The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2681
  • gonna be a scorcha tomorrow
  • ruh roh @gumby is the crown thief once again @kathy
  • Yep @gumbycrownthief gonna be a scorcha for sure!, seriously how does it go from 50° to almost 90° overnight , then next Sunday back to 60° !! Crazy!!
  • Where ya flinging not @gumby , and do you know where @gumby is flinging lol?
  • @kathy lol I am flinging the challenge. 3rd in challenge 12th place overall so far
  • @kathy apparently it is easier on a PC thou according to lowenzahn
  • Not bad @notgumby :) yes I've heard that about pc , for years in all soldiers, all levels, not sure what truth there is to that though? I've heard some of the ultimate Flingers mention of it years back, such as Manu , and the likes in other forums but i would think @admins ,@birdleader would be aware of the advantage and not allow pc users to use the boards? As with FB, Chrome , and and others:/
  • @kathy I guess it only works on 1 birder levels that do not require any activation of the birds
  • @gumby @hunnybunny I've sent a pm to @admins about this PC advantage;)
    Hopefully we'll get a resolution, unfortunately there's no easy way to know which levels this is a possibility:/
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please and if the @admins stop in, set them up with whatever they'd like:)
    *gOiNg fLiNGin'
  • @kathy bernersenn tropy up for grabs in a Space challenge now
  • @kathy also I am pretty sure this level was very recently a challenge.

    Edit: yes it was a challenge on May 20 2016, just 4 days ago?
  • @gumby which one. @rat and @bernersenn are going to have a "friendly" today in space , I think
  • @knichy Pig Dipper 6-12
  • I need to go back and at least one star space again on new phone so I can play, not too bad of a flinger there
  • Really @gumby? Idk hmm seems @sweetp has more on her mind than she thougt.
  • @knichy yeah same here, but almost a year on new phone. Haven't gotten much of Space unlocked yet.
  • @kathy yea I think @rat and @bernersenn among with some others got puppies
  • Kk I've sent another pm asking about the repeat of the challenge, as this is not the first time it's happened..
    Really *GoNE FLinGiN' *
    @gumby @knichy @anyone else with questions ...
  • @kathy lol @gumby GoNe SleEpiNG
  • Why, I had the #4 improved slot yesterday, then, and I don't know that anyone got a puppy. You missed it Sunday, I got my first kennel entry on a short fuse level, actually got eight or nine if you could count every time I beat the old high, a veritable litter I'd say. Wound up with a rare trophy by 4k, but didn't know how to screenshot so I took a pic with my daughter's Kindle and uploaded from there. now that I know that I CAN do it, y'all better look out!
  • @knichy had #4 improved but dropped down a lot to around #10 improved. It was a tough level to get any scores over 110k thats for sure. So good job
  • Uggggh I didn't check late. But I. The end I improved greatly over my old score. I wonder if some flinga's might get good scores an hold them until the end, like an eBay bid war
  • @knichy I didn't see anyone enter any scores in the last few hours, I entered mine around 7pm. Near the bottom of the previous page in BP, I think 3rd post from the bottom.
    Also nobody got a puppy score, comex was top improved and missed it by a couple hundred points or so.
  • Nighty night @gumby lol
  • @knichy you got new phone ?
  • Last couple of days have been tough. Even my "hay day" only had three, one was @rat hopping in in team-bp style to validate my detailed strat.
  • haven't seen @rat9 all day @knichy, I'm sure your strat was great. Mongo gotta to go bed now night night. .sleep tight don't think about snakes on an island, soon to be at a place near..uhmm someone. ..
    @bernersenn said about the snake story first, but guess he dindnt see my posts; (
  • Nighty night @Pa, ,wherever you are♡
  • Please give some BP T&P for Nana @knichy, Mrs knichy packed a bag and left tonight, Nana admitted to the er with metastasis brain tumors
  • @Gumby I only got to play the repeat challenge for about 15 minutes last week and ended up 370 points shy of a puppy. After looking at @bernersenn's score I'm not sure it's worth chasing. Wow! That's some kinda good score you got there. I'm not sure I could beat that in my "Heyday". (I think that's the word you were searching for Gumby.)

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately @Ma. But between MIL breaking her hip and my Aunt passing, I've been a bit distracted. As if that wasn't enough, my pain levels shot through the roof keeping me from sleeping much. But since my Aunt's service was yesterday, beautiful btw, and I'm feeling better now, I might, repeat MIGHT, take a fling or two at the challenge. Probably an exercise in futility with Bernie's new high score. ha ha

    Good luck Nana Knichy.

    Sweet dreams Ma♥
  • Good morning everyone.
    What did I say? No intention to have the pc users away from the leaderboards. I just wanted to say that these players are having an advantage if the game can be done with one, static, bird. Like yesterday, little red to this and that position. The advantage is gone when more than one bird is involved or there are birds in the sling that need pointed during the flight.
    @kathy they are planning to bring rattlers to that island? Have they gone mad? Remember they introduced once rabbits in Australia? Till now no one is keeping it under control. Millions of rabbits are living overthere.

    The Challenge today? What's this? Why again?

    About @hunnybunny's question: once you entered a score in the Challenge and there comes a new leader, you will get an email telling that there is a new leader. For that you don't even to log on. Although? I'm never logged out, lol.

    @rat Thanks for the honors for my score

    Have a good day.
  • I reluctantly agree with @bernersenn about flingers using PC's to recreate shots. It doesn't seem fair does it? ha ha But how would you police it? We all have the option of playing on any or all devices using any or all software versions. Me, I'm too lazy and too much of a noob to use more than one iPad with the current software. I get by.
    Has the ugly washed off Wolf yet?
  • Wow @rat I had to lookup the word "reluctantly", got it now.
    Who has to wash Wolf off? I think his mum is doing so.

    Lazy and upgrading? Yep, same here. Applications are automatically updated (setting on the Ipad).
  • You iPad users have the advantage, I fling on a 5" droid phone. Which is a big improvement over the 3 1/2" I used before.
  • No advantage here @knichy. Just a choice. I choose to use an iPad. You choose to use a 5" droid phone. Life's full of choices. Stop whining about your bad ones.

    Edit: That came across a lot harsher than it did in my head. I was laughing the whole time I was writing it. Sorry.
  • @knichy this addictive stuff was the only reason for me to buy an Ipad. Finger-eye combination needs it
  • @rat is is rat or rat9 ?
    Whiiiiine Wednesday! No worries, I do in fact choose the phone because it allows me to fling during breaks and at lunch or waiting in line at Walmart. And I do pretty darn well, my ambition is to get to page 1 on the leaderboard of the ones I choose to play, right now it's seasons, I had gotten to 100 in ABO but got kicked down a few steps.
    Nothing like you in space though! You and @bernersenn are formidable flingers
    I didn't do the challenge the other day because I needed to unlock all the pig dipper levels to get to it, but giving it a go today with the stRAT
    Already added 6k, so a success in my book
  • You set the bar awfully high on the daily challenge last week @bernersenn. But I tried anyway.

    I answer to most things @knichy, but my moniker is @rat9, King of Space. Good luck on the challenge. Somebody, I won't mention who (again), set the bar for a puppy awfully high. ha ha
  • Puppies are not often in my future; I like to see myself in the Most Improved list, and today that should be pretty easy since most challenge regulars probably set their own bars high last week. And I like the fun of picking a level and hammering at it and maybe getting top 50.
  • Oh SNAP @rat9! I think you may have the only puppy of the day!
  • Good score @knichy But aren't you the flinger that beat me in the Short Fuse challenge by 4K last week? You can do better. I did.
  • I didn't get to play the challenge last week @knichy. @bernersenn was all by himself. Of course he would probably beat my current score if I'd posted it last week. ha ha
  • These young Whippersnappers and their lingo. Is "SNAP" a good thing?
  • Wow @rat congrats pal. You do realize that you could have two puppies on this?
  • Huh? You perplexed me with the two puppy comment @bernersenn.
  • @rat you could have a puppy last week (score less than me of course). There was plenty room. And this one.
    @kathy @ma! @pa is hurting me, what to do with him?
  • I'm struggling with MH-10 (Seasons), argh! Mean level, very mean
  • Oh! Could have "had" two puppies. Not, could have two puppies. I understand now @bernersenn. That one word makes a big difference. lol
  • @rat could have had, have, whatever.
    Je had twee puppies kunnen hebben (that is what it would be in dutch)
  • I'm not complaining @bernersenn. Just explaining my confusion. I remain impressed at your language skills. Twee puppies? I'm happy with the one.
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