The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2581
  • @kathy this one is named Spot
  • @all -- I've heard about all the rock stars & Natalie Cole dying, but I am clueless about the rock stars' songs. Stopped listening to popular music decades ago. I'm totally into classical (even contemporary classical) music, will listen to jazz, and a few selected older pop records.
  • @mvnla2 But I'm sure you have heard The Eagles? No ? That would be Glenn Frey , Hotel California?
    And of course you know Natalie Cole .. Don't tell me no Nat King Coles daughter?
  • @gumby what's the guy the Eagles with the high voice? Tim something... No no Joe something can't even think of the song but he sang it solo was one of my favorites
  • @mvnla2 back one page I put up an Eagles video. Its a good song check it out
    @kathy I think you are referring to Timothy B Schmitt, Randy Meisner also kinda sounded like him but left the Eagles in 1977 and Hotel california wasn't sung by Glen Frey. And the song you are thinking of is most likely- I Cant tell you Why
  • ewps it happened again
  • @kathy I love the Eagles, been listening to them for decades :) close to 4 decades
  • @kathy Glen Frey also had a solo career, you might know the song- the One you Love
  • Yes @Gumby That's the Song! ! Yes Timothy Schmidt thank you; )
    I think you have to click the 'copy url link' but I'm not sure.
    Now i send it to my email then copy it from there pita
    I'm on my way to dreamland, see ya tommorow
    Get Ready for the Nor' Easter on Saturday!
    Darn why couldn't it happen Friday lol, free day off ;)
    No kitty tonight I'm to tired
    Nighty night
  • sleep well
  • @all "Space Oddity":

    Sung by a big choir:

    By David Bowie, with pix of space:

    Church bells ring it out:

  • Congratulations in Ski and Squeak @HunnyBunny. But you were in danger of skiing across my tail again so I got it out of your way. There is plenty of room for you to ski now. Just let me know if it gets in your way again.
  • @rat you, yet again, got me confused with someone who gives a damn.
    I'm on third pass, only played level one so far.
    After that I'm out.
    Play for whatever you want to achieve. Beating Mr Not-So-Charming is a better goal than trying to wind up a laid back rabbit.
  • @tompuss don't make me cry again. David Bowie is my hero. Changed my life. Music, clothes, make up. Aged twelve Just WOW, compared to twelve year old boys (and girls) at school.
    Still dress up every day, even my walking gear has to have style (well I think it does) make up always on, and Alladin Sane is my go to CD.
    There's a Starman waiting......
  • It's always pleasant to hear from you @Hunnybunny.
  • lots of chatter on the BP agree on seven bridges road. i hadn't even heard that until i picked up the LIVE double album set in '81

    Get ready for Snowmageddon! charge those tablets and any spare emergency charging bricks!

    oh and maybe have a flashlight and water.
  • @knichy those charging bricks won't help if there isn't internet due to power outages
  • @kathy well I swung by the pound but they had nobody working there, so haven't got Spot yet.
  • @hunnybunny those Over the Moon and Path of Jedi badges won't be for a while, I haven't played MoE. Path of the Jedi I have but won't be getting to upgrade those scores for a while. Eventually thou :)
  • Oohhh Nooo @gumby Noone is tending the puppies!!!
    Who's in charge besides @sweetp , ohhh @Kelani and he's out! Darn it I wonder if @Mumsie42 or @Sunshine still have their keys to the kennel ?
    Ohhh myyy,, someone's gonna be busy when they get back!
    Actually I think @Birdleader can do it, since Slim is out for awhile:/
  • @kathy yea and they are getting hungry
  • @kathy how does ranking work when there is a tie wicket182 tied my top score for a puppy also, but it shows him as top scorer
  • falling asleep, probably catch any responses tomorrow
  • Sorry @gumby I really don't know how they rank when there's a tie i think maybe they go next by who has more points in the overall leaderboards , but not sure:/
    Sweet Dreams nighty night. .. Kinda early for bedtime isn't it?
    I'd be up at 3 am if I went to bed this early
  • Night Ma
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @gumby Ties are not very well handled by the website. This is a known issue, although it is not considered as a serious one by our admins, therefore it is unlikely that it will change if you complain about it unless they haven't anything more important to deal with. For example, if I look at my Cold Cuts leaderboard, , my ranking on level 2-2 is said to be 19, but when I click on the level leaderboard, , I appear randomly between 6th and 19th place. My score is shared by 13 other players, behind 5 better flingers, so that I could be anywhere between 6th and 19th place and this is indeed the case for that second leaderboard, whereas the first one always puts me last of list.
  • @gumby the charging bricks will at least let you fling!
  • 3/4" of snow - Schools OUT! actually 2 hour delay so I have to put the kiddos on the bus late.

    @sglouk, @gumby there is that one level that is pure piggy where 1000 users share the top score. so I have a Top Score! but an ranked something like 1127.

    Going back through Rio is was very excited to see that a DCB was removed making my #2 a Top Score! using a unique strat that I described back in April.
  • The Blues came by to tell me someone is looking for puppies! Sorry I've been quite busy at work and haven't been able to stop in the Nest.

    I'll go and make my rounds during lunch break today. Sooo sorry dear Nesters, I didn't mean to neglect you all.

    See you in a few hours!
  • @knichy Yes, this is the case for Eggsteroids E-6 for Space, but there may be others (1060 top scorers for this one).
  • Really @knichy jeesh , school out for not an inch of snow even!! The weather reports are making people panic!! Except D.C. lol they got a dusting and the whole city was gridlocked!! Politiciusns hahaha!
    @gumby did you know that cab driver, (yellow cab, I've heard) who's car blew up yesterday ? Thank god he got out And got his elderly passenger far enough away from the explosion!! I've heard another half mile he would have been in front of the gas station!! Hopefully he's o.k, too bad a guy at my work was laughing saying he was behind a cab this morning that had a help wanted sign , not funny!!
  • Thanks for taking care of the puppies @sweetp :)
  • @kathy Yes bed early I wake at 5 am and work 12 hrs or more. Driving makes ya very tired and lots flinging in between and after work also. And yea we know the "yellow" guys too. and almost every cab has those Help Wanted signs.

    @sweetp its ok hun, you need a break

    @knichy if Snowmaggedon is coming yyou won't be flinging, you will be shoveling :P

    @sglouk thanks, I was just wondering how it worked because I had the top score before him, but he is higher ranked in the nest.
  • So @gumby you didn't answer me, did you know the guy who's cabblew up, is he o.k?
    As soon as I heard I immediately thought of you, knowing it wasn't you of course, but didn't know if he was a friend of yours? Who the heck would do that!!
  • got me my valentines gumby pic up on the other forum :)
  • @kathy we know the yellow guys, but he wasn't a friend of mine, I saw lots black smoke from where I was parked, thought a building was on fire. Only found out it was a yellow cab this am when I woke and had a text from one of my friends.

    sorry for the delayed response I had a friend call and needed me to do a quick favor for them.
  • That's o.k @gumby no worries, :) It gotta make us nervous though for something like that to happen so close to home: (
  • @kathy I am more worried about getting shot. Or killed by some idiot driver.
  • Ya I guess @gumby that's I guess a more natural worry, though it shouldn't have to be! I hope you have a gun, or mace or a Big heavy flashlight ,i can't think of the name of them you know the police flashlights?
  • @kathy hahaha if I had a gun I might have to shoot a few people just for being dumb
  • @karen68 WOOT you got a puppy today :)
  • Lol @gumby
    Congratulations @karen68 lol they are going to have to make a new badge for you and @comex666 !!
  • @kathy maybe the Underdog Titanium
  • @kathy :) I just got another puppy too :)
  • 2 days 2 puppies I am liking those odds. Im on my way to Vegas baby :P
  • Woot!! Wtg @gumby you been practicing: D now what's this one's name?
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