The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2831
  • @kathy feel that pain. Never moved my sister, but moved a friend. She did no prep whatsoever
    @catsnbird come out of your booth...
  • Oops, genuine steal of crown, this time @kathy
  • @bernersenn @hunnybunny great to see both of you!!! Cheers!! :D enjoy!!!
    OB bernersenn is right, let's get @rat a drink as well!!! :D
  • @aha, the bunny @hunnybunny is also in? What a surprise, the old crew together (- Tom), sad.
    @Kathy how could I overlooked your pain, so rude of me. Please, feel hugged.

    OB, we need lots of drinks tonight. It is that hot, horrible. Hot and humid.
    So, take a round and ask these friends whatever they like to drink.
    Champagne for the bunny.

    For me it's over for today, nighty nighty.
    Will see if I can pop in more frequently
  • @bernersenn @rat will return!!!! He has all of his nest friends around the world on his side!! :)
  • "Clink" for Rat
  • @bernersenn the weather here has just changed cooler, cloudier, more breeze. It will drift over to you soon. Sleep well
  • Goodnight birdy friends xx
  • @sunshine Thank you soooo much for the understanding of the 'We' lol and for the drink!!
    and for dragging all these friends in here!! your the best !
  • @sunshine Thanks for the libation! Been lost in a book for the last few hours and haven't looked up to notice all the pub activity. So good to see you here!
    @hunnybunny Good morning (as it will be by the time you see this). Couldn't believe the first round of the London matches, Andy and Stan both out!!!
  • Nighty night all sorry i couldn't pop in for longer..pretty stressful night. Hope to see everyone pop in more often!
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @karen68 @hunnybunny @bernersenn @catsnbirds @kathy @rat @wrw01 @stocktoad @lesleyg @wanda @trishohara @iammighty @rdnzlrips82 Good Morning!!!!! :D
    Coffee is on and breakfast is ready!!! (Love that smell of fresh coffee and bacon!).
  • @gumby so sorry! My bad I left you out!!! Come join, the food is yummy!! :D
  • @mvnla2 @sweetp @burbman I have a nice breakfast waiting for you guys when you wake up on the west coast! @burbman your special mocha is red hot! ;)
  • @sunshine
    Good morning to you. Nice to get is great. Hope all is going well.
  • @wrw01 would you like some burnt toast to go with the coffee? Life is going great!! How about you? Family well?? How's fling going?
  • @sunshine Yummmmm, morning coffee! Glad to hear all is going great with you. Been thinking about your mom moving in lately, friend of mine just moved her mom from her home in Michigan to live with her in Texas. That would be her 99 year old mother!
  • @catsnbirds thanks for thinking about us! It is going well. She likes her place a lot! Hubby's parents are back up here from Fl. His mom has been in assisted living since October, and his dad had a stroke, and they found lung ca. We brought him back in March to do hospic at home, but he needs more help to get out of bed then I can do. He is in hospic/ long term.
    99 that great! :)
  • Hello guys,

    Nice people here. Morning coffee, burnt toast. Yummie.
    Have a nice day
  • @sunshine @karen68 @hunnybunny @bernersenn @catsnbirds @kathy @rat @wrw01 @stocktoad @lesleyg @wanda @trishohara @iammighty @rdnzlrips82 @sweetp @burbman @gumby and of course @Kathy.
    Wow! It's really nice to see so many old faces.
    I'm all up for a July 4th Reunion Party. Won't be going to the family reunion party on 7/4 -- HWDNF fractured his tibial plateau (I had to look it up) skiing and still can't put any weight on his right leg. (Tibial plateau is the top of the shin bone, where it widens out; basically the knee sits on it.) Family reunion is in Sacramento CA, where it is usually well over 100 F on July 4th -- so an excuse is welcome.
    I'm still flinging in AB Friends, ABO, and AB Blast, plus anything else that has a new episode, but haven't been spending much time in the nest.
    Best wishes to @Rat, and I hope he will be able to make the reunion, even if from Paris.
    @sunshine -- Your call came at just the right time for breakfast. Thanks!
  • @mvnla2 sorry to hear about knee. I it starts to feel better soon, but glad you will be in town!!!! :)
    @bernersenn burnt toast is @wrw01 's favorite. That and the smell of fresh coffee!!! ;) I also have @kathy 's favorite pig muffin, and of course lots of bacon!!
    Are you ready for a beer?
  • @sunshine that is the keyword for me. Yessss. A very nice cold beer, make it a large one.
    Thanks and cheers. It's 9 pm overhere, temperature has been lower, from 93 now 80 degrees
  • @karen68 how is your vegetarian doing or is she back on meat?
    @kathy have you recovered from packing last night? Should I have OB pour you a stiff one?
  • @bernersenn here you go!! Enjoy!! :)
    I hate the heat & humidity!!!! 84 here 66% humidity, looks like rain.
  • @hunnybunny is it time for a glass of wine with ice?
  • @sunshine thanks.
    @mvnla2 indeed, lovely to see these faces again.
  • @bernersenn how is it going being admin.? Are you enjoying it? Do they keep you busy! :)
  • Lol @sunshine you brought them all back. Fancy a bacon muffin please, even though it's not breakfast time!
    ((((Hugs)))) to Rat, hope you are back soon
  • @sunshine a glass of Malbec (actually have one in my hand) you must have known...
  • @sunshine it isn't that hard. Thought that it would cost me more time as it does. The start wasn't easy. But Greg and Paul helped me massive. E.g. Creating a new leaderboard and post for AB Friends is taking me 10 minutes.
    Beside getting lots of help from @karen @kathy @hunnybunny and @knichy.
    Actually I was surprised about how many people are doing work for this Nest. Certainly not only the "known" admins
  • I better couldn't have mentioned names of these helpful guys. Chances are huge that I missed some other guys.
  • @mvnla2 good to see you too, sorry about your hubby. My friend crushed the bottom of the thigh bone, just above the knee, but exactly the same result: crutches and no pressure. Training for the round the world yacht race. Needless to say she didn't go.
  • @bernersenn glad it is going well!!!! I think you are a perfect fit to the team!!
    @hunnybunny I figured it was that time day. I'm having one after running mom around today. @mvnla2 sorry about the miss read. Better the hubby's knee then your!!
  • Thanks @sunshine
    The team is perfect. When a new episode appears, we are trying to keep al up the same day as it appears. Despite the timezones, Paul one hour ahead of me, I 10 hours ahead of Greg.
    That's why I call it a global team.
  • @bernersenn absolutely!!!! :D
  • So here I am again with the question - which I hope is not as sideways as some of my other queries.

    Lady @Kathy (hmm kinda rhymes) I just loaded AB Rio since the challenge has "Rio Smugglers Den Level 6 (1-6)." An aside note: it took me a while to find smugglers to play the level. I was avoiding loading Rio 2 as I thought it was a whole new game like AB and AB 2. I am such a dimwit sometimes-for heavens above!!! Well, after looking all over; so ugh&$/: simple - it was just a little switch over icon at the bottom of the screen. See, I just thought I would give you folks another chuckle - how close I came to saying "Whiiinne, I can't find it!!

    I do (I hope) have a real question. Rio is showing I have 133,710 in coins. I have only played about 8 levels, and clicked on a few coins - so now I could unlock everything and buy lots of stuff. Is it normal to have that many coins so soon?

    Oh, I'll get to doing my gravatar soon.
  • @patz coins buy you Power Ups ( not a done thing here, PU scores are NOT ALLOWED) but possibly allow you to open new levels, I don't know, I've opened all levels without coins.
    Also guessing you don't have 133,710 coins, just misread the first page where your scores appear
  • Mrs Bunny is off to bed. The snowy depths of Winter WonderHam has taken its toll
    @sunshine MMMMMM COFFEE, I'll pass on burnt toast thou.
    @hunnybunny I have a nice bottle of Malbec thats been sitting on my kitchen counter for at least 3 years now. Someday gonna drink it LOL
  • @gumby sorry about the toast, there are other things on the menu!!!! @wrw01 just loves burnt toast and the smell of fresh coffee!! :(
    My I get you a drink?
  • Heeelloo Everyone!!
    @ Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    @Sunshine Oh my you've got this place Hopping!! Awesome. see everyone needs some Sunshine :D Thank you so much !!
    @wrw01 soooo good to see your still flitting around the Nest!! long time no see!! @Estar will be bummed she missed you !!
    Sorry @Sunshine Is taking me so long to get in here today. busy busy busy!!
    Now dinner time.. I'll be back to catch up!
  • @sunshine well I have had 4 Large coffees today already so maybe time to switch it up to a Blue Mongo :)
  • @gumby a large (regulars special size ;D ) a Blue Mongo on it's way! Enjoy! I add a little sunshine special ;)
    @kathy don't worry!!! I have a painkiller ready for you!
  • @Patz I see @hunnybunny answered your question about the coins , I haven't flung Rio in years so i have no idea about what's new , sorry

    Ya and get that gravatar up Woman!! we want to put a face (figuratively speaking) to the name;)
    and I'll add I'm Proud of you taking the plunge and figuring out Rio2 on your own.. your learning!! it took us all a while , that's the beauty of this community We all help each other.. still to this day we are learning new things ,never be afraid to ask! :D ohh and i think you asked what Btw means. 'by the way' brb is 'be right back ' and here's a made up one that we use sometimes see if you cab figure it out..'Bbiabidkbpw'
  • @sunshine that large Blue Mongo will knock me out for the night after working 12 hours
  • @gumby don't drink it like it's water!!!!
  • @gumby and @Kathy I don't want to see scary Gumby (well maybe)!!! ;)
  • @Sunshine I'll have one as well thanks while i eat dinner! bbiab :D
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