The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2558
  • @gumby -- Hi! Good to see you in the BP. I always enter my scores, even if they are below average, which most of them are these days. Then I can improve during the challenge, I hope.
    Of the first 9 levels, I am below average on all but 3. : ( I guess I no longer have the dedication to fling endlessly to get above average. So although I joined team BP, it hasn't helped any.
    I play on an iPad Air 2. I gave up playing on a phone when it was clear that I was straining my eyes and getting headaches from playing on the phone.
  • I think the trick on 1-9 is to waiiitt..after flinging Tony..wait till he dies then wait some more, those stone in the middle slowly..ever so slowly slide to the right, sometimes even the left structure falls..wait some more, up to 193k so far, still not average but closer than i was
  • Don't feel bad about not helping the team @mvnla2 as no matter what, your still a part of it, I'm not helping much either, just barely above average and struggling for every point
    I did notice there are a lot of instabilities in this episide, most not noteworthy but sometimes worth the wait if if gives even 1k can make the difference of average.
    Lately especially in Pig Days I've gone against my rule of not entering under average scores, wish more members would, maybe it would tip the average in our favor lol, doubt it but a flinger can dream can't she? I wonder what the odds are if more players would, like How many under average scores would tip the scale hmmm @amslimfordy there's a math question for you, or is it a silly question?
  • @kathy -- It's not a silly question. Every below-average score lowers the average a little bit. How many below-average scores are needed to lower the average by, for example 1000 pts, depends on how many above average scores have already been entered and the distribution of the below-average scores.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 so the more people that enter their lower than average scores can actually lower it..hmm we should start a campaign lol;)
  • Night Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    New day, new changes.
    @Hunnybunny (thanks for correcting me). No, I didn't expect our last day had come.
    I will continue flinging, as George Cloony would say "what else?"

    Let's see what Rovio had in mind for today. Not to forget that evil, bad, #9.

    And please forgive me, my English isn't perfect - it is certainly not. I'm trying hard.
  • Why did you let go of my tail Mrs. Bunny? I was going to drag you into the Top Ten on the leaderboard for Team BP.
  • @hunnybunny Donny is very flattered! If he could blush, he would -:)
  • Does anyone know why day ten of the advent challenge leaderboard is closed?

    Did @bernersenn ask for more time on level nine?
  • morning all. still working ABO, filling in all the levels that have been added via updates since I completed it a year ago.
  • I was really attempting to get a profile pic to show up here. I don't have a gravatar on my email", uploaded a new profile pic.
  • @knichy try
  • Psst...Birdleader's birthday and Angry Bird's birdday is TODAY

    Edit: AB was first released on Dec 11, 2009. But who cares? It's time for a huge celebration!
  • Hello Team BP! Sorry I haven't contributed much but these levels are tough! Plus I've been busy working and no time to fling (much). In addition to work, taking the dogs to the vet for their yearly checkups, Christmas decorating, etc., etc.! Got a few minutes break, so I guess I'll tackle 1-8 next. Whinneee!
  • Happy Bithday @birdleader!!! Thanks again for all you do!
  • Huge Happy Birthday to BIrd Leader!
    Without you many of us would no longer fling.
    This site just kept us going
    Thank you xx
  • @kathy thanks for fetching the banner out the basement, but according to my calendar his birthday is (your) tomorrow... but on my side it is just past midnight so technically it is December the 11th here so.... HAPPY birthday Birdleader!! May you enjoy a day full of love, laughter and lots of nice goodies :D Much love from the Dutchie*
  • Ooopsy @estar lol, idk blame it on @sweetp heehee:)
    Glad i found the banner anyway , you have everything so organized downstairs it didnt take me long :D hope you enjoyed your time away;)
  • Did the average in 1-9 actually drop? I thought it was at 197k, now is 195,560
    Hmm maybe there is something to this entrring of lower than average score:)
  • @BirdLeader -- Happy Birthday whichever day it is. You get 2 days of birthday celebrations, so enjoy! Hope ABN keeps you busy until you are very old, which of course means Rovio will keep us busy until then also.
  • Why Why Why is Rovio torturing us at Christmas time ¿????¿?? Thiz new episode is Tooo hard..
  • 11:25 p.m
    Night Pa ♡
  • Good Morning everyone Happy Friday!
    And Happy Birthday @Birdleader and ABN 6 years Woot!
  • Good morning everyone! Thanks so much for the kind birthday wishes. I say this every year, but it's hard to believe AB has been around for 6 years (the Nest just about as long). You all really make this site unique. I love my flocking family. :)
  • Happy Happy Birthday @Birdleader!
    Thank you for this wonderful site & all you do for flingers everywhere :D
  • @BirdLeader You love your "flocking" family? Well we "flocking" love you and the "flocking" Nest. Ha Ha
    Happy Birthday from an insignificant* flinger.

    *So insignificant that my scores aren't displayed in Game Center.
  • I know right @Birdleader 6 Years!! Maybe you could tell us sometime about the beginnings, like how did the idea come to you, how you managed to find Slim and Sal9 ,what were Rovio thoughts, stuff like that. Before finding this site i searched through Bing and came to a site that was All written walkthroughs, no pics, no videos
    Happy i found this one and to be a part of this Awesome 'Flocking' Family:)
  • @Pa why are your scores not displayed in GC?
  • @mvnla2 thx, I usually post my scores also, but some of these are so pathetic I haven't been bothered. Also still trying to beat all my previous scores in everything after I had to get a new phone and can't get scores transferred. Sometimes beating my own previous top score is a HUGE challenge. So far there are only 2 levels I haven't bested myself, One in Poached eggs and 1 in Mighty Hoax. The poached eggs level I think used to be a partial self destruct, and has been since fixed, and The mighty hoax level I have the Top score. I missed beating myself by 80 points and this is also a top score thou. Sorry to rant I had 4 LARGE coffees today. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and to ALL :)
  • @kathy fridge needs restocking, BUURP
    @hunnybunny (hug back)
  • does anyone know how to add another pic for my avatar? so I can switch it
  • Ha ha @gumby the BP has a self restoring fridge! Sorry but gotta clarify that you are of drinking age (21) usually I ask first as is customary for new folks in the BP, if I forget @mvnla2 usually follows up, but seeing as you fit right in, I didn't spout the usual 'Read page 1' recommendation. .
  • I am way over the "drinking age" LOL
  • @kathy lol check out my new avatar
  • I think it might get nominated for next year
  • Lol @gumby Somehow i knew that was your answer heehee, your avatar not showing yet may take a few minutes. Let me see if I can see it on-site
  • Woot @gumby I can see it on-site looks great haha good one, takes a minute or two for it to show up in forum.
  • @kathy its not a gravatar, I haven't looked into that yet, just a normal one. :P
  • OMGiraffe No wonder I'm chilly forgot to put on my Wnter hat..brb..
  • @kathy lol @ winter hat its around 60 degrees during the day here this weekend. OH and what the HECK is Amatuer poofing? it sounds kinda creepy.
  • Amatuer prooofing? @gumby ? You mean verifying age, is just a formality really but believe it or not We have detected many underage teens here after a while you can just tell, right @mvnla2 ?
    After all we need to keep on up and up hee hee wouldn't want @Birdleader to suspend our
    Liquor license: D~
  • @gumby -- I think that your avatar has to be active at the time you are nominated, so you will need to keep it into the new year.
    Are you by any chance in S CA? If so, it was cold (i.e. 60's) and some rain today. Ok, for everyone else, some rain in LA means the streets were wet at one point this afternoon. Might not be measurable, but we'll take anything we can get.
    BTW, if you think there is a mistake in a score, you can flag it on the leaderboard (far right column) and the admins will investigate.
    @kathy -- I think there is an explanation of how @BirdLeader started ABN in the FAQs. Would be interesting to hear how he found Slim (@Amslimfordy) and Fuji (@Fujitoast) (remember him). I think @Sal9 was a regular member for a while before he became an admin, as were all of the more recent admins.
  • Oh yeah @mvnla2 I forgot @fujitoast ! I'll have to look at the FAQ's don't think I ever have, I hasve read the 'About us' section though. Thanks for the reference:)
    Good to hear you've finally got a bit of rain(moisture) anything will help a little I hope
  • @Kathy -- It's "amateur poofing". Have you really forgotten?
    @Gumby -- "Amateur poofing" is the ability to "poof" from one place to another, maybe somewhat like in Harry Potter. The original staff of the BP were allowed to poof. A few others have been given permission (not me, but that's OK, I like to know where I am at all times). We had some problems early on with teenagers poofing all around the BP and destroying stuff. If you every are at a loss for what to do, reading some of the earlier pages might be entertaining.
  • @mvnla2 no I am in Boston and it is unseasonably warm here. I have caught many "bad" scores and sweetp had them fixed. The worst case was when 1 player had all the top scores for Poached eggs and Mighty Hoax.

    @kathy on page 1 of BP it says NO Amatuer Poofing and gonna run to the fridge for another cold one BRB
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