The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2281
  • Awesome @Sweetp !! Ty
  • That's it for me. .night night all
    *hand flashlight to OB*tomorrow another day.. night Pa happy fling. .be easy!
  • You're right Ma. I should have said @fenikus and Kel butt.. I'll shut it down as well. If I fling again, I'll run over you.

    Night Ma.
  • You can run me over a Pa no worries. I still got lots more to go. I'll climb back up. Just don't over do♡ night. Forgot to shut dinger off.m
    Yepprs get flinging @Sweetp hee hee.. now we need @birdaddict to climb up and clinch it!! Night
  • Thank goodness Ma. I wasn't sure what to do with these points.
  • Goodmorning to you all. First night sleep did soooooo well. Still no pictures today, it's about 66 degrees and it us wet. Tomorrow, monday, the weather will be better. Better for me (us), the dogs, the trips and the pictures.
    Have a nice sunday
  • Don't worry @HunnyBunny. I'm not hunting wabbit. I'm just clearing a few trees so @Kelani can get a good shot at ya.
  • In the battle of the BP sexes in TT, the score is Men: 4; Women: 3.
    Yea!! The men have the lead!!! *men are better flingers*
    Just kidding around ladies. Send all rebuttal correspondence care of:

    Princess Lalani
    5'2"39 Trailer in the Wood Estates
    Waybackinthehills, NC 12345-6789

    Speaking of leads, the top seven in TT are from the BP.

    I hope the weather clears up for you @bernersenn.
  • @all -- Leaving on vacation shortly (1 week). Going to Pacific Grove, which is between Monterey and Carmel. Renting house in to-die-for location (and not real estate agent hype). Going to play golf at the Pacific Grove golf course (another one of CA's several poor-man's Pebble Beaches). Will send picks. Prepare to rival the piggies in color of green.
  • @mvnla2 please post pictures of die-for-location
    There's so much world that most people have no idea of. I'm especially ignorant of the US. Boston and Florida are the only places I've visited :-(

    @rat ha ha but top lady flinger
    Leading the way, just waiting for the men to catch up ......
  • @hunnybunny Depending on when and where you went, both places are two of the nicest/worst places to visit in the US.
  • @kelani my sis used to live in Cambridge, on Brattle Street, she knew Boston. I Loved it. And once had that mad day where the weather changed from winter to summer in an hour
    As for Florida, it's at least twenty years ago, some £69 deal to fly and stay. Loved the Mouse thing and St.Pete's
    Guess you don't love the mouse
    Been back to Florida, but only as a one night stay, before a Caribbean cruise

    About the mouse thing: two adults, no kids, screaming with delight. A one off experiencs
  • @kelani ET is definitely in my top ten films of all time
    The ET ride in Universal Studios was amazing
    You register your name, and right at the end ET says "hi, jacqui" I'm going mad, waving at him, saying "hi, ET"
    HWDNF just looks at me.......
  • @mvlna2 - am green already and you haven't got there yet! Play well!!
  • @hunnybunny btw, you know what Disney's biggest complaint was? The lady I got to sing it "sounded too similar to Angela Lansbury"
  • Hello guys, just looked at the ranking for TT. First 8 except #7 are BP people. @sweetp, you have to catch up some, then it'll be the first #7. What I also saw shocked me. I'm #6! So, no time for chatting here, must fling. Have a nice sunday
  • @Rat, @Hunnybunny, it's more like Vicious Baby Snatchers vs. Bambis 5:2.
  • @hunnybunny After failing to get points the last few days, I found 5k in the last place I expected: #17. It was enough for King of the Woodpile, but not enough to leave flaming keltrax on your bunny ears. :)
  • @fenikus yeah. The 1b's easy, but doesn't score as well.
  • These Marmoset flying off screen with my 5k is really getting annoying! !!
    OB I'll have a Double Marmoset killer please and bring drinks for all on my tab:)
    @kelani maybe Disney was upset that the jingle insinuated to much money? Strange
  • @Kathy If they were truly upset, they wouldn't have tried to profit from it. Besides, it being a true statement protects it. To win in court, they'd need to prove it wasn't true. All that aside, the first amendment protects stuff like that when used as comedy/parody. If it didn't, Weird Al and Stan Freberg would be in prison for life :)
  • Btw I like your living arrangements Roflmao! ! Complete with a greenhouse haha! !
  • @Kathy lol thank you! We's jus a happy, heavily armed hippie commune.

    I have no idea where that pic is from. Someone sure did put a lot of time into that complex.
  • Heee hheee they sho' did @kelani must gut the 'hoole fam' damily livin' in dat dere coomune!
  • If my car broke down 20 miles from town, and I came across a place like that, I'd prolly keep walking.
  • Ya @kelani me tooo they probably shoot first ask questions later! ! Haha
  • Arghhhh this stupid level#3 the Marmoset keep flying away with my points! !
    I wonder if most of the high scores are with the extra 3k from the tnt gift?
  • I wonder What's growing inn that greenhouse? Haaha I have an idea! !
  • @Kathy I'm #2 and mine wasn't. The only score I'm 99% sure had to be a PU gift is pisces on #4. That or a DCB. There's just not 134k on that level without one of the two.

    edit: you have sharp eyes. I never noticed a greenhouse.
  • Did you flag it @kelani? Or ask the player?
  • @Kathy lots of people asked. He didn't remember details about how he got it, and with Slim's help, posted a screenshot. I asked today if he remembered getting a gift box, but even if he did, can't fault him for that. So, I guess we're stuck with it.
  • @Kelani, so BPC strat on #17? No one with 195K has yet confirmed they used that strat which is the only viable option I see.
  • @fenikus Same shots and order as BPC. I didn't clip the wooden gate, though. Kinda pointless to aim for it, since it breaks when the logs roll off anyway. Plus you have a lot more misses. My last 191k was with the shots reversed. I don't think the order makes much difference. You just have to get all the mushrooms, all the bananas by the tire, and stone blocks have to crush more debris.
  • @kelani, I saw a point in clipping the gate (I think it's metal) because logs fall a little more to the right when you do so. But if you got 195K without clipping it, I'll change my strat. Thanks.
  • @fenikus I got my score With bpc strat I think finally. I think that's the only way. She's only got 191 though hmmm..
  • I never noticed much difference in the logs falling, just sometimes one would bounce off another and fall rightward a bit. The logs will (rarely) take out most of the left-of-tire debris. Then it's just a matter of getting all those shrooms and some lucky debris bounces.
  • Grrrrr
    Awoke from my post-prandial nap (more like three hours dead to the world, too much sun, wine and food!)
    And @kelani finally got through the woods and jumped over the bunny to the top of the pile
    Good flinging my friend ;-)

    PS my lasting (awful) memory of The Parks is morbidly obese seven / eight year olds being fed deep fried turkey legs by their parents. And the fat dribbling down their chins. Yuck
  • @hunnybunny thankya. Shouldn't take you long to hop back on top, though. 30 mins til byepad time.

    I'm with you on those kids. It's like one big Future Diabetics of America club meeting. Dunno when you were here, but it's gotten worse. Now in addition to deep-fried meats, they've evolved to deep frying twinkies, snickers bars, butter balls, basically anything that can be battered, deep fried and/or wrapped in bacon. There's even deep-fried kool-aid and a cheeseburger with a deep-fried ice cream topping.

    Bad Parents. Bad!
  • Mmmm scallops wrapped in bacon and fried ravioli yummmyyy
    OB can you whip me up a platter :) and a Marmoset killer please:)
  • @Kelani So clearing out some of those trees helped expose the rabbit. Good shooting none the less. That bunny hops to and fro quickly. Or was it the heat you were starting to feel from my ratty breath? lol

    Don't worry about me Mrs. Bunny. I'm not hunting wabbits.
  • @Rat Yep, couldn't see the high scores for the trees. Also, having your back clawed by a rodent while seeing only bunny butt isn't my idea of fun.

    OK, my poor little score's defenseless for the next 24h. Be gentle. :)
  • @TimberTumblers -- @Hunnybunny's tip re: ssi's approach on #16 infused a short spurt of life in my engine and I gained several thousand points last night (after avoiding playing TT for few days beforehand). But it was like spraying dry gas into air intake of an engine that is out of gas. It started and turned for few seconds and then died out again.

    I've been extremely frustrated with levels that are high up in the trees and when stuff falls all the way down to the ground, you can't see what's really happening. Scene looks the same on the screen but you either have extra 10K or you don't. Not my game. All TT levels were lovely to figure out, but I'm thinking of giving this episode a break.
  • @fenikus I'm feeling Exactly the same way! I've about had enough so @all BP TT flingers are we ready to move on and attack another episode? We are all in the top 10 after all and I'm quite tired of the few fling and pray levels I have left
  • @Kathy, I'm still waiting for someone to give me a run for the money in Hidden Harbor. I still have a couple loose ends to tie up there but am waiting for someone to challenge me. In the meantime, I'll try to regain my top spot in High Dive and maybe Blossom River.
  • Hmm @fenikus I haven't attempted Hidden Harbor yet. . I'll give it a Shot. I really haven't done high dive either so I'm inexperienced . Give me the beginners luck courtesy if you woould:)
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