The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2184
  • K now the drama continues. ..I'm chilling up in my room.. watching (or trying to watch ice age ) entertaining a 10 year old whilst the rest of the (grown -ups?) Are Arguing about a CHECKER Game! ! Yep.. your red. .no no I was black your red.. meanwhile back inn the usually quiet bedroom I have ice age paused..trying to fling AnD GUESs who the only one in the house has to get up at 6 a.m for work! !!? No really ...yep ME !! Arghhhh
    OB that one wasn't strong enough maybe a triple shot please! !
  • Forgot to mention the 10 year old has No interest in the movie he asked me to pause.. 'he'll be right back" he says! !
  • @hunnybunny {bad acting} See what your little 'learnt' joke did? It's paracetamol/acetominophen all over again!
  • I could use some of that acetaminophen right about now. .Wow can't believe my phone actually typed that without correcting:/
    I heard ooohhs and ahhhss they must have figured out who is red lol..
  • Or switched from checkers to Cinemax :P
  • Hello @everyone!
    OB, I'll have a frozen strawberry margarita please. Whew, it was HOT today. Hubby and I took a long ride to a motorcycle swap meet this morning. we couldn't get thru the whole thing, there was just too many booths and loads of goodies to see! We'll have to go back next month and get there early. Riding back home got really uncomfortably hot after about 40 miles away from the coast. Couldn't get home fast enough to cool off!

    @Kelani, I recall asking if you could create those anagrams for me, but I couldn't find the list. I'd love to see that if you still have it.

    @Kathy, you're a great flinger, better than I am! You'll do just fine in BI2, just like in BI1, so keep your beak up and have fun. I'm sending some extra L-Factor your way, and making BLT (sandwich) sacrifices to the AB Goddess for you! So go kill some piggie butts! (((hugs)))♡

    Edit: has anyone received a friend request from JaiMic79?
  • Thanks @Sweetp ;) ♡♡♡ lol your good luck wishes worked! ! Lovev the BLT sandwich !! Hee hee your the bestest:)
  • @SweetP you did, but I replied to ya. I need another word or name to add to it. 'SweetP' isn't enough letters to make anything but Tweeps, Set Pew, Set WEP, and PE Wets, etc..

    Also, next time you talk to BL, could you please find out what he did with the DCB letter? I PMed him 2 weeks ago asking what he did with it, but no reply.
  • Yaay @Kathy, I'm soo happy it worked for you! I guess AB Goddess just couldn't take my complaining any longer either! LMAO.

    Hmm...will SweetPea work @Kelani? And yes, I'll give him a *ding* tomorrow morning.
  • @SweetP It's still low. You normally need 10 or more different letters. When you asked before, I suggested SweetPPogona or something. But if you have another idea, send it. I'll tack on the SweetPea list to it :) And thanks for checking on that for me.

    edit: Also, more letters will give me something other than a LOT of Pee-related anagrams :P
  • Here's the anagram lists I've already made, but either haven't censored yet, or am saving for another slow day. :D

    kathykelani (already posted, I think)
  • @all Just a quick pop-in to let y'all know I'm still alive. Barely! It wasn't enough I've been dealing with the new pain and headaches, I had to have a heating problem keep me from getting sleep too. Tomorrow they fix my AC???? Flinging fingers crossed. Maybe I can start on the road to recovery if It works. This heat has been miserable. And no where to escape from it.
    I see the Rodent Rangers have been busy. Don't get too comfortable. If I don't get ya, @burpie will. lol

    Did you surprise your daughter @Kathy? ha ha
  • night Ma
  • night @Kathy I'm gonna go curl up also. Confusing TNT disaster series-es? made me sleepy.

    @Rat I hope they fix your rod this time (really, no good way to say that) so you can finally get some relief. Gotta be at 100% to fling...and get your money back :)
  • Lol @Pa no she knew i was combing but she was really hapy I did
    Gotta v sleep now. .night Pa
    Night all
  • ok @Kelani, let's try a Hawaiian name Puanani (pretty flower). hope that works !
  • I really hope you get some relief soon @rat9, from both the heat and your pain! And yes, get your money back.

    Nighty night @Kathy, sweet dreams!
  • @SweetP OK, one order entered for "SweetP puanani" :P I'll run it through tomorrow. It's sleepytime here. :)
  • @Rat9, here's hoping the guy they send tomorrow knows what he's doing. Have the missus on standby with a shotgun to provide some motivation.

    Then, eventually, get back here and get the job done yourself. I'm not taking your place... I find this episode a slog. I just caught up with you in BI 2 (which still leaves me in a galaxy faaar away from @Kelani) and now I'm heading back to BI 1.
  • It's cool outside at the moment @burpie. Flingin' a few as we chat.
  • @kathy, ok, let's fix this BI#2 together. I got full attention to it, since mr. @Rat picked in my first place in BI#1. @Rat, see you later, my friend. First things first.
    Good morning to you @all
  • I was just coming to join you in BI #2 @bernersenn. Good morning to ya.
  • @rat, thanks. Concerning flinging today: less hope. First work, later at 6 pm (our time), the match Holland-Chili is starting.
  • So, anyone on the eastern side of the pond rooting for U.S. against Germany?
  • @Mvnla, That's not for another 3 days. I'm impressed that they held Portugal to a draw but Germany may be tougher. I'm hoping for a draw so that the both go through to the final 16.

    For now I'm looking forward to Holland - Chile.
  • @burpie I think I've found the edge of that galaxy, or my ship's out of fuel. I just spent a week on #34 and only 280 points in the bucket. That's still 10.6k below your score. I think that one's all yours for the near future.

    edit: Somewhere in SC, A @Rodent is dangling a hapless HVAC man over the edge of his deck.
  • I'm not of to a very good start in Beak 2 @bernersenn :( hope you have better time than i am!
    But I'll still try!
  • @kathy, keep on flinging, it will come.
    Btw, please don't any results here from Rio. Our friend @fenikus wants to look the recorded games - without knowing te result. I can imagine that and will respect it. Due to the difference in time the matches are played in worktime (good word for time at work?).
    About USA against Germany: think they will have good chances to win. The coach, Klinsmann is old-coach from the Germans, so he knows their strengths and weaknesses.
  • @Kelani They ordered the wrong part. No AC till Wednesday. Maybe?
  • @rat Mrs Rat really, really needs that shotgun now, appalling service on your rod!
  • @bernersenn, it's cool my friend, I was able to watch Holland vs. Chile almost live (advantage of being my own boss). Congrats to Holland on the win and more importantly avoiding Brazil in the next game. Looks like it's going to be either Mexico or Croatia next which should be easier.
  • @fenikus, you're welcome. I enjoy the tournament very much, nice matches. Now looking Mexico-Croatia, we'll see who wins
  • @hunnybunny thank you for making a Ratrod comment. It was getting lonely in double-entendreville.
  • Thank you @kelani for popping in, it was getting lonely in Bunnyville (other than the two footie fans who wandered in, spoke to each other, and left)
  • @hunnybunny Sounds like Kelville most of today. We're gonna have to rename this place the HiBye Tavern or the SayHi&Split Saloon.
  • @kelani good flinging in Beak #2 when you coming to Beak #1 to thrash us poor flingers?
    I'm struggling on #1 now, no sudden 15k improvements anymore, just the odd 500 points here and there. But reluctant to leave. 2.5M seems to be the target (presently) and would really like to get that, even if the others get way ahead
  • And, I expect, the "othersideoftheponders" will flock in now, just as I get to the "Goodnight Inn"
  • @hunnybunny I dabble in B1 every day, but I'll be back full-time just as soon as I improve on these five problem levels (if one considers 6th-12th place a problem). @Rat has an easy 15k waiting whenever he decides to collect it, so I need a few K in the bank to stay ahead.

    The way you've been playing, I think you can easily beat 2.5M. I think the B2 dedicated beaker threshold will be 2.7M. All the current top scores equal around 2,760,000.
  • Damn, even @kelani left. Talking to myself again!
    Hello and goodnight to those who come in later.
    Happy and profitable killing of those darned, green, smirking, hateful piggies.......
  • Sorry Kel you came back, but goodnight anyway
    I don't do the hugs thing, but feel that it might be appropriate for two small xx

    Edit: the one "x" looks like something a teacher left on my primary school test!
  • @hunnybunny I'm here and there. @Swipe wanted a quickie bath. I gave in so he'd shut up.

    edit: I did it again. I blame @all of @you for making me @mention every @name I know.
  • @swipe goodnight too
  • Aww sorry @hunnybunny I missed ya again! ! Sweet dreams:)
    PAAAAAA Your Freakin Kidding .. Wrong Part!! Crap.. and you didn't hurt the guy!!
    Whoa.. Wednesday I hope you get some cool nights to help:/
    @bernersenn @fenikus I haven't been following the soccer thing but i guess ya I'd have to for USA of course..
    OB I'll take a PigKiller please I Need something I'm choking big time in BI 2 :(
  • Roflmao @kelani have you started doing that inn real life yet..heehee
  • @Kathy If it ever happens in real life, laptop is gonna be promptly flung into the woods. :)
  • Hmm. I just noticed In S-23, Vortex said he'd comply with Slim's request to post screenshots 'tomorrow'. That was ten days ago. I guess he really did retire, like he said earlier on the page.
  • @kelani -- Isn't Swipe a cat? I've never heard of a cat wanting a bath!
    @Kathy -- I'm not a soccer fan, but it's somewhat hard to avoid on the news. U.S. tied with Portugal (I think) yesterday, after everyone was certain the U.S. had won. They next play Germany.
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