The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2188
  • @mvnla2, @SweetP, @all
    Just popping in to give you the great Portuguese surfing wave:

  • For @Hunnybunny, @bernersenn, and @SoccerChompGamers:

    Edit: Sorry, just realized the game doesn't seem to work on iPad…but it works great on PC and Mac! Watch out Angry Birds!
  • @TomPuss -- Very interesting video of huge waves! Thanks! To nit-pick, I don't think it's technically correct to call it a rogue wave (as the video writeup does). A rogue wave is much higher (~2 x) than the average wave height occurring at that time and place. Without a time reference to know which was the highest, I couldn't have figured it out. They all looked unbelievably huge.
  • @mvnla2, are you going to watch US vs. Germany game?
  • @fenikus -- I'm not really a soccer fan, and I will probably be out while it's actually being played. Actually, shouldn't it have started by now?
  • @mvnla2 You're right, but may I nitpick your nitpick? :) Rogue waves aren't based on the average sea state over a time period. It's 2x above the Significant Wave Height (SWH), which is the mean of the highest 33% of waves in the wave record of a large area.

    The way I understand it, that definition means not all rogue waves are large. If the SWH of a swimming pool is 2-3", a 4-6" wave is also a rogue wave, just less scary. :)
  • @mvnla2, it starts at noon. Since it's such a huge game for US, I figured maybe some non-soccer fans would watch and maybe even get hooked on soccer. We'll see, but ABC not broadcasting the game still tells volumes.
  • @fenikus is it on any channel without crackhead commentators? I know you love them dearly, but I dislike being screamed at :)

    edit: lol I checked it out on ESPN, but it's unwatchable on my ancient TV. Whatever someone's doing to downconvert HD to SD made everything blurry. I can't tell which team is which, or what the score is.
  • @Kelani, ESPN is broadcasting all World Cup games but ABC carries some games over the weekend as long as they don't cut into primetime.

    BTW, US lost to Germany but still qualified second in their group. Now it's knockout round.
  • @fenikus ABC has primetime? who knew? :P Thanks for the update.
  • Quick catch up, our sunny weather reverted to the normal rain (I know, I live in the green lushness that is Wales, so what should I expect?) but was fourth in Beak One this morning, thanks to my friend @burpie, a few flings and third! Due to the weather spent the day scrubbing grouting, oh, what joy. Dinner a glass of wine, looked again and now @burpie and @ollygod have bumped me down to fifth!!

    @kelani what programme are you blaming me for on BBC? We almost exclusively watch BBC2 (historical, documentaries, antiques, quizzing, cooking et al programmes) Sky Sports (cricket) and any channel showing Star Trek! And BBC4 for the music on a Friday night

    @rat only ill mannered at tennis (hug) argh I hugged a rodent

    @fenikus @bernersenn search google for Saurez images loads of laughs there

    @kathy I normally see my sis three times a year (for about four or five days at a time) But every week, she'd drive me nuts
  • @kelani never heard of it, wouldn't watch it, or indeed anything with Paris Hilton in it
  • @Hunnybunny, I do love the Cone of shame suarez pic. I think the Hannibal Lecter silence of the lambs one is good too. I think he should only be allowed to play again if he wears the mask.

    *edited to fix hoodoo voodoo phone things
  • @kelani cleaning out my wardrobes / cupboards tomorrow, just to see how much is squirrelled away. And probably put it all back, but nicely rearranged
    Shoes (don't ask)
    Scarves (draws of them)
    Wools, cottons, embroidery threads, fabrics
    Keep buying all of the above three
    Vases (just how many floral displays do I need, about two percent worth of the vases)
    Cheese knives (don't ask) addicted
    Stuff from the family home that I hate, but just can't throw away
    The list goes on and on. Thankfully hasn't overtaken the house yet
  • @lyrian intrigued by your long distance relationship. How did NC meet Hawaii?
  • @Hunnybunny, NC met Hawaii while playing world of warcraft. It's kinda silly, but we met playing an online video game.
  • I had a feeling it might have been an online romance @lyrian two of our best friends met on line and after ten years seem blissfully happy. Hope you two are as well. Albeit I've never been to NC or Hawaii the later does sound more enticing ;-)

    Off to obliterate @burpie @ollygod in Beak #1 (I hope) see you all later
  • Caught me before I left @kelani
    A news reporter, photographer and stonemason! Man of many talents....
  • I agree @Hunnybunny, Hawaii is way better than NC, but my honey has a sulfur allergy that makes living near an active volcano a health hazard. Also, there isn't an awful lot of work on the big island and island living can be real expensive. We will probably move back there (though we will be on the east side, away from the volcano) once our household is more established.
  • @lyrian a friend contacted me about buying a flat to rent out in Cardiff Bay. She now lives in Australia. I looked at a few she suggested, none that good. Then her partner finished off his PhD in Marine Biology in Hawaii, so they bought a condo there instead. Good choice
    Hawaii is an awful long way from here, but one day, you never know.....
  • Now definitely gone flinging!
  • @Hunnybunny, have you ever been able to destroy letter "M" formation of pig ships with Space Chuck on level 8-20?
  • @kelani stop bringing me back....
    Food containers, little boxes that someone sent you a present in, nice paper / cardboard bags / boxes, wrapping paper, ribbons, string (especially striped string).....
    Stop it Bunny, fling, fling, fling
  • I just say it's silly because most people give me odd looks when I say I met my fiancé playing a computer game. Most people hear the states involved and expect a military connection, because if all the bases in NC and HI. You must be playing different games than me @kelani, because I've met some people who are totally bats playing WoW.
  • @hunnybunny but...but...if I disappear, or don't say anything, you turn into @PitifulAbandonedBunny :) Don't worry, I'm being forced to go grocery shopping in 20 mins.

    edit: @Lyrian yeah, my stats are pre-MMO games. :) Any of which would blow my record out of the water.

    @fenikus I do it by flying past, then redirecting in a line through the bottom right and top left pigs. The ones that don't die float away and hit grav fields.
  • @fenikus -- The only sports I turn on to watch (as opposed to see while HWDNF is watching) are golf and tennis. Not so much tennis because I quit playing after rupturing one achilles tendon, and then starting to damage the other.
    On the brighter side for soccer -- I think its popularity in the U.S. might be nearing a tipping point. I think U.S. football fans are ready to embrace a football game that is not as violent and physically injurious as U.S. football. Lots of parents, including some former professional football players, won't let their kids play any football, but are happy letting them play soccer.
    I am assuming that biting doesn't become a normal defensive / offensive technique in soccer. Can't believe he only got a 4 month suspension!
  • Hello guys, wish you all a nice evening. I read here that the idiot Suarez is a hot topic - think of this: the guy is filthy rich; due to the fifa he shouldn't be involved to anything that has to do with soccer. The real victim here is his club, Liverpool. Ok, they should have send him away as he did the same thing in England, but still victim. This is an animal. My dogs had their yearly vaccinations last year, including rabies. Perhaps they should vaccinate this fool also against rabies. A dog with that behaviour would be euthanized. That's it for me about LS.
    Days are short nowadays, work, sleep, eat, walking the dogs, watching soccer and flinging - actually less time for flinging. The soccer is boaring in this phase (my opinion). Hope that the knock-out phase will bring more excitement.
    About BI#2, came till #34 (first run), have to conclude that these games are not that simple as I hoped. So, work to do.
    OB, serve these guys what they want, put it on my tab.
  • You guys are driving me nuts, still haven't flung a bird
    GOODBYE for now says pitifulabandonedbunny
  • Good night @all xoxo
  • Calling @hunnybunny ...ohhhh @hunnybunny where are you. .hee hee I couldn't really resist!
  • Night night @TomPuss (((((hug)))
  • TX @kathy
    How are you? Sis free?
    I've given up. I'll try early to bed, early to fling :-)))
  • @Hunnybunny, I did mean the formation in pic 1. For some reason I find it really difficult to get all 5 ships. As for taking out 4 waves with Red, I've never seen even an inkling of hope that it might happen for me -- even if it's positioned right, it disappears before the 4th wave. Actually I don't think I ever even took out 3 waves with it.
  • @mvnla2 Some towns forbid soccer leagues due to injury, (but allow rugby, lacrosse and normal football for some reason). Last year, mine threatened to shut down the youth soccer league until they adopted a whole list of safety measures.

    psst @hunnybunny you called him @funikus above. I kinda like it. :D
  • BTW, @Kelani -- if your channel lineup includes ESPN, you can watch in high-def at It will ask you to sign in with your cable provider credentials. I assume you have more than one PC monitor so you could watch soccer and fling ;-)
  • Ah ha up to fourth!

    @kathy And I've also called him @fenifus which I rather like

    And @fenikus little red, himself, didn't take out the fourth wave. Something hit the lower ice asteroids and took out the M formation. Then the blues.

    There's points to be made on 8-17 8-20 S-21 loads of lovely points
  • @fenikus I regularly caught the London train with the ESPN commentators. (The British ones) Suggest watching in silence if they're much the same. Style over substance
  • Well I'll be damned, I can now watch ESPN online. When I tried a week ago it said I don't have subscription. Thanks @Kelani.

    Yay, I can even watch Wimbledon. Ana Ivanovic just gets better with age (not necessarily in tennis though).
  • Mrs. Bunny, the ESPN commentators on US soccer broadcasts are all British -- for some reason the network thinks the public would not find domestic commentators "knowledgeable" enough. I agree, boring as hell, but there was (is?) one Scottish guy (Tommy something) that was hilarious.
  • @fenikus you're welcome? Always glad to help? :P Maybe they waived subscriptions for big events?

    @hunnybunny That was me who noticed @funikus not Miss @Kathy. Did you put your glasses in that cupboard you arranged earlier? ;)
  • Sorry @kelani I always thought I was shortsighted, so no glasses needed, and I thought you'd gone for groceries
  • Trekkie time.......
  • @Hunnybunny I did go for groceries, but I wasn't planning on spending the night curled up in an aisle. I don't think they'd let me, anyway. It was nice and cold in there, though.
  • @Kelani, I'm gonna go with "no" on ESPN waiving subscription just for big events. I just started a replay of some lumberjack competition. Fascinating stuff. I think these guys have a camera on every sporting event on earth.

    BTW, the "thanks" was for posting about how ESPN is all blurred on your TV. This started a sequence of events that resulted in me being able to watch that lumberjack championship. So thanks again.
  • Sorry @hunnybunny I really didn't mean to ding dong ditch.. but just as i dinged you things got hectic :/ and yes.. no crazy sister dealngs till tomorrow lol..iDo love her.. she just idk drives me nutters lol..
    @kelani Who FORCED you to go grocery shopping ? I thought you live alone with just Swipe and the pup..darn I'm wicked sorry ive forgotten her/his name. .some reason I'm thinking 'mopsy' muffin' or rags don't ask me why?
    Thanks for the drink offer @bernersenn ;) OB I'll have a PigKiller ya ya what else is new lol
    Hmm what'd i miss. .gotta read up..
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