The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2471
  • @bernersenn, nice video. But we already know there is life in space -- you got yer pigs and you got yer birds ;-)
  • @Hunnybunny You're correct. Feathers cost $$$. If I get a mission using power-ups I'll wait the thirty minutes for a new mission.

    @Fenikus I did think you were talking about mirror levels. I was top score on Pig Dipper level one the last time I looked. After you got the top score I looked again. I'm in fourth now.
    *I wonder if the upgrade changed the parameters?* lol

    @Sglouk Welcome to, or should I say sorry you now a member of, the "You're too good for the Game Center Club".

    @Mvnla2 I'm surprised you haven't asked about level seven. I'm 5k above everybody on that one today. After you took my top score last time, I've been having an internal struggle on what I'd tell you if you asked for my strategy. Just joking. Be nice.
  • Where's Ma? Is she out on a date with Keloogle?
  • Yikes! I broke Marvin! He didn't go to pieces, but he's missing part of his helmet now. He didn't like the concrete world.

    Dad burn blue error box is back.
  • @Rat, the parameters for PD-1 surely changed -- your arch nemesis is now in the game! I may not ever finish Brass Hogs but these daily missions reminded me there are a lot of Space episodes I didn't complete yet.

    I completed the first 3 levels of FMTTM and got better scores than you in all 3…hmmmm, should I continue?? To chase Ernor or to chase Rat, that is the question...
  • Drat, I was beginning to contemplate actually playing Space, when they came out with this latest update. From what I have read, it sounds like it's for the well, you know what I mean.
  • There's that @Funikus ego. Don't let your fingers write any checks your thumb can't cash. lol
  • Ha-ha…where's that @Kelani? It's no fun chipping at @Rat all by myself, lol.
  • @bernersenn -- Very interesting video. Especially interesting because it was posted on Rovio's blog site.
    @Hunnybunny -- I have a lot of ME in space; I've been collecting them and saving them for years. Maybe you can no longer collect them, in which case you have to buy them. There are walkthroughs for the original Space levels (non-Mirror). But in any case, you can cancel that mission and wait 30 min for another.
  • @Rat -- I'll probably want some help on level 7, but just barely finished it, and haven't looked at averages or top score.
    Glad your feeling well enough to do some flinging!
  • @Fenikus There's lots of points available in the earlier Space worlds. Not so many in the recent worlds such as CC and BI. I kept getting challenged in those. @Romo pushed so hard in BI #1 that there are less than 14k points total left to get in the entire episode. (that's based on current top scores on all levels)

    So if you come a challenging, be prepared. I will respond. ha ha

    P.S. Except Pig Bang...too rinse and repeaty for my taste. You can have it.
  • This works out well for me @Mvnla2. I can handle one or two levels a day on smoke breaks.
  • Night Pa ♡ I'm n CCS-19 need help .tomorrow maybe..i can't take anymore; /
  • Night Ma
    I'll take a look at 19 for ya.
  • @Ma I started writing notes for you on CC-19 but stopped when I realized @Sglouk had already put into words what I was going to tell you. Then I saw your great score. Maybe you should be helping me. lol

    @Mvnla2 You don't need to feel bad about beating me on Brass Hogs level 4 any more. It was my strategy after all. lol
  • @rat
    After refusing several two points missions, I noticed the following pattern: if you visit the mirror world your are asked to finish and fail to do so (and go to the completion screen after having spent all your birds), then if you refuse the mission, you can get another type of mission, which may give you more points. If you refuse the mission without visiting the level, then you will get again a two point mission.

    Now, a good new for someone like me (but not you): there are some 10 points missions, where you are asked to improve your score on some existing standard (i.e., non mirror world) level. It is a good new for me as such improvement can be possible (especially in Utopia and RP). But for you, I am unsure it can be of help: imagine you are asked to improve your score on S-15...
  • @Sglouk
    Ha ha ha ha ha
  • @rat
    Or even worse: a Pig Bang level
  • @Sglouk You seem to have at least average intelligence or better and talk as if you've used a computer on more than one occasion. Sadly I can claim neither. I've heard rumors about gamers defeating the wait between missions by changing the time setting on their device. Is there any truth to this and how do you do it if it's possible?

    Where's Keloogle? He'd know.
  • @Rat, go to settings on your iPad, General, Date & Time, turn off "set automatically" button. Date and time will now appear (in blue color) below the button. Tap on that row, set date/time to day ahead, make sure new missions are available and then go back to settings and reset the time to set automatically again.
  • So it does work. Thanks @Fenikus. How far ahead can you get using that method? Just one day?

    Edit: Tip O' the Day: Just for you.

    Brass Hogs 9-8: Shoot over the planet and activate late.
    Then go shopping or do your taxes.
    In reality, on my high score, all the connectors were destroyed early. This made for an agonizingly slow collapse. I was down to one blue left at the end because there was so little activity. But it kept me from having that large explosion towards the end where some pieces parts are expelled outside the gravity field. Plus extra points for grinding against each other for a longer period of time.

    Thanks again for the tip @Funikus.
  • Don't say I never did anything for you, @Rat ;-) I don't think setting date/time a week or so ahead will do anything extra -- for example, I didn't play brass hogs at all yesterday and after I completed today's missions, I got the timer again.

    BTW, didn't realize FMTTM only had 10 levels…I might actually decide to chase you there.

    Edit: Once you complete the missions you jumped to by messing with time, you can do the exercise again, and again…so I guess you can open all levels in one day if you wanted to.
  • I returned the favor before you fussed @Fussikus. I gave you top score on 9-8. lol
  • @fenikus
    There was such a crazy fight between Rat and CanAttila on FMTTM that I doubt you can go ahead of him there. Just try to get 155k+ on 3-10. If you succeed, than you may consider trying the whole episode. If don't, then you already have to give up all hope.
  • @rat Btw, I have predicted that you could make at least 106k on 9-9. I hope you'll make it. In the mean time I temporarily recovered Top score on 9-8.
  • @Sglouk What is the problem with your 9-8 score other than it beats another of my top scores? I don't have access to 9-9 yet.

    Edit: I need glasses. You said recovered, not removed. As Gilda Radner use to say "Nevermind".
  • @rat
    Well, you do, you are already in the leaderboard of 9-9.
  • @Fenikus My score on FMttM 3-10 was not before the updates. I got it after installing all the updates that cured the stability issues. So it's still doable. Good luck.
  • Do I @Sglouk? I need glasses bad. And I've got a splitting headache. Not a good combination.
    BTW, great score on 9-8. I thought I might hold on to that top score for a while. Oh well. Easy come, easy go.
  • @Sglouk With all your top scores in Brass Hogs, how come you're not in first place. Or are you? Let me get my reading glasses. lol
  • I see your problem @Sglouk. You've got power issues on 9-4. Lighten up a bit on your second shot. You'll be happy you did.
  • @Sglouk 106k???? Who do you think I am? Superman?
  • Mrs Bunny sits here in amazement, still hasn't opened up all the (available) Brass Hogs levels. Had a "blonde" moment on day one. And day two. And day three! Lost all those points that open up new levels....
    And, having only six levels open, is still way behind the top scorers, considering I have so few levels to play :-(
    OB a large vodka, loads of rocks, no fruit, please
  • Catch up using @Fussikus's time hack advice Mrs. Bunny. We'll wait for ya.
  • Hi @all -- Good afternoon! Just stopping by to get rid of a message that I decided not to send. Mostly been playing Boss Hogs and the Mirror World. A lot of the mirror versions of the previous levels are a lot harder than the originals, IMO (they have different birds).
  • @rat I tried for that Candy Crush (shame on me) it mucked up my iPad and Candy Crush. I'll wait......
  • @Hunnybunny No, shame on them for putting restrictions on flingin' and crushin'.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Late "Good Night" Ma
  • @jlz666 Happy Robbie Burns Day! A little poetry for you -

    Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
    Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
    Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
    Painch, tripe, or thairm:
    Weel are ye worthy o' a grace
    As lang's my arm.

    Of course there's more but I can't understand a word of it. OB I doubt you have haggis to serve but I'll have to come back later for some of your excellent whiskey.

    Happy Sunday all :)

  • Very late night Pa :( I'm payi n g this day lol.
    Wow @Jlz666 is it that time again?Happy Robbie Burns Day!
    OB all drinks on the house today. . I'll pop back in later:)
  • Oohh Hi @Karen68 ;) big snow storm coming tommorow into Wednesday! Stay safe and warm♡
  • @kathy I heard about the storm on the news, there's a lot of snow heading your way. But it's missing us, we're too far west thank goodness. But I hope all East coast flingers stay safe.
    Are you trying the new Space update yet? I actually don't mind it although I think I'm in the minority. I'm a slow flinger so I don't mind a few levels at a time, although I feel like I'm way behind. I'm keeping up with the daily missions but I only have 10 levels open while others have a lot more.
  • Well here we go with a long post, so beloved by @jlz-666, and its Burns Night!

    This Sasanach did the Haggis for a very British (not Scottish) Sunday lunch. Macsween Haggis, tatties with spring onions and chives, smashed neeps - don't ask, all my US friends, neeps are turnips South of the Border, North of the Border they're swedes - and whiskey sauce. Although burning off the alcohol in the sauce went against the grain. Well, mine, anyway. Pun not intended!
    First time I've cooked one.
    Wow, when you stick that knife in the Haggis, it all oozes out, stick your finger in the ooze and taste. Delicious

    Well, some you may remember that my mother died two and a half years ago, and that I do a little genealogy. I discovered that my father had been married before meeting Mum, and eventually tracked down a half-brother. Me and sis are totally gobsmacked. Unfortunately half-brother died in 1990, aged 47. I was five when my Dad died, so I can't blame him for keeping it secret. But Mum? I have a cousin (much older than me, who lives in New Zealand. We speak once a year) She knew all about it, and couldn't believe we didn't. Mother must have thought the secret would die with her. It didnt.....

    Anyone heard from @TomPuss. Missing her vids

    And Brass Hogs? It takes me longer to do the missions then I normally play. I suspect that it's because I've played so little Space, so I get a mission "complete all Red Planet levels" Thanks Rovio, that's half an hour, at least

    @rat I'm interested what missions you get? King of Space. Beat your own score? Beat Burpie's?
  • Just back from a lovely day and night away in St Andrews where I over indulged in too much rich food and wine but nothing will keep me away from haggis :) Cooking it right now but doing it stuffed into chicken breasts with a cream pepper sauce and roast tatties. @hunnybunny yours was much more Scottish than mine! Glad you enjoy haggis and Macsweens is one of the best,I never eat anyone else's. That's a huge secret for your Mum to have carried with her! Oh my goodness what a shock for you all! Such a pity he died at such a young age :( Did he have children? I'm so sorry your Mum didn't tell you. That must bring out some upsetting mixed emotions.
    @karen68 Thanks for remembering! I take it hubby and Father are off out for their Burns supper? Great poem and no wonder you kept it short,it doesn't half go on! Oh and here's a little secret........I havent a clue what half it means either lol!! I'm actually quite liking the space missions and Brass hogs but I'm not playing the mirror levels,it's boring colour is off putting. I like being able to cancel and change the missions if it's too hard but obviously the easier ones give you less points so it's taking me a bit longer. I've only opened 9 but what the hey...I'm not in a hurry.
    Must dash and see to dinner
    Oh and I'm going to pm tompuss later to check things are ok. I know she had an awful lot on her plate lately but I've not heard a peep for ages :(
  • Happy Robbie Burn's day. Or as we called it at my house, eating on the cheap.

    Either I've got some Scottish heritage or I came from a dirt poor family. We had heart, liver, and lights with ramps and poke salad often enough. When I got older I found out the offal was dirt cheap at the slaughterhouse butcher shop and you could pick poke on the side of the road. My Mom had to go into the forest to get the ramps and mushrooms. Who needs a supermarket? Not my mom. Don't get me started.

    @Hunnybunny One of my missions was to beat my top score on Danger Zone level 30. They offered me 10 points for it. Ha ha I passed. Other than that they've all been 1 and 2 point missions. Now that I know I can reject a mission, I throw back the 1 pointers. But I've never been given anything over a two except for level 30. But I'm OK with them slowly doling out the levels. The way I'm feeling I can't handle more than two or three levels a day anyway.

    And don't feel bad @Karen68. I've only got ten levels open too.

    BTW, I've had top scores in all but one level of Brass Hogs at one time or another. But flingers keep taking them back from me. Ms. V in Los Angles too. I will admit that one surprised me. WTG Ms. V.
    P.S. I did get it back from her in the end. As I said earlier, "It was my strategy after all."
  • Sorry @Karen68 i didn't mean to ding dong ditch lol! Ihad an appt to get my nails good the storm will miss you lucky , we are supposed to get buried:( but really won't know the brunt of it till it hits they never get it accurate you know. .ahh to be a weather man in San Diego right lol that's the easiest job in the world I'd say.
    I just completed a backup so I'm updating the new space episode as i type. Hope it's not as confusing as it sounds:(
    Wow @hunnybunny that is quite a startling revelation to say the least. . I'm sorry to hear your half brother passed away before you even knew you had one. I wonder if he knew ? Probably not or he would have probably contacted you maybe. .
  • How curious ? @anyone ? I've just updated to the new space levels and my Pig Dipper says I've only 96/99 stars says I'm missing S - 15 but i know i completed it..i even have a not so bad score on the board for an egg level. .hmmlm.
  • Already i cannot even get the first level of Brass Hogs:(
    *sets baskets of earplugs on the bar and in all the booths, a basket on the table near the door*
    I knoww i know OB and i apologize but i think we could use a special Whine day for the new update;)
    I'll have a SpacePigKiller please
  • Why is @Kelani ignoring us ? @fenikus any idea. . he is active and playing the new update:/
    @Jlz666 please let me know if you hear from @tompuss i was gonna pm her as well but if you are i wont.. don't want to bother her with overwhelming Pm' s if she not feeling well.
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