The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2355
  • Lol sorry @Kelani but i gotta agree with @mvnla2 .. is an interesting thing you are working on but ya a pm to figure it out may be better. .or another forum where you could get suggestions and help. I'm sure there are many members who would be interested in PCL ..;)
  • New topic: Tension Headache formula of Excedrin is finally back on the shelves. Talk amongst yourselves, I'm getting verklempt. LOL
  • @Kathy Sorry. I'm done. I'll be posting it in a forum, but I have to get my ducks in a row first.

    @fenikus really? or are you just dreaming about that day
  • @Kelani, really. Bought a bottle the other day (at Wallgreens)
  • @fenikus well congrats. I know you've missed it these last few months :)
  • raven22? Who are all these strange people sneaking up our boards. :) Oh well, at least once Kathy gets those points, it's 10k before anyone else catches up to the BPack
  • Ya @kelani don't know where he came from. .I'm holding down the bottom of the fort. Well trying lol..gnite
  • Unfortunately i can't sleep cuz i took a nap:(
  • Just FYI, raven22 is a fine Rio flinger. 4th overall.
  • Ya I can. . Night
  • @kelani I think you're being very modest there. Only three badges. You manged to drive away Kathy, Rat and Mvnla last night, and even Fenni gave up in the end. That deserves a double badge immediately ;-)
  • And seeing there's no one else here. Two things:
    To arrive at a meaningful conclusion you will need a representative sample. There are 2356 players in Seasons ToT but only 225 Rio HH. So to take a set number of players scores in every example would skew your results. I'd take the lot as the sample is not too large.
    You can copy and paste a leaderboard table direct into an Excel table (if you have access to a PC - ha ha - with windows.) It also brings with it the data that you normally see when you click on a username that shows rank and platform.

    I'm not a trained analyst, but I'll have a go at an allegedly PCL if you find one with with a small data sample. I might just be that bored later on.

    And I'll join your little group if you set one up.

    Just awarded myself the PSU badge!
  • @kelani huge pm on its way, so as not to bore the other patrons lol
  • @kathy ha, ha I see you're back in the TT BP fold! Good flinging! I better buck up in HH ;-)
  • @all -- Sure is quiet around here. I guess that's what I get when I suggest that everyone else retire to a PM. : )
  • @kelani @fenikus @bernersenn -- Did any of you get the feathers in Rio RR or BR? How about tips for those hideous bonus levels in RR?
  • @mvnla2 yes I got all the feathers in all the Rio games. Mostly I try to get a high score (who doesn't), then when I think it's enough, I throw the sardines in. What level are you having trouble with?
  • @mvnla2 what about the piano recital, already had it?
  • @hunnybunny Fenni went to PM with me, so no badge for that :P I realize the cursed/non-cursed threshold would change proportionally to the sample size (i.e. larger % on level with 200 players, smaller on one with 2000) but I don't know what number to start with. 5-10% is too small even with 2000 players. It may be I'll need 20-30%. Anyway, enough of that.

    Thanks for the excel tip. That will be useful later on. I got really happy for a minute when you said it copies platform, but for me, none of them did. Only copied what's visible on the page.

    @mvnla2 yeah when we can bore you with mathy stuff, that's really bad :) After we ran with our tails between our legs to PM, I told feni that was more humiliating than telling Tompuss to shop for new thongs.

    I got all the feathers, but I'll have to look at the walkthroughs to remember what I did. Which levels are you having trouble with?
  • @bernersenn @kelani @fenikus -- Recital is still 2 weeks away. A little flinging isn't going to hurt, but an entirely new game is going to evaporate a couple of days.
    Thanks for volunteering to help:
    On RR, I'm missing a few stars on the bonus levels:
    40 star level missing 3
    50 star level missing 2
    7 feather: missing 1
    BR missing feather on level 4
    I managed to get 3* and feathers on all the rest of the Rio levels where I lost progress, but not even trying for above average. : (
    I think I am pretty much caught up on the other levels I lost, but it appears that I never had 3* (and still don't) on ABO RMF Egg Defender 7.
    I lost some Bad Piggies (the game), and Icebreaker, but I'll leave those for when I'm bored.
  • @mvnla2 wait a minute, do you mean
    40 star: missing three stars, didn't you got any star on that one?
    BR #4, look at this one:

  • @bernersenn -- Correct; no stars. Guess I haven't been trying really hard for less than 3.
  • @mvnla2 no stars? It looks like you are flinging like me for the last days. For days I didn't gain any points. I'm gonna have a look at these levels, eventually write some comments. (Will take a while)
  • @bernersenn -- Thanks for the link, but it didn't work. : )
  • @mvnla2 did you copy the link and paste it in your browser? Starting with W ending with 8
  • @mvnla2, Ok, here we go:
    40 star: as @smonard88 (last comment), first and third bird as in video.
    Please take some time to learn how to control these rockets. You'll manage.
  • Hahaha! Mumsie is chuckling at the pm that OB sent her last night!
    Apparently he spent ages tiding up the wool bins after @kathy’s cat got in! He knew I'd chuckle at the fact that @kelani thinks Slim may be the only nester who thinks he (Kel) is an idiot ( laughing with you not at you there Kel, thinking about the 'thongs' typo!) and then OB said he had to stand wiping the bar for ages with his ears bleeding as @Kelani & @Fenikus stopped drinking and started droning on about stats for so long that everyone else left - OB said he was quite excited when @rat popped in but he scarpered so fast he didn't even order his coffee to go!
    I'm off to B&R - real life keeps interfering with virtual one! Americano to go please OB!
  • @mvnla2 extra tip on those rockets: forget chuck, only pay attention on the rocket. Eventually zoom in completely
  • @mvnla2
    50 star: just follow Sal's video. And remember, keep an eye on the rocket. Zoom in!
  • @mvnla2
    7 star: read my own comment, lol. Seems if I had these troubles that time. Again, later concentrated on the rocket instead of the normal aiming did the job!
    ABO RMF egg defenders: shocking. Didn't play any game after #2. Shame on me. So with this one I can't help you.
    @fenikus @kelani please guys, any of you help the poor @mvnla2
  • @bernersenn -- Isn't that the video in the ABN BR Mighty Eagle walkthrough? ???
  • @mvnla2 (shame on me) I don't know. When I'm not getting the feather I go to mr. google and ask him. First link: look, try and done. So, perhaps you're right.
  • @bernersenn, @kelani @fenikus -- Managed to get through all of Rio RR with 3 stars. I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head, but concentrating on the rocket seems to help. I had been relying more on counting. Was just about ready to get out the metronome, but didn't need to.
    Still have BR #4 feather missing. I'm at 99%, so close, but yet so far... Tried finding another strat on YouTube, but so far, they're all the same. Have tried @wrw01's strat a few times, but also without luck.
    As for ABO RMF Egg Defender 7, haven't really gone back to tackle it seriously. Haven't even memorized the walkthrough.
    Time to get back to real life. SSL.
  • @ kelani - OB smokes!!! Did you drive him to the evil habit by threatening to talk stats????
  • WTG @mvlna2 - not sure where I'm up to with Rio Rumble - real life does so impact on my virtual one! Only remembered to go back to Pig Days this evening - got 3* but am dreading seeing how far below avg I am!
  • @mvnla2 you managed, didn't I say it? Well done
  • Guys, need really help. Got back to Seasons, SH. Games 1-12 played nice. #13 is still a pain in the ass, but reasonable score. Than again #14 - it's my bad luck number. Despite all the comments, a really excellent video of @estar, results here are tear jerking. Argh.
  • @Mumsie well, since almost everyone else here does, I assumed all the secondhand smoke would've converted him by now, but he also could've been talking to a lady bird.
  • Ooooh gossip @kelani- do tell - did you see who it was? Martha? Stella? Or a red and black ladybird ? (I think in the US they are ladybugs - or that is what I learnt from Sesame Street!)
  • @Mumsie You know how talented OB is at obscuring things. Even the donut hole he accidentally put in the wall didn't help. Plus, as you know, fen and I were mired in that stats and cursed levels discussion.
  • @kelani - humph! Men!
  • @Mumsie not exactly an abundance of X chromosomes in your family tree, huh? :)
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