The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2912
  • ohhh cool it worked!
  • Well Hello Princess :D Welcome back!
  • *chirp * chirp* chirp *
  • @kathy Hmmmm, that's the sound I've been hearing in the evening out the windows for the last week or so.
  • Hey @catsnbirds , I guess it's the sound of Seasons changing, starting to feel like September around here, guess everyone is busy flinging maybe?
    I'm about ready for bed myself , I'll blame these cool evenings.. can't imagine after 2900 pages we've run out of things to talk about lol!! or visitors even!
  • They're still chirping , guess everyone is at the Puppy parade! :D
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please, with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion! I'm trying to win a puppy :D
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp????
  • *takes back the drink she Was Gonna order for @Gumby when he popped in and said "Waaassssuupppp' but he didn't , oh well :( :P
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP gimme that drink back
  • OB Put another drink on my tab and on Ice for @Gumby :D
  • Heee Hee Gumby I was already ordering it as you spoke ;)
  • Either I'm up waaayyy past my bedtime or the Timestamp is waaayy off Again? or did it ever get fixed? @Catsnbirds did you notice?
  • @kathy Don't believe that it was ever fixed. I just try to ignore it. I might still be up and on the iPad at 2:30 am, but I sure don't believe that you are!
  • Thanks @Catsnbirds , maybe in the past 2:30 a.m might find me nodding off with tablet in hand, but those days are long gone lol
    Here it's past 11:00 p.m and I'm trying to shut down as it's past my bedtime , getting old.
    Nighty Night..♡
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPP
  • @kathy A lovely one for sleeping:

    "The secret kissing of the Sun and Moon":

    Sending these girls round to @gumby's place:

  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    @Tompuss that video is Awesome, thanks ♡
  • Nighty Night All...♡♡♡
  • LMAO!! great banner @Hunnybunny , And you right, Jlz started the crossing out tradition when we realized we had no banner for Estar!! I'm sooo happy you saved it !
    Though i managed to find the original, I like the crossed out one better!
  • @JLZ666 Happy birthday, dear daemon-lassie!!! BBL with goodies! ❤❤❤❤
  • Happy Birthday @jlz-666
    More to come when I get out of work!
    Hope you are getting spoiled today!♡♡♡♡
  • @jlz666 happy birthday. I thought about a card? No. A video would be better, therefore here we go:

    And apologize for not using the JLZ name, that I couldn’t find on the Internet.
    Anyway, celebrate your day
  • @Hunnybunny already brought the best cake, so dig in!
  • Happy birthday @jlz666! It’s almost over in your time zone but I hope it was good!
    Lovely cakes & banners!
  • Nighty Night , my Friends....'Zzzzz '
  • Good Afternoon everyone!
    BREAKING NEWS.. Got word on the BatWire that the Lovely Birthday girl is Enjoying a splendid vacation in Italy and says Thanks for the Birthday wishes! She will try to pop in when she returns :D
  • Just noticed I've post this almost one month before, but better earlier than never.
  • @Tienshenlong Thank you Sooo much for popping in, and what a great image you've created!
    I believe you are a bit early, by a month.. but knowing that you keep our dear friend close to your heart means a lot

    hope that link works
  • No worries @Tienshenglong It's shows the caring in your heart for our old friends,
    In your words Long live the Flingers , and i may Add Long Remain the Nesters in our hearts, past present and future!
  • @Kathy , as usual, you are too kind.
    Thanks for the link to that guestbook.
    I'm not the creator of that image but the one that retouch it, lol.
    Despite the fact my previous posts are one month earlier for the precise and real passing-away of our beloved rodent, is at the same time accurate if calculated from his last post here on the Nest. ;)

    All the best for you, Kathy, Lady of the Nest indeed.


    PS: Outdated guestbook! Please share if there is a updated-scheduled service comming soon...!
  • Your so Welcome @Tienshenglong
    I'll have to look at his last post actually, thank you for that reminder, I would like to save that and treasurer it!
    meanwhile I Hope life finds you Happy and fulfilled my long time no see freind, but never forgotten freind ;)
  • @Kathy my sentiments exactly.

    Despite the common understandings of this time, dragons, like RATs, never leave the nest... (we make it BIGGER)... @Rat-atouille rephrased line that fits here.

    Being seen is another very diferent thing... lol.
    And since my last message to you, NO-THING changed.

  • @TienShenlong ;) Understood :D
  • (Not sure if anyone remembers me)
    It's been a long time & I just thought I would pop in and say hello! :3
    Woah rat passed away :O
    My belated condolences go out to him and his family. Rest in Peace. ;-;
  • Great to see you, @TienShenLong! And you too, @Harrystar6!

    We all loved Rat and miss him every day ❤

    Scroll up for drinks and cake - @JLZ666 will be back soon from her birthday vacation and I'm sure she wants to share!

    @kathy One for sleeping:

    Love, hugz and purrs to @all
  • Hi there @tienshenlong and @Harrystar6
    Long time no see...
  • @HarryStar6 Hey!!!! lol how could we Forget you!! you were with us from page 1??
    and your words are Famous in the History of the BP "Die Piggies" lol :D I'm so happy you popped in! imagine we are still here going on 7 years!!
    How are things with you? are you still in school?
    yes it's a very sad loss that Rat passed away, we all miss him: (
    thanks @Tompuss
  • @harrystar6 So nice to hear from you again! Yes, you are remembered here well and we miss you.
  • Hello @Tompuss and @Hunnybunny o/
    @Kathy it's just been so long since I was last here. But I'm really glad you guys remember me.
    No I honestly couldn't have imagined that happening lol
    But it's really good to see this place still going strong. :3
    I am no longer in school. I graduated last year and now work one a day a week. But recently I started doing two days. :D
    Thank you @catsnbirds , I appreciate that ^^
  • I haven't played angry birds in a really long time. Just lost interest (but considering I was a teenager at the time and how interests come and go...)
    In fact I haven't actually gamed in a long time. I think Angry Birds sucked the motivation/patience out of me xD
    Nowadays I listen to music on spotify and watch youtube usually.
    I have really fond memories of this place. Just was busy with school, making new friends and various other things :p
  • @harrystar6
    Well I still fling with crazy gang that still loves Seasons
    And I love the music too. VEVO is my fav

    All, I know reglious posts are banned, but this Dave Allen must be forgiven, (father I have sinned, I posted a reglious joke in the BP)

    A man goes to heaven. God shows him around. "Here are the Muslims, the Buddists, the Baptists, the Anglicans, even the atheists." The man looks at huge brick wall. "Who's behind the wall?, he asks. God replies, "The Catholics, they like to think they're the only ones here"
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