The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2587
  • BTW @Birdleader that is a great feature , the spam blocker, I just hope it's not on when we have a birthday party:/ we will all be blocked lol;)
  • @kathy lol the BP didn't wanna hear the whine so it blocked you LOL

    ask slim about the tax write off
  • @kathy tryin to raise my Tatooine 1-25 score, taking forever Im stuck at 92k. Its one of those levels where ya fling and then pray for luck.
  • Aww @gumby good luck! Ihate those fling and pray levels, that's what I'm working on to with PD 5-10
  • Did you see my post on the last page?
  • @kathy yep and the page before that
  • @kathy finally broke 93k barely but not even in top 150 so must keep goin LOL
  • Well @gumby at least you improved your score :) Think positive :) so no puppy, today's a new challenge :)
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
  • Mornin' Ma.
    Maybe you can help me understand the nightmare I had last night.

    I was backed up against a cliff by hundreds of fluffy white bunnies. They got so close pushing and shoving each other that one of them tripped on my tail and fell over the cliff. Smiling as it fell, I heard it yell "I beat you" and "Die Piggies, Die!". Did I tell you there was a pig farm at the bottom of the cliff?

    What could it possibly mean Ma?
  • Sorry @kathy, I saw your comment yesterday but couldn't get here until now. I've been super busy these past few days!
    I can't say we have any real statistics on how many puppies are adopted each week, since it can vary from 1~2 up to ~20. Of course, it all depends on what the challenges are, flinging skills, L-factor, 3 P's, etc. But you know we try hard to avoid any parades while vetting these levels, which aren't easy to predict as you know!
  • @rat hundreds of white bunnies laughing at actually escaping from The Rat
    Congrats @catsnbirds you smashed it!
  • @hunnybunny Thanks! Those luck levels are so frustrating, I prefer being rewarded for actually figuring out a repeatable strat. Not that I am turning down the puppy, of course!
  • Just sometimes I get so annoyed by Angry Birds. Wasting my time. Stupid comments (I know, I've made a lot of them) Stupid luck based levels. Nasty comments, not in the BP, of course. But today something just really p*****d me off.
    I'm taking a break...
  • Congratulations on a very lucky fling @catsnbirds. I remember this level well from years ago. I never found a repeatable strategy. As in the movie War Games, "The only winning move is not to play". ha ha
  • @sweetp and don't forget the record 30 plus puppies on 1 challenge not long ago
    @kathy that wasn't for challenge that was for Tatooine, but I am trying the Death star challenge today, so far haven't broken 90k. Almost did a few times but 1 silly pig would survive.
  • Whoa @Pa that's one heckuva nightmare!! Thank goodness the bunnies didn't catch you lol
    @catsnbirds Congrats on the pup:) put a quarter in the donation jar lol:D
    @hunnybunny pm if you want to talk about it:( I do get what you mean believe me!! And if you could Can you take a look at PD 3-19 for me? I'm using f91sjw strat, but i Reallly need to know , on the first shot should i be trying to knock that wooden ball off the left overhang of the roof or is it better not to? @karen68?
    Wwwhhhhiiiiiinnnneeee !!
  • @gumby oops thought you got another puppy, i haven't played DS for aloooonnng time or I'd try to help, besides I'm still struggling with PD:(
  • @kathy the only Pig Days levels I have played are the challenges, so I can't help you there :(
  • @mvnla2 I just had a partial collapse on Pig Days 3-19 for 5200 pts, I had YB in the sling already and was just about to release when the front part of the first house fell. I've been flinging at this level for 2days, so no telling how many restarts and of course i released yb prematurely so I don't even know if it would have led to more, and of course i messed up the release so couldn't even use it to my advantage:(
    Should i post in the self destroying forum, or wait and see if it happens again? Like i said 2 days could have been over a thousand flings idk:/
    Figures I finally get freee points and mess it up, my luck:(
    My gf used to say i could screw up a soup and a sandwich lol!
  • @kathy I have found that most levels with self destruction only hinder high scores. It usually makes things worse, but thats what I have seen.
  • @Gumby Yes I agree , most do hinder not help, but there are a few that actually help and are worth the wait, I think PD 3-19 could be one, but like I said I've probably flung over 1000 times in the past 2 days and haven't seen it, I had a feeling it Could happen but I flung yb to quickly to find out.
    Jessh I'm telling ya ,the word prediction on my phone comes up with some Doozy's !!
    Next time I won't correct my self and you will see what I mean! !!
  • @Gumby read @Odi strat and @karen68 tips on the DS challenge ,You can do it!!
    Shoot I forgot to check if @still posted a screenshot:/
  • Well @wicket82 Got close so is possible, keep trying!
    Kk That's 3 within few minutes, this is 4, don't want to get shut off for spamming
    Going quiet now, but first
    OB I'll take a Pigkiller please:)
  • @kathy I read and re-read all those comments on walk thru- even watched the video. I just for the first time passed 90k 90050 to be exact lol way off from a puppy so far.
  • @kathy also I think these levels are tougher playing on a phone because it has to be harder to hit the exact spot on the "tap" part of the shots
  • @kathy you rang... PD 3-19, I just took a peek, I remember it. Got some dishes to do & laundry to fold but then I'll have a go. My score could use some improvement there.
    Well, maybe the laundry can wait. Anything to avoid folding laundry. I'll get back to you in a bit.

    @gumby keep trying on the challenge. I've improved using the strat from Odie. Ignore what I posted & go with his strat :)
  • @karen68 ya Ive been having better luck with Odie start, but of course tried yours as well
  • Thanks @karen68 :D appreciate all the help i can get, it's a tough level:(
    @gumby if you read between the lines and try to combine both Odi strat with Karen's you'll get it!! I think i heard puppy calling your name and whining, sounded lonely:(
  • @kathy that puppy ya hear must be the one @tompuss posted on the last page back LOL
  • @kathy -- I just copied your comment into the Self-Destroying forum. Will take a look.
    @gumby -- At least for the older levels (maybe older versions of the games), self-destruction could be very advantageous. Not sure about new levels.
  • @kathy -- You're talking about midsummer eve, right? Must say I haven't seen so much as a hint of wiggle yet. You meant the house on the far left, not the boat on the right, which does some rocking, correct?

  • Thanks @mvnla2 :D I'm keeping a closer eye on it now.
    @gumby I'll have to go back a page I missed @tompuss post:/
  • Ohhh lol @gumby you mean Annie tie the single black female? Hee hee Nooo I'm sure she's been adopted by now lol..
    Wonder how sin we're going to here the 'R' word if that hits the news hounds :/
  • Yes @mvnla2 Midsummer eve ,the first house on the left, the left side of the roof and the front wall collapsed ,it was after many many flings as I said
    The level was still settling after restart and I had YB cued up and ready to go when it fell, but definitley before release
  • @kathy yea Annie :)
    @mvnla2 yea there were a few in ABO that I can never get a top score because they have been fixed :( but any I have seen lately like the one in Ski or Squeal didn't seen to help with scores.
  • Oh and should mention @mvnla2, it was on my Android tablet, latest seasons update, I'll find out what Android version if you need?
  • @Kathy -- Don't need the Android version, but thanks.
  • @snoid that would be me:) I love that song!! And thanks for the compliment:)
    Nice to see you here and Welcome: D I'm assuming you've read page 1 so now you can kick back and have a drink and a bite to eat, enjoy the music and the company:)
    I'm gonna check out your videos now:)
  • @gumby Agreed a lot of the bugs that caused self or partial destruction have been fixed
  • Ooohhh @snoid Great picks !! I just added Daniel Lanois to my favorites on you tube, phenomenal, and yes both versions quite beautiful. I will be sure to add them to my choices on the jukebox when we next update it, Thanks:D
  • I hate to think it @mvnla2 but I can't believe I'm the Only one who's seen self destruction on 3-19! Maybe others have seen it and it helped their score so they leave that part out of their strat:(
    I do know Some don't like to post All their secrets to the higher scores: (
    Maybe it's just late and I'm overly frustrated with this stupid level!!
    OB Please a double, triple pigkiller please and I'm going to watch @snoid 's peaceful calming videos again.. Breathe... deep breath *sigh*
    Nah all the top flingers are honest and actually have been very helpful, I've whined quite a bit on that level; ( I'm just frustrated is all: (
  • @mvnla2 just got 40 points on 1st restart after less than a minute,??
    I'm wondering about my post in Oct if I have updated since i don't think so, not sure if platform has anything to do with it, but my Android version on my tablet that i fling on is android 5.0
    Tried it on my other Android tablet and my phone which are both Android 5.1 and haven't seen any signs of any type of collapse. Strange I'm seeing a lot of it tonight: \
  • Again just got 30 points after reset and 1st start..
  • @mvnla2 another 30 points on restart, i took a screenshot will post it tomorrow for you
  • @kathy Glad you liked the music. I knew that anyone who liked that Ryan Adams song would also like "Fire." I didn't realize that just posting the YouTube links would result in taking up so much space, so I may share some others with you directly, and you can always nominate them for the jukebox when the time is right. You also talked about sharing strategies. I posted mine on M6-29 a while back, and a couple of players have tried it out. Got me my new "High IQ" badge!
  • @kathy I just changed my profile photo, but it didn't change when I updated the page, so I'm going to try a new post. No one seems to know who Mr. Snoid was, but he was about the angriest avatar I could think of. My new angry bird is a close second.
  • Yes @snoid feel free to pm me with any music, it seems we have the same taste:)
    As far asv taking up space, there is a way to just post the link, uhmm I'm not sure quite how to do it though, that's a question for @sweetp ( who is probably ready to kill me for mentioning her so much lol) or @Estar who is also very busy these days, hmm maybe @Amslimfordy could pop in and resize the videos, if not,, meh,,' no worries:)
    Congrats on the High IQ badge, that's a tough one to earn, I'll have to check out your strat, those mirror levels are tough some of them, be careful you' don't want to step on Mr. @rat9 tail as does the bunny every other day haha! (read back , you'll understand)

    And Ya I never heard of Mr. Snoid? But it does take a few (quite a few) minutes for the new avatar to update..
    Unfortunately it's 1a.m. waaay past my bedtime so i must bid you goodnight:)
    I'm really happy that you popped in with the music, and please keep on popping in:)
    Nighty night
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