The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2445
  • hahahaha @JLZ LOL I can almost picture your first visit to the inLaws, that must have been planned, so see if you were made of the right stuff :p Guess they didn't know about your 666 side huh? And you know me and hubby don't really do christmas, but WHAT?? ordered the food and done the shopping already? Still a month and a half to go right? Must be your crazy december schedule in the past that have taught you to do the shopping before the storm hits huh? I think my christmas/december feeling will start when me and hubby are walking in Cologne on the many christmas markets and smell all the yummies.
  • Well I am off to give the pitb a rest (worked extra today) and take a shower and watch an episode of Doctor Who. Night night my birdie friends!
  • Where is everyone? Not many have given Sal congrats on his birthday!
  • Happy Birthday @sal9 !! Sorry so late.. hope you had a wonderful day and all your wishes come true:)
  • Night Pa ♧ hope your having a grand ole time:^)
  • Great videos @Estar:) heee hee love that little birdie:)
    @tompuss hope all is well we miss you.
    Good night all way past my time m.
  • Good night Ma.
    Belated Birdday wishes @Sal9. With Atlantis charging $22 a day for WiFi, my access is limited.
    (Hanging his head low and speaking sheepishly rat reluctantly utters a phrase to @Estar) I owe you a PM.
    How many new phones and tablets does that make for you this year so far @Ma?
  • Hi @all! Sorry I've been MIA. . and thanks for your kind inquiry, sweet @kathy. Just popping in to share a playlist with all you good friends, hope there's something for everyone, including @sal, whose birdday I missed, shame on me. . .

    Magic short movie by the European Space Agency, on its Rosetta program. Wonderful - it made me tingle all over!

    More on the Rosetta program, plus breaking news:

    Also for the scientifically-minded: Twisted light:

    A cat's guide to loving a human:

    "Wheel of impressions" with Kevin Spacey (lol -:):

    Ivy Benson's All Ladies Orchestra: nostalgia from WW2:

    With love and ((((hugz)))) to all xoxo
  • Ah, Happy Birthday @Sal9 I completely missed that.
  • Lovely to have you and your vids back @tompuss! I hope looking out these clips for us are putting a smile back on your face? They're certainly appreciated :D Take care (hugs)
    Belated Happy Birthday @sal9!
    Tell hubby nice finds @estar! That budgie brought back memories of the one we had when I was a little girl :) Yeah I'm early with the Xmas stuff but trust me I'll still be running around like a headless chicken 3 days before Xmas never fails. You're making me extremely jealous talking about your trip! BTW FIL quickly sussed me ;)
    Thanks for the visuals @kelani....I think ;)
    Happy hols @hunnybunny & @mumsie42 Hope you both have a fab weekend.
    How's the new phone @kathy?
    Very tired tonight so going to veg on couch and watch catch up telly for as long as brain allows.
  • *Door bursts open*
    Happy (late) Birdday @sal9
    Nice godflinger @BL
  • Hey everyone :) Thanks for the videos @Tompuss :) Wow I've not heard of the Rosseta Program I'm not usually a big fan of Science stuff but that looks incredible! !
    And of cou rse i love the kittys ♡♡
    @Jlz666 the new phone is Awesome i lm really happy with it the keyboard needs to get used to me still yet lol:/
    Uhmm @Pa I'm not sure how many phones and/or tablets this year i lost count hee hee
    Had my heart set on the Nexus but they didn't have any so I got the Samsung i like it
    the battery life seems much better and it's much faster I haven't tried flinging on it yet but I will maybe.
    OB could i please have a PigKiller ty:)
  • Time for the Winter avatar ..gonna snow tomorrow :(
  • *poofs to dressing room*
  • Well Hope everyone is or was having a great day
    Goodnight all

    Night Pa hope your having a great time :)
    Night john boy
    Good night moon
  • Good Night @kathy glad you like your phone
    Night @all
  • Night @AEX10 nice to see you. .sorry gotta sleep:(
  • Morning / afternoon / evening all!
  • Wow, I wanted cold, and I got it. Went from 70F to 32F in just a few hours yesterday. High of 36F today, and low in the 20s tonight. Plus wind chill. I'd better get busy collecting some firewood soon, or I'm gonna be a Kelcicle in this basement.
  • So where is everyone. I posted at 8:28 am, and it is now 5:30 pm!
  • I know @mvnla2 Very quiet couple of days:(
  • @kelani please keep your cold weather's starting to creep north and i don't want it:/
  • Hi @all. I'm home. I'm tired. I'm headed to bed.
    Good night Ma
  • Wow! Another quiet evening/morning.
    Hi all!
  • Welcome Home Pa :) how was your trip? Hope you won big $$
    Hi @mvnla2 :) everyone must be having fun somewhere i hope.
  • Heh, the cold will find you. It was in the 40s down at the NC beaches last night, so it's pretty much everywhere. :) And sticking around, too.
  • Well, I for one am glad that the polar vortex has crept far enough south that we're actually getting some decently cool, as opposed to unbearably hot, weather in LA. We actually got some measurable rain (i.e. 0.1 in) in some parts of LA Thurs. night.
  • Hi might not pop in for a bit.
    Going to Colorado for the week. Here it's in the 40's nice and cool with some fog
  • Hey @AEX10 Have a great time in colorado..are you going skiing?
  • Nope, afraid I'll break some bones ;)
  • Well then ya don't ski lol.
    but have fun anyway @AEX10 :)
  • @aex10 -- For sure you would break some bones trying to ski, since even in Colorado, I don't think there's enough snow to ski.
    Have fun!
  • There is no other strategy to get a high score on FMTTM 3-8 @Ma. It's my stRAT or a low score. But it isn't easy. BTW, I couldn't reply to your comment so I answered your question here.

    Where was @Mumsie and her cowbell? She was sorely missed today.
  • Thanks pa its a tough one for sure.m I'm trying:/
  • Well tomorrow is another day :/
    Night Pa
  • Not a peep all night or all morning:( hope everyone is keeping warm.
    OB I'll have a nice hot cuppa tea please ty
  • @kelani i have a suggestion but it may not be worthy of the 'ideas' forum.
    If you take a look at the comnents and "alternative strats in egg bonus for fry me to the moon and fry my brain while your at it..there's a lot of
    " first shot like second shot in the video" or second shot like so and so used as 3rd shot" or first shot just like but a bit lower than 15th shot.etc.. my suggestion is if you are Submitting an ' alternative shot' then say exactly where you would save a lot of scrolling back to see who said what or watching the video umpteen times to apply second shot to first etc..
    O.k yep I'm frustrated and venting lol..better here than on the walkthrough page:)
    Thanks OB yes i need a PigKiller :/
  • Lol @kelani that s why i mentioned you i knew you'd understand:)
  • Now why can't they make cell phone batteries like that?
  • Would you want that in your pocket? *shiver* I liked the line below the "brand" name: Warning: Batteries may Explode! Imagine that! :)
  • Uhmm noo @Kelani now on closer look lol..
  • @Kelani Are you happy to see me or is that a set of "C" cell Super Lusty's in your pocket? ha ha ha Please let it be batteries.
  • OK Ma. Get up off the floor. It wasn't that funny.
  • It was pretty funny Pa lol..*gains compusure*
    Gotta say g'nite now
    Night Pa
  • Night Ma
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