The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2487
  • All of Them!
  • @Ma You can get a one-birder on 9-30. I have many times. But never with the total destruction of the right structure.
  • But What are The Points For ? those that are laughing collecting points while we climb ttthe leaderboard ..wwho's laughing now lol!
  • I almost got two page changers in a row.
  • is getting late huh:(
    going to smoke bbiab
  • But Pa it wasn't like a one birder... i flung the first bird and got the usual then typing ladeda typing. ..then look back all doors gone:/
  • Pa Pa pa Pagechanger lol..*sung to the tune of Cha Cha Cha Chia hee hee. .yes it's getting late lol..
  • I checked the daily challenge. I survived. No hat eating today. Yea!
  • Night Ma
  • Darn i was looking forward to some Hatatoille !!
    sorry you didn't get a puppy @comex666 :(
  • lol its that a hint Pa?
    Nighty Night ;)
  • Hey everyone just a reminder February is almost over Time to nominate your favorite avatar for the month! !
    Free Drink to all who nominate an avatar in the Avatar Contest Forum :)
  • Ah...I just noticed... @kelani is back !!
    Nice to see you again !

    Struggling with neck pain today. It's even hard to fling :(
    Having a bad sunday.
  • @Kathy, @Rat, daily mission points over 360 earn you power-ups and space eagles.
  • I knew that @Fenikus. But what good are points for flingers that don't recognize the existence of power ups.
  • @rat
    at least you can open the bonus sardine can levels with all these space eagles.
  • @Bird_Watcher -- Oh, no! Not you too with neck pain! You're not supposed to take copying @Rat's strats that far. Just the flinging, not the physical ailments. : D
    @Sglouk -- Do you get Space Eagles for completing the extra missions? I've got a lot of Space Eagles (234) that I've been collecting slowly over the years. I think you used to get daily rewards??? Anyway, that's just barely enough to open the bonus sardine cans assuming you only use one SE on each level; not all that likely even if you watch the video first, assuming there are SE videos for all levels.
    Somehow, I've never gone back to collect the feathers using pay for use eagles.
  • For the record, I only have 129 Millennium Falcons for SW, and they recently stopped giving daily rewards, so don't think I will be going for TD in SW either.
  • @mvnla2
    I do only 10 points missions, and now, verey time I complete one, I get 7 space eagles. But I agree it is not enough to feather all the levels.
  • @kelani huge (((hugs))) I seldom hug... Nice to have you back

    @catsnbirds when we cleared out my mum's small flat I only wanted to find four things: a clock, a blue vase with brass top - I have them - and some sixties Pyrex dishes in different colours, and a fifties spotty tea service. Both missing.... But found lots of family stuff, photos, family trees, and a lot of stuff I can't through away, albeit I hate it, just reminds me of my Mum. It lives in a cupboard, with door closed.

    @kelani a small, well thought out present is always appreciated, as is a nice card on special days

    And @kathy I will complete my missions, just because they are there, albeit I can open 9-30 without them. And one day, that one bird, electrical storm / ligthning thingy / whatever it is, will get Rat or Burpie more points than we can dream of!
  • @all bounce down to Slam Dunk 4-2 easy badge, if you like badges....
  • @anyone could someone check Gravatar please.. i can't upload a new image . i keep getting a big 'Whoops' message!
  • @kathy no probs with Gravatar. Changed to "Bunny Invasion" avatar in two minutes...
  • Thanks for checking that out @hunnybunny . wonder why i can't get it to work :(
    did you upload a new image or use an existing one? I'm going to try using an existing one. i couldn't upload a new onem for some reason a couple of my images in gravatar dias appeared I know for a fact I've used thenlast year
  • @kathy an old bunny avatar. BTW how is Kimmie?

  • Well it let me use sn dxisting one but cannot upload a new one:(
    Thanks for checking @hunnybunny.
    Kimmie is the same very busy with work and Family .. I'll let her know you were asking:)
  • Ah ha new @kathy avatar!

    Edit: Princess Page Turner avatar!
  • yes @hunnybunny but it's not the one i wanted. this was an already existing one. the problem is i cant upload a new one:(
  • Has @anyone heard from @karen68 lately?
  • Wow, balmy and sunny 37 F here in connecticut. Just finished plowing my driveway from last night's snow and I'm drenched in sweat…I should have went out in my swimming trunks!

    And then tonight, things go back to "normal": 17 F (-8 C) high tomorrow, -2 F low (-19 C).
  • @hunnybunny I agree, it's the small things that bring back the memories. Furniture mostly went to grandkids, who were thrilled! Silver, China, etc to my sister who actually uses it. We all kept handmade items from my mom and grandparents and everyday things that somehow just remind us. Big rummage sale, truckload of things to local charity. Boxes of photos, etc to go through later. Every cancelled check my dad ever wrote, back to the mid40's = just one example of the "why would anyone keep all this stuff" frustration.

    @kelani and @rat Sometimes when a woman says she doesn't want anything, she really does mean it! What to learn from this diversity of opinions? Sometimes you really just can't win. Just stay true to yourself.
  • Same here @fenikus 36° and sunny !! practically a Beach Day lol!!
    What happened to the rain we were supposed to get?
  • @fenikus now there's a thought, you in swimming trunks with snow! Hope you're looking good! When you going to post ALL BR scores?

    @catsnbirds I still have albums and loose photos, three years later. And slides (does that make sense to you?) They really need sorting out. But taking stuff to the tip / civic amenity site / rubbish dump - whatever one makes sense to those not in the UK - is just awful. Throwing away your parents life, however trite the stuff is :-((

    @kathy will try new gravatar
  • @catsnbirds @hunnybunny same here going through my Mom's stuff years ago. .crayon drawings from 3 kids kindergarten years lol..Tons of stuff a few with real meaning. one set of Wind Chimes i bought for her Owls now all rusted and wrapped promising... that i Will have them refurbished lol..hheck they probably cost 5$ lol but its the memory..And then as you say so much you just shake your head and say 'Wth she save this for. .or even What is this?
  • Thanks @hunnybunny ;)
    @Fenikus I'm thinking of conceding so 5th place may be yours for the taking when you enter your scores:/ why may i ask are you not entering them all?
  • @kathy for one hour only, my avatar is a really bad picture of me and HWDNF Just to show that gravatar is working
    LOL did I really publish that dreadful picture of me ;-)
  • lol Thanks @hunnybunny !! I'll try from my tablet.I wonder why is not working for me:(
    bbiab gotta shower..
  • @Hunnybunny, @Kathy, I haven't entered all my score because then @Rat would feel it's his duty to chase me, then I'd have to chase him…and on and on. Let's just say that my total score is in the 3,3xx,xxx range.
  • OK the really bad avatar lasted eleven minutes. Back to bunniness!
  • @fenikus isn't that what we do? I have only have two episodes where I'm queen, one was chasing Ernor down, one was chasing Rat. You win, you lose, it's fun....
    And I think you're being modest, and just want to post a really, really high total score
  • Ha ha Mister Rat!
  • Hi @HunnyBunny. Missed your avatar.
    @Catsandbirds I was trying to be funny with my advice to @Kelani but there is some truth buried deep in those words. Women are unique creatures. The only way to win is be true to yourself.
  • Did I say win? I should have said the only way to compete. You can't win an argument with a spouse or girlfriend. You survive an argument. ha ha

    Edit: That should stir up the estrogen in the nest.
  • @rat thank goodness for that, I'd prefer you all to think of me as the cute bunny circa 1985!
  • That's what I think @hunnybunny @fenikus just waiting to drop a bomb on us all!
  • @rat Old joke. A man always has the last word "Yes, dear"
  • Off to the Sunday crossword. BBS
  • @HunnyBunny Ha ha ha ha ha
    Again, truth in that old joke.
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