The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2444
  • @mumsie well you never know, we're staying in the Travelodge in Drury Lane, and I'm pretty sure Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is playing at the Drury Lane Threatre. I'll look out for an excited eleven year old. Oops Drury Lane will be full of them.......
  • "Yard guy" @kelani?! Could you send him over to me? I've got a big ass cherry tree that is falling and covering everyone's driveways & cars :( Got a date with a snow shovel I don't own a leaf blower!
    Can I say something about the top 10 badge? I actually have a problem with it. In theory I think it's a good idea but have the same questions/problems @kelani posed.
    As new members join every day (not all are frauds) then scores change every day,therefore leader board changes every day. I totally agree that peeps in the top 10 deserve recognition,especially for longevity,however as Kel said,if you make it one day then get chucked out the next,what happens to that badge. Some of my best friends would be in the running for this so I'm not taking this lightly. I just feel it's too complicated to apply. It takes years to stabilise the boards. As for screen shots. It would have to be proof for every level which is a big ask.
    Crap......I sound like a negative nelly....I'm not! I think a badge that recognises hard work and dedication needs rewarding. It's just difficult to prove :(
  • @kelani I'm upbeat about the top ten badge. I only know of three flingers who have managed it (me, kathy, rat) although there must be others. Burpie springs to mind. I did it in Rio TT two or three months ago, and have only been booted out in #9, which shouldn't take too long to rectify. It's hard, very hard, to do, but I think easy to spot a fake player. Like the daily challenge I think it needs a screenshot and Strat on each level
    About two months after release, seems OK, I'll have a look tomorrow to put some dates on when TT came out and my top ten day. Too tired now
    Goodnight all
  • Okaaaaaay, I obviously offended @hunnybunny @rat and @kathy. My apologies. Didn't mean to belittle your achievements but still can't completely agree with badge.
  • @JLZ I would totally prune that cherry tree for you. :) Most of my winter outdoor fun is scavenging the woods, looking for dead hardwoods.

    If it needs to come down, and is large, and in good shape, might see if you can sell it. Over here, we have companies that will remove problem trees and pay you for it. Sometimes, quite a bit. A friend of my mom's had an enormous walnut taken out a few years ago, and was able to pay off the last 15 years of her mortgage(!)

    @JLZ and @hunnybunny If Top Ten happened, strategies and proof screenshots for 20-30 levels would be a huge PITA for everyone, especially if the member is bumped out on a few levels in the meantime. Someone (probably me) would have to compare when each score was entered to make sure the bump came later, and...yuck. If it were up to me, I'd make the member provide this:

    - Screenshot of their episode select screen, showing the total score.
    - 2-3 screenshots from randomly chosen levels in that episode.

    I think that'd be a good balance of cheat prevention and ease of verification. What do you ladies think?
  • @jlz666 no offence taken at all. Just forgive us mad people who are prepared the play the same thing over and over again, until men in white jackets come in and drag us away, as we scream "level seven, let me have just one more fling"

    Now I really am going to bed....
  • Haahaa!! Ummmm Yep,ok,the job's yours @kelani ;) I actually wanted to get it cut down this year as it's a huge pain in the Autumn but hubby said no. It is beautiful in flower but is sucking the life out of the grass. In laws have an open fire in the house so couldn't sell the wood if we did cut it down...they'd kill us for it!
    As for the top ten....well of course I want peeps from here to get a badge! If that's what they need to do,then ok. I just think a couple of months after release is too soon. I think a 6 month to 1 year on top 10 is fair.
  • @hunnybunny I know what that feels like.....seriously. Just because I don't play the same world over and over again doesn't mean I don't play the same level over and over again! I play ABO,Rio,Space and me,it's hard keeping above average. I'm just as mad ;)
  • @Jlz666 no offense taken. .I didn't even see what you said but whatever it was no offense. .;) I guess i missed something i will read up. .
  • Lol! @kelani Brain to mouth malfunction. Just caught it in time ;)
    Father in law is a demon with the saw so no wood is safe!
    There wouldn't be any issue with top ten @kelani. I hope you didn't think that's from me? I really didn't mean it like that. You asked....I answered. As for sharpshooter,Yep that's geat!!! Voting is a fantastic way to show our appreciation of fellow nutters :)
  • Hey @Jlz666 my momma always told me think before I say lol.
    I've been reading about this top 10 badge and i really have to agree with you @jlz666
    I have to read more .. inn the middle of a movie atm but i will read back
    First thoughts I think it would cause a lot of issues and after all we want friendly competition here. Soo before i say more lol
  • @Kelani could you save me some time and fill me in on the proposal of this badge?
  • @JLZ Nonono. not you. :) Since I mentioned it here, I've gotten 4-5 PMs from those ever-present lurkers (you know who you are) who had pretty strong opinions about that badge. The general consensus seems to be "Great idea, but PITA to manage".

    I'm hoping to make a Top Ten list of my own: most requested new badges, sorted by popularity. I think that'll help finally get some new ones added. All your input will play a big part in what makes the list (and where it falls on said list) :)

    Demon with a saw.. I love it, and that sounds like my kinda guy. :D I have...*counts* four chainsaws, two pole saws, six axes, three hatchets, and about 12 other specialty handsaws. That's not counting the power tools. I only harvest the dead/fallen stuff, but I swear, when I go in the woods, it suddenly gets vewy qwiet :)
  • @Kathy proposal? There is no proposal. You know what the The Top Ten is. It's been mentioned in here many times, and I think there's posts about it on the previous page. I'm just asking what new badges people want. :)
  • Well o.k commercial.
    Good luck @kelani if you think you can manage a badge like that. I think it will be difficult
    You need to keep in mind Flingers of old not just us newbie (and yes I say newbie even though were been here a few years) the legendary flingers such as Manu, Moonsabre, Laurence etc.. will they be included. And as mentioned the quick turnover what happens to the badge if you drop out of the top 10? And how long to maintain the position ?
    In theory is a valiant effo rt of recognition but i think it would cause unhealthy competition inn our peaceful Nest rather than the friendly competition that we all enjoy;)
  • Erm ok...@kelani I know chainsaw,handsaw,hatchet and hand axe but I have to ask.... WTH is a pole saw?...(hides in pub basement)
    @kathy you don't agree with sharpshooter?
  • Hi @burpie. Got a few minutes while it's raining. I agree with all your ideas on the top ten badge. I find it interesting that it's getting all this attention. I haven't brought up the badge idea for over a year. I didn't even mention it when @Kelani asked for submissions. Ha ha

    P.S. You might want to look at your CC ranking. As I said, it was raining so I had a few moments to fling. Ha ha ha Your move.
  • About that top ten, I believe I've been on that list too @hunnybunny. I haven't gone back to TT lately, but I see my rank as #7. Doesn't that count, or are you saying top ten for the entire game?

    Gotta run for now, be back later!

    Have a happy flinging day everyone!
  • @kelani @burpie and everyone else who's interested!

    I looked at my TT standing
    The game came out in July 14
    I got the top ten in Sept 14
    Two months later I have only slipped outside the top ten in one level
    Seems nothing too much changes after two months of release

    I agree, to a point, with Burpie's view that there needs to be a minimum number of levels to qualify for the badge. To award it for the five levels in Rio Playtime would seem extremely over generous.
    I then looked at Space, Rio and Seasons (only because they are the games I mainly play). If you take out those with less than thirty levels, you lose 4/11 from Space, 7/16 in Rio and 12/20 in Seasons, most of which are the latest editions. Personally I think this is a bit harsh, perhaps a 15 or 20 cut would be more appropriate.

    I don't think its too problematic, you either get it and prove to the satisfaction to the admins, or you dont! And easier to administer than the challenge as there will be less of them.

    Whilst I quite like idea of a Sharpshooter badge, my only fear is it could become "an old pal's" award, and many people may not get their due recognition. How many times have we all stumbled across an old and much loved flinger who hasn't been "certified" just because everyone thought he / she already was?

    Well, that's me done on badges, but I look forward to seeing @kelani list of the top ten

    Pity we can't put all this in a "Badges Disussion" but last time I tried that I got shut down in less than 12 hours :-(

  • Sorry @SweetP, we were talking about top ten in every level of an episode. When I orginally pitched the idea, I thought there could be different levels of the badge. Top 25, 10, even 5 for a few of us idiots that don't know when to stop. As far as the time frame before awarding the badge, a minimum of one month. It's shaken out pretty much by then.

    I'm not a fan of awarding a sharpshooter badge by votes. It needs to be quantified to be worth anything. Not a popularity contest. I'd lose every time. Lol
  • The wife is taking me to Nobu for dinner tonight. I hope it's not too fo-fooey for my old Southern taste buds. I'll suffer through.

    As we were landing in Nassua yesterday, we saw a Lear jet take off. It crashed minutes later losing all on board. Makes you think.
  • @Rat9 It makes me thing a lot of things
    That you went to the Bahamas and didn't invite us
    That I could really go for some sushi
    That I don't know what plane to buy anymore... not a Falcon 50, not a Learjet. Did you see anything or did you hear about the crash later?

    Oh, and you can have CC. How do you do it??
  • @Hunnybunny, You have a very good score in Trick or Treat, Beak Impact 1, etc, but Rat was thinking more about a badge that he'd only have to share with Poseidon, Zeus and Chuck Norris ;-)
  • Hey hey just a quick pop in
    Pa you saw a Jet Crash !!! No way that's very sad and very scary while your traveling. .I just sent you a pm ignore it lol I sent it before ilooked here.
    OB I'll have a PIgKiller please.
    @Burpie I like all your ideas about the top ten badge
    I also like the idea of a sharpshooter badge
    I can't figure if I like admin appointed but voting by members seems good and I don't think it would be ' an old pals' award because you would actually have to achieve something and i do think the voting system has worked well
    Anyway that's all I've to say about it atm :)
    @Kelani I think it is good your trying to take suggestions for new badges if I could think of one i would guess I'm just not that creative:(
  • @burpie Timble tumble not trick or treat. Even Rat admitted defeat on that one lol
    (Although I fear he will come back at me, eventually!)

    Goodnight all
  • @Rat -- Rather sobering about the jet crash. : (
    On the brighter side -- You'll have to give us a review of Nobu. Didn't realize there was one in Nassau. If it's the same, it's supposed to be very good (and expensive).
  • @Rat -- So are you staying at the Atlantis Resort? Need a review on that if you are.
    Yes, I've heard of Nobu, but just googled them. Way too many places.
    What really broke my heart is that Nobu Los Angeles is in the former L'Orangerie location. Now there was a world class restaurant! I wish we had been able to go there more often than once every 2 or 3 years. Yes, expensive, but well worth it. Sigh...
    FYI -- They closed because the couple that ran it wanted to retire, and didn't want to sell the name. They were that dedicated to the excellence they achieved.
  • Night Pa
  • Well my front garden is now a blanket of orange @kelani....and my car...and No4's car,No 6' get the picture ;) That thing HAS to go. The house builder planted it and I'm sure they've used the wrong variety. It's a monster (for our garden) Yes you would like my FIL,his garage and sheds are like torture museums. When hubby took me home to meet the family for the first time he was in the garage butchering rabbits and pheasants :( Love him to bits now but was scared for a loooong time ;)
    I guess I haven't been paying enough attention as I hadn't realised the badge convo had been around for a while. That was my first take on it and maybe I wasn't taking it seriously enough? Didn't mean to come across negative,that was just my honest,unbiased opinion. Of course there's some great flingers across the nest and peeps who put all their time and effort into getting those top spots deserve recognition. Everyone has made some good points so whatever badges appear I hope they continues to make this a fun place to be in because isn't this what it's about? As for sharpshooter isn't that fun as well? Seeing someone in the nest and giving them recognition for their flinging skills? I'm the world worst for forgetting to go into B&R so I'm obviously missing something here? Anyhooo I look forward to seeing what you come up with @kelani
    @rat I'm interested in how you got on at Nobu? I don't have one near me but I've thought about the one in London. Say hi to the sunshine from me!
    Not working today so mind is firmly on Xmas now. Got a huge amount of pressies ordered yesterday and have just been to the butcher and ordered my turkey and ham so I'm getting there. Just need to find things for my impossible husband :( Going to cook some things for the freezer this afternoon as we have family staying with us over the festive period. Once December hits my business gets crazy busy. It may still seem a wee while off but when I add up my days off for such things there's not really much time.
    Right I've got Delias cook books out and going to make her leek and cheese topped shepherd's pie :)
  • Zeus? Ha ha ha There are two CC's @Burpie. Which one did you give up on? You were giving me some stiff compitition in Cosmic Crystals. I was enjoying it. Don't go. @Kathy is about to take us both down a notch in Cold Cuts. Killer Kathy is on a mission.

    The plane we saw take off as we taxied in Nassua crashed before it landed at one of the smaller islands. Freeport, I think. So we didn't see it go down. I haven't watched the news. The TV in our room was broken and we weren't in a hurry to fix it. It's working today, but we still haven't used it. We have other things to do.

    Speaking of other things, Nobu was great, but I liked Joel Robechaun's (sp) better. The prices on everything here at Atlantis have gone up 50 percent since February. It's almost as if they're trying to get every penny they can out of the place before BaHaMar opens. The odds in the casino weren't great before, but now they're so bad I won't play. I'll never come back here and can't recommend it to anyone. We probably wouldn't have come this time, but it was free and the trip was last minute. That should tell you all you need to know. It was free and were not coming back? We still need to do a fish fry in Nassua before we leave this trip. It's suppose to be great.

    Gotta run. The tide waits for no man.
  • Wow I Just got 2 sherrifs knocking at my door one in Cloud City and in Death Star:(
    Anyway a toast OB a couple bottles of Cristal please for the pub
    "I raise my glass to All Veterans and Thankee Rightly for your service and defending our great country and our Freedom" * clink*
  • Woohoo on my way to the phone store:)
  • @Kathy don't buy the one with voodoo pins and chicken bones sticking out of it. You know where *that* will get you...

    As for the badge suggestions. Since I've been here, I've seen a lot of them, (most were from BP people) and I thought they were quite good. There is interest in adding new badges, but obviously, no admin is going to search thousands of threads looking for all those casually-mentioned ideas, so I figured if I can gather them together, find out which ones are viable and most-wanted, we can finally get some of them added.
  • Whoo Hoo! Just came in from the beach and flung a few at my one remaining nemesis in BI part one. I got lucky and beat @Romo's score on level twenty. I'm done with part one. I don't believe he can touch my score now. Woot woot.

    Back to vacation.
  • Why Pa!! Woohoo!!
    Well I got my new phone and No @Kelani it doesn't have any voodoo pins that I can see anyway lol. Keyboard a little different gonna take some getting used to but so far so good:)
  • Night Pa :)
  • Good night from the Islands Ma
  • Mumsie sneaks in rummages in the golf goodies @kelani left, smiles broadly, gathers them all up and leaves!
  • Need to catch up with everything, but...
  • Whoot-whoot! HaPpY BiRtHDaY @SAL9! Hope your day is filled with lots of happy memories and libations!
  • @Sal9 -- Happy BirdDay! Hope the birds (and real-life friends & family) do everything you want to make today a very special day.
  • Mister @Rat so you are off on a trip to the sun :) Sorry to hear even the free trip isn't worth it over there. And congratz on the great flinging, the trip at least brought you something nice!
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