The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2562
  • @Gumby I'm Gumby, DarnIt!!

    not outside the realm of possibility that there is a browser incompatibility. with a HUGE on-line presence like Word Press you would think it couldn't possibly be so, but trust me when I say to you that the last three versions of IE at least produce different and sometimes just non-working results at many websites
  • @gumby -- Hope you know that you need to constantly refresh the BP page to see new posts.
  • @knichy -- What do you mean, you're Gumby?
  • Huh¿ @knichy if your @gumby Well that's the problem ! And ya whadda ya mean by that ¿?¿?
    Splain' yourself Lucy
  • Thank you @mvnla2 I appreciate your help, Your much better at explaining the detail than I am:)
  • @mvnla2 @kathy I have been trying to no avail. AND I can't see anyones gravatars here only on Rat it says Rat in his box.
  • @knichy I think its my computer thats making this not work. I think you are right because I don't think I can be this dumb lol
  • @gumby -- You mean you can't see mine or Kathy's? What kind of computer and operating system are you using.
  • @kathy @mvnla2 @knichy I have even tried using a URL to get a gravatar :(
  • WHOA
    I can see peoples gravatars now, just not mine.
  • @gumby try it on your phone, what platform do you play on? Don't make me come over there!
  • @gumby -- When trying to change my avatar back, I got a screen suggesting I contact Gravatar. Perhaps that is what you really should do, or maybe just give up.
    Can you see everyone's avatar on the main site?
    @BirdLeader @AMSlimfordy -- Any idea why gumby is having problems using Gravatar?
  • Yay you can see us, Now repeat the steps @mvnla2 gave you ... Read carefully and let us know what happens step by step @gumby
  • @kathy @mvnla2 @knichy I think I figured out the problem. Ghostery
  • @kathy @mvnla2 @knichy Yep it was Ghostery causing all the trouble but I can see my greenness now :) thanks for helping everyone
  • WoooHooo Yay @gumby You did it!!! Hey you look like that old cartoon guy gumby lol:)
    Oh crap ya We forgot to tell you to watch out for the Ghostery! Dagnabit!
    Thanks @mvnla2 for your help:)
  • Everything is so colorful in here now, its like Im on a different planet
  • @kathy, yea maybe somebody shoulda mentioned the Ghostery thing, because it took my frazzled brain days to figure it out LOL
  • Ok I can change back to my avatar brb
  • time for a smoke, I deserve it :P
  • Sorry bout that @gumby I of All people should have remembered the Ghostery or as my friends call it the dreaded 'HoodooVoodoo'
  • Having one myself @gumby *excuse me while I change my outfit*
    @mvnla2 problem solved, you can change back as well, miss your birdie;)
  • Ohh she already did:)
  • @kathy well Gumby normally doesn't wear an outfit :P although he did dress up for X-mas
  • @Birdleader @AMSlimfordy gravatar has been figured out it was Ghostery blocking it both here and on the gravatar site. So in case anybody else has issues you could suggest that to them. thanks
  • @Gumby -- Woo Hoo! You did it! Will have to read back later; cooking dinner.
  • Ok @gumby -- Exactly what is Ghostery?
  • @mvnla2 I think it's an unexplainable occurence that happens only to those who don't know wth they are doing (impatience often brings it on) and then it suddenly works¿ after you give up and stop confusing the application by not waiting long enough..
    I could be wrong lol
  • And @gumby if @knichy is gumby then does that make you @knichy ?
  • Back to flinging, I cannot get level 15! I've had the car flip but it never goes to the top as klara did with one bird, and red never clears enough for Stella to get at the stone wall
    @mvnla2 I did have the front half of the top structure collapse once before flinging any bird, it happened within the first minute not really sure how quickly, but my screen timeout is set at 2 minutes so was rather quickly, hasn't happened since
  • @mvnla2 Ghostery is a proprietary freeware privacy-related browser extension that blocks certain things that could be harmful, ads, etc.

    @kathy I am knichy Dam it LOL, wait no I am Gumby Dam it. also I have had the car on 15 do twice around the loop and then hit the building. Lotsa luck needed on that level for sure. Also stella is supposed to go underneath the ledge and lift debris into the ledge underneath the stone wall, 8 of 10 times usually making it all slide off.
  • O k @gumby @knichy game over knock it off lol, you are not each other even if knichy has better scores gumby lol, you just need to try harder;)
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please and a drink for mvnla2 whatever she wants
    And one for @knichy \ @gumby if they insist they are one in the same then only one drink at a time, give him \them 2 straws lol, no sense wasting beer that would be alcohol abuse:)
  • It's true copied from wikipedia

    Ghostery is a proprietary freeware privacy-related browser extension for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, and Apple Safari owned by the advertising and privacy technology company Ghostery, Inc. (formerly Evidon). It enables its users to easily detect and control HTTP cookies, which are objects embedded in a web page, invisible to the user, which allow collection of the user's browsing habits. Ghostery also has a privacy team that creates profiles of page elements and companies for educational purposes.[2]
  • @kathy it should be 4 beers 1 for each hand :P
  • Haha @gumby \ knichy nice try;)
    If your one in the same you only have 2 hand and one mouth, 2 names and accounts don't give you an extra set of hands lol;) better drink faster hee hee
  • @kathy or change to the hard stuff, it gets ya there faster.
  • Thank goodness I'm out. It was cramped in that box.
    Hey...I'm Gumby Dammit!
  • What box Pa? Huh? I woulda saved ya had I known?
    Well @gumbyknich I cant do that lol , can t be to careful with schizophrenics hee hee;)
  • Will the Real Gumby please Stand up? Please
    Stand up, ahh forget it didn't have the rythym
  • Arghhh *hangs sign*
    gONe FliNgInG...
  • @gumby had me trapped in a box for two days @Ma.
    I may be Gumby Dammit! But I'm not as flexible as I was in the 50's with Howdy Doody.
  • Oh my @Pa That's v why he could not see your avatar, only your name ¿ who is this @gumby character and what's his story, Why would he trap you in a box hmmm.. Somethings up, now he's knichy or knichy is gumby hmmm somethings fishy ...hee hee (actually don't think they even know each other)
    Well happy to have you back Pa stretch your legs actually I'm sure @mumsie wouldn't mind if you stretch out in her chair:)
  • Ok igotta Wwwwhhhiiinnneee before i go level 15 is still killing me!!!
  • Kathy, I got lucky on level 15 and a couple others, but most of Ski or Squeal is killing me! On many levels I've had to scratch and claw for hours to even get above average. Every year these advent episodes are SO competitive!
  • Thanks @bonneypattycat At least i know I'm not the only one, to think I took a break from pig days (which is also killingme) to try and relax with the advent haha jokes on me, the darn (for not allowed stronger wording), piggies got me either way :(
    Well tomorrow is another flinging day ! Nighty night

    Night Pa♡
  • It's not just you @Ma. These levels are hard. Mrs. Bunny picked the wrong time to bring back Team BP. I can count on one hand the number of levels I've kept my promise to fling for 10-15 minutes and then post my score. And I'm not counting my thumb. ha ha I still don't understand where the points come from for half these levels. And way too R&R for my taste. I'll be dropping from the top ten in the leaderboards and joining the rest of the team tomorrow. Sorry @bernersenn. You're on your own.

    Night Ma.

    Where's Pokey? And Nopey?
  • @gumbyknickeyratkathy all rolled into one?
    I'm darned confused, but nice to those gravatars up

    At last 1-17 I actually got a good score within an hour. Thanks @bernersenn
    But I think a two birder is possible. Who knows what breaks that piece of wood at the bottom?

    I always enjoy the advent Seasons. Open every morning, three star, feather, get on with Christmas preparations

    I love it, it's Birdy Christmas...
  • Lol @hunnybunny that makes 1 of us that likes these levels grrr...
  • @rat @knichy @kathy I am Gumby dam it LOL. All others are impostors, just check my photo ID.
    @hunnybunny have you all gotten the golden egg on 17 yet? I had to post to admins now it is listed as Golden Egg alert :)
  • @hunnybunny and @teamBP @ bernersenn
    On 17 I'm trying @greybrow53 last posted strat now there is always 1 stick of wood sticking straight up , no matter How quickly i fling red , or how accurately Icannot break that piece!!
    Any tips?
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