The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2273
  • O.k finally home! ! OB I'll take whatever you got !!
    I must have missed @mvnla2 divulging her age but no matter i Did see her talking you'll herself lol it came through unedited in my notification:)
    @bernersenn i also hope you have good weather and enjoy your holiday!
    sorry that's all I remember and its too late to read all so off I've missed anything please point it out.
    Ohhh @TomPuss the usual suspects one of my favorite of all time! ! I've seen it several times and i have it saved on DVR :) great movie!!
  • Welll Helloooo Princess !!
  • @Kathy and now you're talkin to yourself. :P Did your long hard day go OK?
  • Lol @Kelani let's be fair now i was talking to the Princess haha
    And yes thank you :) my long hard day went o.k and now thankfully is done:)
  • Now flinging i can't get a point anywhere:( whine
  • Did I see Pa is feeling a bit better and May join us in TT?
  • @Kathy at least you can fling :P I'm stuck watching bad TV.

    edit: Sounded like it was a possibility at some point
  • Oohh ByePad gone byebye again? What about PC ? @Kelani
  • @Kathy Yep, byepad again. Couldn't think of anything to fling. Just saw there's a Space challenge, though.
  • I can't believe that Rovio hasnt updated Rio to pc yet!! Actually android used to be the ones waiting but i think they got the message finally! !
  • Also, A pile of people used my strategy to get awesome scores and puppies on the HD Golden Chest level, and I'm grumpy 'cos I didn't :) And cos the bunny beat my TT score today.
  • @Kathy Normally it takes about 15 days. So it should come this week. But we're STILL waiting on Short Fuse. That was 5 months ago.
    I saw today they updated Seasons, but for Mac only.
  • Awww @kelani ((( hug))) you'll bounce back I'm sure..but ya beat by the bunny that's tough:(
    Speaking of which. .lol which strat did You use for #18 the bunny or the fenikus?
  • That must suck @Kelani…your stock was soaring on both TT and HH exchanges last night and now it's crashing. But you know the stock market, it goes in cycles...
  • Speak of the devil. .lol @fenikus on #18 your final score was with your video? I just can't make that second shot:( or did you end up going the bunny path? There so much chatter about both i can't decide which one:/
  • @fenikus well actually, I got to within 1k of you, and the bunny only pulled ahead after I became unable to fight back. Tomorrow's another day :)

    @Kathy I think it started out as bunnystrat, but I got a 1-birder and it timed out before I could find a good debris pile to fling Matilda at.

  • You got a 1 birdie!! Wow !!I actually haven't checked all our scores on that one I just know I'm behind lol..
  • @Kathy, are you talking about TT 18? I don't remember making a video for that level.
  • Any of you know if there's ever been a forum thread where people share their flinging tricks? Someone asked me today why I'm so consistently good (lol) and all I could think of were my two secret tricks. It'd be nice to have a place where everyone can share theirs.
  • I keep getting the underneath tnt like @fenikus but its not exploding:/
  • Ya you did @fenikus. .kinda similar to the video but a little better second shot where the catapult lands inn the tnt below and you hit it with egg:/and bounced carcass into middle says at the top you put a video
  • Lol and i just actually managed it but not good enough points. . So did you go the upper way by breaking the glass?
  • Yes @kelani there used to be an alumni forum called uhmm playsometinhi forget but it is no long. .oohh playhaven.. lots of top flingers here used to post strats there. But i think it more fair to post them in the walkthrough after all..part of making the community strong:)
  • Oh yeah, I remember now…no, I could never break 201K with either the video strategy or my variation of it. My 203K was with the alternate strat. Second shot either like bunny describes or like I describe, depending on the scenario.
  • @Kathy, nooo. Not strategies. General flinging tricks.
  • Thanks @fenikus :)
    @kelani you can always start a forum for that; )
  • @Kathy I just might. I doubt many people will want to share their super-secret tricks, though.
  • I for one have no secret tricks…except maybe that I use left thumb for flinging and right thumb for activating.
  • You never know @kelani :)
    Thanks again @fenikus :) tomorrow is another flinging day lol..
    On that note is past my bedtime:(
    Night all
    Night @Pa
  • @fenikus I think that would qualify.

    edit: i just looked through all HD walkthroughs trying to find a post of mine. Didn't find it, but did see one poster on every freakin level.
  • Wahooo thanks @fenikus i couldn' t resist ' one more fling'' :) 205, 350 ! :)
    Now i can sleep :)
  • Don't woory @hunnybunny I'm not gonna try to steal your trophy. . And you dont steal
  • lol. I knew you weren't gone :P congrats @FlingyKathy
  • Grr. Hardees/Carl's Jr. just put god-awful Paris Hilton in a TV commercial. They're officially on my boycott list now. Never mind that I haven't eaten there in 15 years.
  • @Kathy you must really be sleepy. You left your flashlight thingy out. I'll put it away for ya.
  • Night Ma
  • @Kathy, are you referring to the Angry Birds Alumni?
  • Nice going @hunnybunny, you're #1 in TT! Well, it looks like we all made it to the top 6! Ok, Mr. @Rat you've got to get better and join us at the top of the mountain.

    *Takes @Kathy's flashlight and inspects it carefully. Disassembles it and carefully polishes each piece, cleans the glass lens and LED bulb. Gets soldering rod and reattaches frayed wires to battery contacts. Uses air compressor to blow out all dust and foreign particles. Reassembles lens, bulb, and gives it a final polish, then replaces batteries. Quietly places flashlight under her pillow, then lights a candle that guides her safely to dreamland.*

    Good night, dear friend and sweet dreams. Yes, I miss her too!
  • @rat - sorry to see you have been poorly, hope you are firing on all cylinders ASAP.
    As for quitting, there is a line in the Robert Service poem
    "Quitting is the easy thing to do. It's the keep going on that's hard."
    I was quite pleased to get an all single figure ranking scoreboard (he said immodestly)

  • Woo Hoo
    Woke up this morning and BP patrons are in the top six places in TT
    HH next?
  • @kelani Yes, we did discuss Top Secret, and yes I had seen it, back in the mists of time. As for the Trinita movies, the French absolutely adore Hill and Spencer, regular reruns on TV here (dubbed into French - horrors! - which is why I never watched them, seeing the trailers was enough).
    Two movies with a really weird atmosphere you might not have seen:

    "Ring" (original Japanese version, NOT the remake)
    "Judex" (Franju version)
  • @kelani Posted that too soon, oops.
    The most overrated scary atmosphere ever, IMO: The Blair Witch Project. *Yawn*
  • ..or not.

    @hunnybunny whereinthehell did you get 8k points?! I was hoping for a nice, leisurely day kicking your cottontail.
  • @kelani well 4k on #2 stealing your top spot away (just to make me feel better and you worse!)
    Another few hundred here and there. I'm after 3.8m and then off to HH, hopefully to annoy Fenni a little
    Guess you'll have to wait a little longer for your rabbit stew!
  • Good thing I picked up an extra entree last night.
  • @Kelani, see what you started -- a war of the sexes! Don't remember exactly what you said here couple of days ago but it was enough to rile up these ladies into a quest to kick our butts.

    So it's 3 on 3 now in TT. @Rat, we need you man…hope you continue feeling better and join us to break the tie.
  • @fenikus I said women are better at some video games, especially ones with lots of bright, high-contrast colors. (Like all AB games but Space). I guess they bought into it. :)

    My dog hurt her leg again, so I was up til 4am dealing with that. The upshot, I can't fling worth a crap today. You and @hunnybunny are safe for at least the next two days.
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