The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2219
  • True @mvnla2 true..hmm wonder where he would hide? Maybe go for a swim till it died out lol..
    Again Princess!!! Give me a break !!
  • @mvnla2 It sorta depends on the forest. In a predominately hardwood forest, even lots of dry leaves and dead undergrowth won't cause a large enough fire to do more than char those trees. Because they shelter the forest floor so completely, it all stays very wet year-round. When dense woods like oak, hickory, ash are cut into firewood, it has to dry for 1-2 years before it'll burn at all. Now, evergreen, birch and poplar forests are another story. Those burn if you look at them wrong. :)

    btw, your photo challenge was a really lovely photo, and i had fun trying to figure it out, but you weren't kidding when you said you tortured teens with it. Nobody'd ever guess what that was! :)
  • @fenikus lol I was gonna post later about that one. I know it in the Angel and Demon / Heaven or Hell format. I hate it because I've known the answer MANY times in my life, but always forget the damn question to ask :P
  • I think it's something like...ask either of them "Which city would the other citizen say is the city of lies?" then go to whichever city they point to.

    That about right?
  • @Kelani, that could work…but you're making an assumption that citizens of both cities know that citizens of the other city are either all liars or all truth-tellers.

    There is a more straightforward question you could ask…but you're definitely on the right track.
  • Lol @fenikus @kelani I Know that one also from the movie 'Labrynth'
    But like you Kelani I always forget what the question is!!
    I've seen the movie a hundred times!
  • You ask the ones who call the others liars if hes telling the truth if he sas yes then..
    Noo..noom... that's not it!
  • Ahmm yep kelani something like that. .you definitley ask the liar a question ..
    Hmm ask the liar if the other one is the liar..if he says yes..nooo damit!!
  • Crap.. good one @fenikus
  • @fenikus Oops, I missed the last line. The version I know has two people you can ask. I don't know this one. *thinks for 13 minutes* Ah, got it!

    "What city are you from?" then go wherever they point.

    I love the logic puzzles also, but usually suck at them. I remember my 8th grade math teacher put this paradox as a test question once. The only right answer was to leave it blank. He was an evil, evil man.

    The following sentence is true.
    The previous sentence is false.
  • I got it!!I remember kinda
    You ask either one, what city would the other say is the city of lies . If you get the truth teller, he will tell you the truth and that city is the liars . If you ask the liar he will lie and you get the way to the city of liars to Either way you choose the other way ;). ;) no iscrewed it up again lol..
  • Nooo I got it right! ! :) ")
  • @kelani, yes you got it. Well almost. They could answer verbally "I'm from City of Lies" or "I'm from City of Truth".
  • @Kathy, you got it too. Well almost. That was the same answer Kelani gave that could work under some assumptions. But we're looking for a sure fire way to get to City of Truth.
  • No @fenikus that doesn't show you which one is the liar?
  • @Kelani, well how did your math teacher phrase the question?
  • If you simply ask who's from what city you don't know which one is lying..
  • @Kathy, you just want to get to the City of Truth. You don't care if the person you're asking for directions is a liar or truth-teller.
  • @Kathy in this one, there's only one person to ask. Assuming they point to the city and not answer you verbally (way to split hairs there) both will point to the Truth city.
  • Would you guys rather play a game of coconut bowling? Kathy would need to teach us the rules though, lol
  • @kelani it's not a paragraph .
  • @fenikus like this.

    #18) Solve this problem:

    The following sentence is true.
    The previous sentence is false.

    Evil, I tell ya.
  • @Kathy It is a paragraph. :P
  • Well @fenikus you Need to know who's the liar in order to figure out the truth. And yes !@kelani you need to ask them both or you wouldn't know..
  • Okay the answer is: "Which way do you live?" They'll have to point to one of two roads and either person will point to the City of Truth.

    Edit: I told you this one was real easy. You guys were over thinking.
  • O.k Coconut Bowling anyone? I'm going flinging lol

    Is late.m I'll work on that non-paragraph later @kelani*walks away shaking head..who taught that boy literary structure. .*
  • @Kathy no you're thinking of the two-person puzzle. In Fenikus' there's only one person to ask.

    @fenikus I'm not overthinking it. I got it right..after 15 mins. lol :P
  • Kel you know I'm just teasing ya right. .
    I can't figure it out I'm buying time lol
    @kelani ;)
  • @Kelani, in that paragraph, are we looking for grammatical oddities or something else?
  • The first thing that struck me was that all but one sentences have the word "it" in it.
  • Oohhh ya @kelani your right! ! I Was Thinking the 2 people one..darn..I really gotta learn to REad More Carefully! ! ;) ;)
  • @fenikus you're looking for something highly unusual you wouldn't find in any other paragraph of that size.
  • @Kathy you can't help it if you get excited. :) I missed it being different also.
  • I love it. The math whiz gives the musician a logic puzzle, so the musician gives the math whiz a word puzzle. :D
  • 400 pointsv!!! That's it !! I've been flinging this level for 2 days !! 2 and i get a lousy 400 points!!!
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee. ..
  • which level @Kathypie?
  • @kelani -- There is no "e" in it, and I think e is the most frequent letter.
  • The paragraph has two questions? There is no "I" in any of the sentences? I'm not good at word puzzles, especially if they're English specific.
  • @mvnla2 you got it. :)

    @fenikus Your English is better than some native Americans. It's cos you're a math guy. :) mvnla2 is an anomaly. She's just good at everything.
  • Level #13 @kelani :(
    Good job @mvnla2 :)
  • Good one @kelani :)
    Getting late gotta concentrate. BBFNMCBLIDKBPW
  • @Kelani, I'm gonna go with at least 45.
  • @fenikus Yep! that's just awesome :) How long did it take you, and did you do it in your head?
  • @kelani -- I think it is 55.
  • @mvnla2 @funikus got it. It's 45.
  • @Kelani, once I found paper and a pen, probably 2 minutes. I never was good at solving problems in my head. But if I can draw my doodles, there's no stopping me, lol.
  • @fenikus I knew it wouldn't take you long. That ability makes me envious. lol.

    Have you ever seen those visual puzzles that 100% of preschoolers get right, but most adults get wrong? Talk about feeling stupid... :)
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