The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2839
  • Hey @karen! Yeah,gotta love snapchat. It's the closest thing to the "real" me anyone will see ;)
    I've taken the plunge and entered my scores on Hammier things. When was that out? Last October? I've played every new release,apart from the new ABO one but not seriously and certainly not competitively but I'm really chuffed to see I've only got 4 under average and more shockingly,one top score! Only problem is I genuinely can't think how on Earth I did it??? Too much effort to put in more seasons and ABO scores right now but crikey,I kind of got the old feelings back :D
    I seriously think that the deck oiling is in jeopardy today as I've just sat down with a coffee and whoops what'd you know......the tennis is on ;) Andy is playing today but I'm a bit nervous for him. Hope his injury isn't too bad. We'll find out today I guess. Enjoy @karen
  • Oh God I did it again lol!
  • Nice surprise @jlz666 - a top score! Careful, you'll be flinging like a mad woman again before you know it. :)
    I heard Murray was injured, I hope he does ok. And hey your deck will still be there tomorrow... or the next day.. I should have time to see most of that match before heading out, taking my son off to camp after lunch.

  • Hello guys,

    Reunion you said? 4 Pages added here since yesterday. That's massive.

    @tompuss, yes, we're heading for Switzerland at July 29th - looking forward to it.

    Have a nice day guys, back to work now
  • @jlz666 @karen68 @wrw01 @cosmo2503 @tompuss good morning!!! Coffee and tea ready!!! :D
  • The pigs are on the BBQ, lol
    Will join tonight
  • @bernersenn see you then! Enjoy work! ;D
  • *Rain break in match*
    How I've longed to say this again......
    *Good morning Sunshine!*
    @sunshine thank you and yes the boys are unlocked and free to roam. They could do with a good airing mind you so maybe just let them run around for a while to blow off the cobwebs ;) Thanks for remembering Dancing queen!
    @bernersenn To be honest the chat in the last 2 pages were just girly catch up so you might want 2 keep 10mins of your life and skip that part lol!
    @karen hope everything goes ok dropping off for camp and you get to enjoy the rest of the matches today.
    @sunshine could I please have a large americano please?
  • Now we're talking @tompuss That sounds delicious although I can feel my teeth rotting at the sound of it lol! You can come to a party at my place anytime;D Lily just received cuddles from you but Oscar is out so I'll pass it on later.
    @sunshine,scrap that coffee order,I'll take the Cocktail instead.
    *match back on*
  • *poofs into his dusty stool*
    Hey everybody, my sincere apologies. I have been absolutely swamped this weekend with emergency work. But I am here now and ready to party.
  • @sunshine It is an absolute delight to see you here. I am working on getting some pics up to share with everyone. Get everyone get caught up on the Saga of Ripsy.
  • @rdnzlrips82 great pics!!! Family looks good!! ;)
  • I need to poof back home and fix someone's cell phone real quick. I'll be back later for a little bite to eat.
  • @birdaddict HELLO
    @kimmiecv and @jlz666 WOW thats a lot of catching up. I just skimmed thru and sure I missed quite a bit. Also I am not sure I want to ask what beaver season is.
    @rndzlrips82 nice to see you again Ripsy :)
    @tompuss those beverages sound yummy
    @rat wish you were well enough to join our little party
  • And I am back. OB, I believe I will have some of Kathy's Bacon Wrapped Shrimp. Can I have that served over some Rice Pilaf with an Angryboy Arnold Palmer, please?
  • @rdnzlrips82 Awwww Ripsy I missed you:( You were the person I most wanted to share my photos with. They're back a couple of pages. I know you'll be thrilled I finally got to see him:)
    Congrats on seeing Sigur Ros and in such amazing surroundings! My next bucket list scratch off is Metallica in October. Are people still contributing to your record collection? You must need a separate room by now. Fantastic family pics. Maddie is your double,wow! Sweet little Peekapoos! Sounds like life is good and you're busy but more importantly happy? Sorry I missed you. Really hope to bump into you soon.
    @gumby Tip of the iceberg! Oh and please no,you don't want to me ;)
    Dinner time so gotta go.
    @kathy is going to throw a fit at these pages lol!
  • @jlz666 You look rather young to have a bucket list.
  • @kathy is having a problem with her eye and hopefully will be here in BP after her eye doctor appointment.
  • @ sunshine
    Thanks for the invite. Enjoy reading everyone's posts. Flinging birds a bit in non Facebook Friends but besides that not playing any games. Lost all progress for everything except ABO. Filling the free time with life's activities. Hope all is going well with you and all the others who posted recently.
  • @gumby I was just coming to tell everyone what's up with @kathy. She really feels bad that she is not here, but her eye is bothering. Sorry! She will be back soon! :D
  • @wrw01 great to see you!! Life is good here! :D
  • @wrw01 thanks for dropping in. Have a few drinks on the house.
  • @sunshine hows it goin? sleepy here and might take a nap.
  • @gumby a long night??? Hair of the dog?
  • @sunshine Yea long night, I think I'll wait until tomorrow until I have more alcohol LOL
  • @gumby drink some H2O or pedialyte for the electrolytes
  • @gumby And this is based on my snapchat photo?lol ;) Well Ripsy is younger than me and he's got one! I think everyone should have a bucket list and start ticking things off asap. Life's too short not to.
    Hi @wrw01 :D
    Thanks for the Kathy update. She'll have a novel to read when she's back.
    Where's @hunnybunny?
  • @jlz666 theres you in the dark and Slash I keep my comp pretty bright so I can see better and yes life is too short.
    @hunnybunny could be lurking or could be off somewhere on a walk.

    OK definitely nap time. I'll be back later
  • I'm here!
    So much to read. Can't remember whether Kimmie and her snails or the non-stop breathless posts from JLZ made me laugh the most!
    I've also invited @Pellystar and @angermanagement but not heard from either of them
    And watching Wimbledon. I just love seeing Nadal, even on grass he has such a natural beautiful game...
  • Ooh, and that better than sex cocktail for me!
    Having been married 35 years though, can barely remember ....
  • Oh....oh heck. I never thought about brightness @gumby. Damn. I was trying to hide in the shadows :/ Enjoy your nap.
    @hunnybunny Tennis good so far. Just watched the cracking Stan match! I'll pass on the pizza. Got 7 weeks to lose what I'm going to gain in I sit eating a Crunchie ice cream......yeeesh :(
  • Off to one of those make your own birthday cards sites. Two friends turn sixty next week, and I'm hurtling towards it too, unfortunately
  • Just watched Stan as well. Pity, he's one of my favourites
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