The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2428
  • Argh, also a double name, no find yet, dumb me
  • @bernersenn the weather has passed. It looked like the big storms split and went around @Rat, then recombined and slammed my area. We got a LOT of rain, some flooding in the lower areas of the county, and there were possibly a few small tornadoes about 10 miles west of me. I've seen worse storms, but never seen one like that in October. :)
  • @kelani wow, it is impressive but also scaring isn't it? Actually on such a small area - although I don't have the smallest idea about where @rat is living.
  • @bernersenn never mind, I'm sure AEX10 will forgive you
    @kelani come and live in Wales. It never gets that hot, it gets very rainy, but no tornadoes, hurricanes, and, of course, if you live at the top of a mountain - and we have loads - no floods
    And this time of year pleasant warm(ish) / cold(ish)
  • @Hunnybunny Hmm.. Do you also have icy cold winters filled with huge snowstorms? That's #1 on my Must-Have list. :)

    @bernersenn @Rat lives about 200 miles south of me.

    After living through a few hurricanes, storms like this aren't too scary. But it is scary when they're out-of-season like this one was. We normally only get lots of strong thunderstorms from April-June, and random small ones throughout the year.
  • @kel about three flakes last year!
    The three before that were very snowy. We live in the south
    But find a place in North Wales, you never know.......

    Goodnight, early to bed for me, my flinging friends
  • @bernersenn I live in Aiken, South Carolina. It's a small city on the west side of the state, just across the Savannah River from Augusta, Georgia. You might have heard of Augusta because that's where the Masters golf tournament is played every year. If you don't, just ask @Mumsie, she can tell you where it is.
  • Yikes I've missed 2 pages! !
    OB I'll need a PigKiller for catching up
    Nice to see you pop in the BP @jaydee not sure what trouble you were experiencing but happy it got straightened out:)
  • Pa love your dont worry be happy diddy :)
    I've missed the Star as usual :(
    @bernersenn glad to hear your still feeling well
    Who am i kidding no way i can catch up lol.. is just not the same as being in the moment!
    @AEX10 did you figure out the screenshot thing?
    My new case came today I like it ! It came with a stylus also its tricky to get used to. .idk I'm used to feeling the screen lol..
  • Well since noone is here. .OB I know its not Tuesday many block your ears..
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !! PB #29 is Impossible! !
  • Hee hee he
    Very funny. Reminds me of when I met @Bunny
  • @Kathy I have a $5 stylus never use it
    When I play. too tricky for my fingers ;)
  • *Posts sign on door* OFF FLINGING ;D
  • Lol @AEX10 was ms. Bunny whining when you met her?
    Have fun flinging good luck..and ya I'm not liking the stylus much:/
  • @Kathy @AEX10 -- I love my stylus! Have a hard time flinging without it (them). Biggest problem is that most of them wear out, but for some you can get replacement tips. I have maybe 7 of them next to the chair I usually fling in. The one I use most is has a replacement tip that is stiffer than the original, which I like. The one that hasn't worn out so far has a metal screen tip, but I don't particularly like it.
  • @mvnla2 I guess it takes a little getting used to. I didnt know the case came with one and its a little fat tipped. But i did order a pack of 4 that came with replacement tips and they are a bit smaller (the tips) but the stylus themselves are long id say about 3" so its hard to control. I'll try it off and on till i get used to it.

    Maybe even 4" :/
  • You can lead a blind horse to water but you can't make him drink. Well, @Ma is thirsty. She's moving quickly up the ranks in Pig Bang. I think I'll have her lead me for a while. ha ha ha
    WTG @Ma. You're tearing up the hard levels.
  • Thanks Pa :)
  • I have one that's like a pen, and the tip is a round, flimsy thing, that feels like a speaker's dust cap (the part in the center). And behind it is metal. I'm not sure I like that. Seems like it'd only take one too-hard tap to crack a screen.
  • @kelani is it like a mesh type tip? I saw those and ya they look dangerous
  • Hello? Anyone here?

    OB, I'll have a PigKiller please. Need to get some vetting done, and I have to do some fast flinging. I've had to restart all over again since getting my phone a few months back, and just hadn't had time to get it done! Aaaahhhhhh!
  • Seems as if @bernersenn and @karen68 aren't the only ones that got that strange message!
    I haven't mentioned it to the other admins, so don't know the latest if she's been banned yet. Does anyone know? If not, I'll send a PM out to them.
  • @SweetP you mean the user that public messaged 171 people? BL's aware.

    edit: their profile is gone, so I guess they are as well.
  • @Sweetp if you need any help let me know I'm all caught up in ABO ?

    Guess i lucked out Annie must not have liked my profile lol;)
  • @Kathy it's kinda textured like a mesh, but it's a flimsy/rubbery feel, too. It has about the same give as the tip of an inflated balloon. I may stick a piece of foam inside to firm it up a bit.
  • Good luck with it Kel I'm strating to get used to the it.
    PB #30 is soooooo Random!! I gotta go to bed soon.
  • Night Ma
  • Morning @all
    But I was wondering can you put your High Score you already have
    or do you have to make a new high scrore?
  • @AEX10 -- You can put in any high score shown on your game, You can even mix and match from different devices, but that makes it hard to use the total for an episode as a double-check.
    @Kathy, @Kelani -- The stylus I like best is ~4 in long with a replaceable tip. If you pound really hard with it on the screen, you can hit the metal under and around the tip. However, I think the bigger danger is hitting the screen with the wrong end, which I have done several times! I do have 2 other types of styli, one with the metal tip, and a different kind with a rubber tip, for which replacement tips are not sold, at least the last time I looked. The one with the metal tip seems to have a larger contact area.
  • I looked around, and I may need to create my own stylus tip. I want something with a firmness slightly less than a pencil eraser. If you know your rubber durometer scales:

    Rubber Band=Shore 20A
    Eraser=Shore 40A

    I want something Shore 30A-35A. It'd have to be synthetic (probably TPR or urethane), impregnated with the chemical other stylii use to match the dielectric of human skin, and compatible with the oleophobic coating on the screen.

    Sounds like a fun weekend project.
  • @Kelani -- Have fun! When I was looking at styli, I wanted one with the smallest tip, because it should give the most accuracy. At the time, I heard that touch-screens had a minimum size resolution, so it didn't make any sense to have a tip smaller than that. Don't know if that spec has changed.
    Of course, there are those that say increased accuracy just results in your flinging exactly the wrong shot time after time. But who knows?
  • @mvnla2 Do you know what the touch resolution was before? I have no idea. I can't imagine it's pixel-perfect, especially on a 2048x1536 screen. That would be good info to know before picking a stylus, definitely.
  • @Kelani -- It was nowhere close to a single pixel, even on a smaller screen. That's one reason why the tips of most styli are so large (some are slightly smaller). I don't know if I ever new an exact number. I read a lot of reviews of styli.
  • My laptop isn't feeling well. I see a new one in my very near future. Do any of you tech heads have any suggestions?

    Edit: I only ask because I don't have an eight year old at home to help me pick one out.
  • After the router thing, I ain't falling for that again :)
  • LOL About the router @Kelani. I ended up taking it back and got another one. Combo router/modem.
  • Btw @Kelani, you'll fall. Oh...You'll fall.
  • Hey everyone ;) hope everyone had a fantabulous dsy!
    Yes @AEX10 as @mvnla2 says you can enter your scores that you have and seven after i lost progress (several times to many to count anymore) I asked slim if I should take my scores down and he said i could leave them up. Its a big help cuz i can see what i previously acheived and it gives me a goal to beat:)
    @mvnla2 I did get a stylus pack I think its called 'dreampak' from amazon it came with 4 stylus and 19 ( odd number) replacement tips. About 4" long and much slimmer than the one that came with my case. I'm kinda getting used to it:)
  • @Pa where is @Kenobi falling?
  • @Rat -- You didn't say whether you wanted a PC or a Mac? The choice also depends on what you use it for. I'm very happy with my MacBook Air, but then I don't use it for any serious computing or graphics.
  • @Rat is safe this time. I haven't kept up on what's sexy in laptops these days.
  • @Rat I don't have a laptop (but I want one;) I'm looking at this one:

    And touch screen is better. you will feel like your playing on a phone
    Can also flip to become a tablet
  • Ok I just put in my first scores Pouched Eggs 1-1 1-2 and 1-3
  • I have a rubber tip styus
    I'm think a mesh tip would scratch my screen
  • Well good night @bp
  • I would think so too @AEX10 good night
    OB could i have a PIgKiller please oohh a Space version please.
    *curls up in Estar favorite booth , puts in earplugs starts audio book and ppoofs to space while listening and lurking*
  • @Mvnla2 I leave the laptop outside full time and use it for trips so I won't be using it for any serious computing or graphics. I had assumed I'd get a PC but I don't know why. We have a large touch screen in the study we use for most things. So I'm not sure what I need/want.

    Signed Perplexed?
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