The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2557
  • Ahh, love the classic Bing Crosby. Thanks @kathy!
    Always love decorating during the holidays. I thought everyone would get a kick out of that pig!
  • The bar is looking better every day. Thanks @SweetP, @Ma.

    Ten points Mrs. Bunny! That's got to hurt. he he BTW, that's not hanging on to my tail. That's riding on my back. Ha ha
    WTG @bernersenn! Unlike @bernersenn, I'm not trying to win this thing. Only get into the top ten or so. So I can't get much lower and still help Team BP Mrs. Bunny. That makes this your best chance ever for beating the Rat. I don't mind. Really!
    But since the ten point difference seems to be causing you pain, I'll go grab a few extra points real quick so you'll sleep better. Be right back...

    Edit: Ten point difference eliminated. Sleep well.
  • Lol @Pa Don't know how you all are doing it, I'm having trouble even making average
    OB I'll have a hmmm frosty pigkiller please, I know not to creative but gotta concentrate on elimination of piggies atm:(
  • A bit early but I'm headed for bed so setting out earplugs for tomorrow,
    * places basket of earplugs by the door ,a couple of baskets on the bar, and a basket for every table. Not many customers whining lately, hope that means all are kicking bacon butt! :)
    Not me I'm failing badly sorry I'm a let down to the team:(
    Go @bernersenn your definitley kicking piggies Yay great represent of the BP, sorry I'm not contributing this episode is hard for me anyway.

    Night Pa
  • nitey nite Ma♥
  • Good morning guys.
    Thanks for all the encouragements. Can use them. It could become a nice round this time, as long as they keep this Tony way away from me. Competition is hard this year.
    @kathy for the strats: in most of the games I explained my scores. I don't have any highscores, who cares.
    @rat funny how you are saying "not hanging on my tale, riding on my back'.
    Come on Team BP, we can do this, together
  • @Ma Are you using variable power settings in Seasons? I am. Just a gentle reminder since you were having problems.
  • Loving the decorations, and Bing! Thanks all
    Off to fling!
  • Thanks @hunnybunny ) isn't it late for you to be flinging?
  • Ohhhh ty @pa didn't think of that :\
  • @kathy no, about an hour before bed, don't distract me, I've made zero extra points so far, don't want my (un)lucky streak to disappear:-((
  • *tiptoes back to the sling, so as not to disturb Mrs.Bunny*
    Well I'm gonna Wwwwwwwhhhiiiiinnneeee for both of us!!
  • Whwwwwwwine Wednesday - coming soon!
  • Anyone else having trouble getting top ten, top twenty scores for the SKI or Squeal levels? Maybe its because I play on phone?
  • Soon I shall fling for team BP. right now I'm trying just to get all the games loaded. And ... put some points in on uncharted levels in ABO. I'm like, top 30 or 40 in Rio and ABS, 1000+ in ABO with a couple hundred unposted (didn't get the updates) scores
  • Welcome to the BP @Gumby *passes gumby Free beer*
    yes!!! I'm having terrible trouble , I'm at least making it into the top 100, btw is whine Tuesday feel free.Whhinneee.. Lol
  • Woot @knichy Can't wait for you to join in, need all the help we can get, although @bernersenn, @rat9, and @hunnybunny are doing well. Haven't checked to board lately ,I haven't the courage to see my placing lol.
  • @gumby I feel for ya , playing on phone, I used to, I think we all have is tough, but hey your a darn good flinger for , wouldn't know you were playing on a phone.. Wtg!
  • @Kathy need another beer or 6 LOL :) thx I do my best flinging when I got more cold beers thou :P
  • I haven't bothered posting most of my pathetic ski or squeal scores some might not even be top 50 :(
  • 1-8 is 194720 :( and can't for the life of me seem to get any higher.
  • @gumby i haven't even attempted 1~8 just briefly for naught All !my Sos scores are under top 50"*hangs head in shame* and i have a 7" tablet *hangs head lower*
    More Beer OB keep ems coming
    Back to flinging...bbl
  • Night Pa ;)
  • Good morning guys.
    Panic, they served us a 'Tony'. Argh
  • Morning Ma

    I feel your pain @bernersenn. All I could get was 203k. I'll be interested to see what someone who's trying to win will get. he he
  • I knew Donny got lucky finding you @Tompuss. He looks much much better already. Is he declawed? I only ask because the plushies and that quilt look to be in mint condition. he he
  • @rat9 No, his claws are intact, as is ummmm. . . everything else! -:)
  • @TomPuss Thanks for the photo! My family's first cat was a Siamese, she turned us all into lifetime cat people. I have a red bird plush pencil topper that is a favorite cat toy for my two. They love to steal it and bat it around the house. So easily amused (wait, am I talking about them or me?).
  • @catsnbirds Don't know if you got the beginning of the story - amazingly he is a stray who adopted us this summer! Total mystery where he came from. He's obviously used to spending a lot of time outside, likes to be out on the tiles at night, won't use the litter-box (goes outside), drinks rainwater and refuses tap water! Once inside he loves to snuggle and play games; watches TV and sleeps for hours. Vet says he's about 3 years old. He certainly never lived in an apartment.
  • Hi @tompuss, nice to see you here.

    @rat "pain"? I'm stuck at 190. what do you say about that?
  • Grüß Gott, @bernersenn, lovely to see you too! Am already dreaming of the Bernese Oberland. . .
  • If you still have that problem in the morning @bernersenn, I'll give you a few tips. We can't have the leader of Team BP losing too much territory. These are all hard levels. It would be hard to catch up.

    @TomPuss Great that Donny goes outside. Healthier for him, less mess for you. Robert taught his companion to go outside. But when Bob Cat passed, Callie started using the litterbox exclusively. Whaaaaa!
  • @tompuss dreaming of Bernese Oberland, good idea! It's what I need today to cheer me up. Actually I am at home, surrounded, chased by Terences and Tonys. Argh.
    Ok, here it comes: whiiiiiiiiinniieeeeee.

    @rat I would love any good tip. It's ok with me when you give them tomorrow. It's that old saying "who rises high can fall deep", or something like that.

    Back to fling that evil, bad, grey monster now.
  • Almost throwed the Ipad out of the window. Didn't enter my score today, ways beyond average. Anyway, going to bed, wish all of you happy flinging the rest of your days.
  • @tompuss loving Donny. What a looker!

    My house is again looking like a mixture of Santa's Grotto and Widow Twanky's laundry. Family this weekend, my family basically consists of my sister, her husband and my lovely niece. They're going to his parents this year, so visiting us early. Friends next weekend. And a couple of waifs and strays for Christmas Lunch (actually two divorced men from the pub, who would stay at home with a defrosted curry, unless I invited them.) Clean house. Cook. Clean house. Cook. Clean house. Cook....

    Goodness knows how I'll catch up on the flinging. My finger aches from the little I've done. Some of those levels are hard.

    And doctors tomorrow. Nasty foot infection. Five diagnosis, six treatments, and still a bloody manky foot. Yuk yuk yuk! Sorry about that, but just needed to whine about something other than Ski or Squeal

    In all reality, I'm a happy bunny. I love Christmas, I love entertaining family and friends. I love Seasons Advent

    Hope you lot are happy too xx
  • @bernersenn I know you don't mind me correcting your English
    Should be "almost thrown my iPad" or "almost threw my iPad" and you should have said "happy flinging for the rest of your day" by using 'days' it sort of implies our days are numbered, ie about to die. But, as I've said before, I only speak English, so I admire anyone who speaks at least three.

    @gumby (hug)
  • Actually @hunnybunny ' thrown' is past tense ie 'I have thrown my ipad out the window'
    Then Should be 'I almost threw ....' ;)
    And the rest you got right lol sounded like our days are numbered or @bernersenn had given up forever lol and will never see us again lol;)
    @tompuss looove Donny :)
  • HELLO anyone in here
  • @kathy not arguing on past tenses, past particulars, goodness whatever grammar we were taught all those years ago. Good night, God bless. No more flinging for me, early to bed, early rising for the dreaded foot doctor
  • @gumby was, but gone, get yourself a gravatar so your greenness shows up in BP
  • a gravatar???
  • not sure if Ski or Squeal levels are easier on some platforms or not, but I am having trouble getting close to the top scores some levels not even top 50. Maybe just having a bad flinging week.
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny , wasn't trying to argue, sorry. Sweet Dreams
    Hi @gumby yes an avatar , do you have pics ? Go to choose a pic from you gallery and it will appear beside your name easy peasy:)
    And it's just a tough episode I'm lucky I'm making average:(
  • Ohhhh @bernersenn I see your point just started flinging in 1 -9 , and also 'almost throwed' my tablet out the window arghhhh Double Trouble..Tony And Matilda !!!!

    Wwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee !!!!
    * good thing for @knichy ,i left the earplugs out for Whine Wednesday... How about i just leave then out for the duration of this episode December is officially Whhhine Month!!
    Ob please refresh the baskets now and then ¿ ty
    Now I'll have a beer or 5 , @gumby help yourself:)
  • I haven't even hit average yet for 1-9 so don't feel too badly, BEER makes it better
  • Lol @gumby Beer makes Everything better:)
  • well except driving a car LOL @kathy
  • Uhmmm Ya @gumby good point, so maybe not Everything lol;)
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