ixan57 !! :D OB all Drinks on the House, party time!! With our without pics and banners and cake.. there's plenty of beer!!
    And here comes WanderingStar and What's his name hauling a wagon load full of .. hmm .. Kegs of beer? And ohhh Noooo Firewood..*slaps forehead* OB ring up the telephone company and\or the cable company whichever keeps putting those damn poles up on the side of the road :/
  • @Tompuss Yes That Fez scene looks like it was surely filmed in the BP, in the Old meeting Hall \Ballroom over at BP Headquarters:D
  • Half day at work tomorrow!! Woot!! Then 10 days off! Double Woot!! Woot!!
    G'nite Birdie Friends...
  • Up at this unearthly hour to get to the shops on Christmas Eve at 0500. To make sure of supplies and avoid people. We now have our own special super-duper virus. USA, you don't want this one. The BP is a very good place to hide.
  • The 500 dancing hamsters are practicing their routine for page 3000 in the the Old Meeting Hall. And they all have tiny hamster fezes.
  • Fezes? Fezes? Fezes?
  • Happy birthday @ixan57
  • Thanks for the birthday wishes @tompuss and @kathy enjoy the Christmas break.
  • @ixan57 Hope you had a Happy Holiday Birthday!

    Dan, the hundreds of trucks parked on runways because they can’t cross to the mainland... not the coverage of England I like to see. I’m usually visiting relatives or friends this time of year. Instead, it’s home with the cats. (I know, you never would have guessed that I would have felines!)
  • Happy Christmas Eve everyone , can't post a Christmas tree but Imagine it..
    @catsnbirds Your the lucky one lol, what i wouldn't give to alone snuggling up with a kitty right now ;) enjoy a quiet holiday..
  • Gonna give the challenge a shot, of I can get there..
  • Happy Christmas everyone for tomorrow. Similar to you @catsnbirds, I never thought I would have dog, but I do and we were snuggled up on the sofa tonight. A big contrast to last year when Twiggy was a naughty puppy. Now she's a (mainly) sensible adult.
  • @kathy I had been using Chrome as my browser for ABN, and the drop-down menus quit working a few weeks ago. I switched to Safari (the IOS browser) and everything works again.
  • @Catsnbirds Thank you!! I'll try switching to Safari tomorrow, not the first clue How to do that lol, but yeah Chrome isn't working well in the Nest for the drop down menu for a while, I never suspected it was my browser.. uhmmm do you have ESP or did I say it's and I've forgotten lol!
    @DesperateDan happy you lucked out and got a good puppy that grew up.. a lot of them don't.. I still prefer cats .. sorry..
    I'm very tired and gotta wrap presents to stuff in the stockings, Or I may just stuff them in the stockings after all isn't that the meaning of 'Stocking Stuffers' ?
  • Very Sleepy... Zzzz ...
  • Those stupid arrows...
  • @Catsnbirds thanks for the suggestion, but Safari isn't compatible with Android :( I'm
    I'm due for an upgrade on my cell phone plan, thinking about what @JLZ666 said years ago, may be time for me to go fruity heehee, I didn't understand her comment back then, but I get it now lol :D an Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away , so they say.. whoever 'They' are.. and Whoever They are I wish they would stop messing with my keyboard!! I'm tired of editing :P
  • 'Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the pub,
    Not a creature was stirring 'cept Twiggy for a rub,,
    When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
    was a fat little elf and 8 tiny reindeer,
    Then We all realized OB was spiking the Beer!!
    Merry Christmas my Birdie Friends.....
    Nighty Night..
  • @kathy Yes, I’ve been an Apple fan for many years. I play on my iPad, but also have an iPhone and a MacBook.
    Officially Christmas Day here in the eastern USA. Best wishes to all for a holiday season that leads to a much happier, healthier 2021!
  • Looks like it will be page 3000 on Xmas day. WOOT! I will have to do the big reveal. But I think we will have more important things to attend to. Expect something on Boxing Day. Now where are those presents, mince pies, brussel sprouts and Queen's Xmas message?...
  • Merry Christmas nesters
  • Merry Christmas to all my flinging friends! ❤️
  • Merry Christmas Everyone :D
    And best wishes and prayers for our friend @Gumby who's suffering a sudden onset of a rare condition, in the hospital undergoing multiple surgeries :(
    It's called Necrotisising Facisitist :( scary..
  • @kathy Thanks for the update on our @gumby . What an incredibly scary condition! Thoughts and best wishes zoomed directly to him in the hospital.
  • Hmm, @karen68 can post emojis and photos.
    Okay, gave a test to see if I could wish everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS will emoji attached. And the answer is ... no.
  • Christmas Day. Nesters have better things to spend their time on than visiting the BP. But, and it’s Dan (for now)’s fault that I am here posting. We have to hit page 3000 today to make his Christmas dreams come true!
Post in the New Forum!