The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2182
  • @fenikus, now you're talking like my father. Back in the 1970's, I listened to the soccerprogram on the radio when my own team was playing a away game. Sunday night at 7:00 am, we had a soccerprogram on tv. "Don't tell me the results, don't want to know before I watch the summaries". That I don't understand although a lot of people think that way. Sports is sports and only attractive live. But, to pleasure you, I don't post any comments here till the worldchampionship is done. When I messed up your fun, I apologize. Yesterday was an disaster for me 6-2, that's pain, bad, crap, argh.
  • This week is like christmas, got three badges, 3! Their amount doubled this week. Thanks to all
  • @bernersenn you definitely earned them, and probably should have gotten them much sooner. :)

    @fenikus Rio challenge today. High Dive 40 Star Bonus. :p I wanted to do this one again, then completely forgot about it.
  • @kelani, thanks. What did I see? Daily challenge in Rio - wow. And bad, because in 20 minutes the match Germany-Ghana will start. @Fenikus, don't be afraid, I don't put any comments here ;-)
  • Good Afternoon @all
    @bernersenn you definitely earned those badges:)
    @Lyrian wow ya that's gotta be tough future in-laws in Hawaii man I feel sorry for;) ;)
    Never got in to watching Twin Peaks or any of those night time Soap opera type shows.. I'm strictly a DoL fan:)
    @pa I hope they can get your A.C. fixed soon for ya:/
  • Oh @kelani thanks for the link I think that's a great idea; )
  • @kathy, also thanks to you. Trying to get that puppy today.
  • @bernersenn yw :) good luck on the challenge hope you get a new puppy! !
    I am starting Beak 2 .. kinda tricky to start:(
  • @bernersenn well, at least it's a 1-bird easy shot level. Every attempt takes about 20 seconds. You could watch the game and play the challenge during commercials and still get a lot of flings in :)

    @Kathy It is a good idea, but with so many people on the site, it'll take a year or two before everyone remembers to do it.

    btw, Beak2 is more skill-based, and 'difficult' than Beak1, but it's pretty easy to get consistent decent scores on most levels once you figure out the shots. Of course, that could be due to so few people posting scores on it. Also, some of those levels were NOT meant to be played on phones.
  • I'm not playing on my phone @kelani lol those days are long gone! !I'm liking the fact is more skill involved but still fling and pray involved. .
  • @Kathy whew. If you were playing on phone, I was gonna run & hide when you hit those levels. :) There is plenty of fling and pray, but it's MUCH better than BR. I had a hell of a time getting a good score on #31, but it took me 1/4 the time that I spent on BR 2,5,6,10,14 & 19 :P I never even got a good score on #12.
  • Lol @kelani I'm still on level #22 (2)
    I did play SW on my phone though and most of many early levels of every episode I only just got the tablet at Christmas:)
  • I'm the opposite @lyrian. I'd love the fact that when you visit the out-laws you get to do it in Hawaii. Plus you have the added bonus that they don't drop in unannounced.

    It's still hot here @Ma. But for the first time in a while, I have hope.

    My eight year old bedroom wall is NW facing @Kelani and insulated well with double glazed windows and heavy curtains. Hotter I understand. 76 degrees at 3am, not so much.

    Sorry about the loss in soccer @bernersenn. But you're still in the game right? Good luck.
  • @rat I do love that I have to go to hawaii to see my mother in law. The only problem is its such a long flight, and expensive too. But honestly, I love my honey's mom. She is a super awesome lady. We joke about how I like his mom, but he is terrified of mine, and she lives a lot closer.
  • @Kathy wow. I tried SW and SW2, and suck at both. Seem even harder than Seasons, which I also suck at.

    @Rat I have the reverse problem in my bedroom. It's NE facing, terrible windows and a gap somewhere in the insulation. In winter, it stays 10F colder than other rooms; 20F with the wind blowing. If it got as hot as yours is, I'd sleep in the basement.
  • @fenikus, looking the game Germany-Ghana, I don't say anything about the match, remember? The only thing I am saying now is that I don't say anything.
    @rat, my friend, I'm still in the game, so now and then playing a level on BI#2. Unfortunately, no BI#1 for me today. In Safari I only have this BP open - and it doesn't show the actual Challenge. So I missed that one, till @kelani mentioned it. Trying to get that puppy, no luck yet.
    @kathy, my real playing of BI#2 is forthcoming
  • @bernersenn, you naughty boy…almost got me! I'm sorry about Switzerland, and the group draw was so kind to them…at least on paper, easiest group of all. I mean c'mon -- France is strong but Honduras and Ecuador? Looking at some other "groups of death" it makes you wonder how they come up with those rankings.
  • @fenikus, as said, the Swiss were never good in soccer. It's just that I love this country - so against my nature I hope for the best. Ok, probably they will win from Hunduras, the next game it's over. No problem. I would advice you to look at the match that just finished. Awesom
  • Beside this all, the Challenge didn't work for me - today, not for the puppy. It will come, later.
  • Sorry @ratbeaters I let the side down today, only made (very nearly) 2k
    Not the best day ever in Mrs Bunny's life (age related, @kathy will understand)
    Hope to fling better tomorrow and to be more talkative

    Happy flinging, rat beating...

    PS @fenikus loved your "evil grin" post
  • Ugh, thanks a lot for picking that challenge @Kelani. Played 5 minutes and already sick of it. I think if I lost High Dive crown to @crivit and this was the only level I could improve on, I'd still not play it.
  • @all, it's done here - wish you all a good night, and a beautiful sunday
  • And @bernersenn took me months for my first puppy, and got the second almost immediately, they will come, you will have a kennel full. BTW what breeds are your dogs? Handsome brutes
  • @Hunnybunny, don't worry about it -- everything is going according to plan ;-)
  • Aww sorry your having ' one of those days' @ hunnybunny
    Sorry about the puppy @bernersenn may be next time.
    @Lyrian I was just jokin' lol I Would love to have to travel to Hawaii lol
    Why oh why does my screen suddenly get really tiny while I'm typing *sigh* I don't know Why they call it a 'smartphone' duh..
  • The @fenikus plan? Go for it. Can't wait to see the Rio man defeat the self proclaimed "King of Space"
  • Oh and @hunnybunny I'm not part of the 'Ratbeater'club. I'm on his side;) If r are going to choose sides..I thought we were all a Team trying to storm the board?
  • Hmmm guess i was wrong
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please; )
    And Will Someone please answer me What Happened to @TomPuss ?
  • @hunnybunny, my dogs are Bernese Mountain Dogs. My Bernersenn is coming from the swiss-german word for this breed, so actually it's the same
  • @kathy just humouring @fenikus
    At the end of the day we all storm the boards
    Oh, we did that already ;-))))))

    Goodnight all
  • Lol I see @hunnybunny @fenikus needs humouring lol.
    Nightly night
    And night night @bernersenn oh and bernersenn j temporally deactivated my FB but as soon d it's fixed I let you know:)
  • I haven't played since the @Kelani devastation of #38. Wow! But as soon as I get over the mental anguish and get some heat relief, I'll be back. Don't count me out yet @Ma, I've still got a few flings left in this fat old thumb.
  • Ahh @Pa I would Never count you out:) I'm trying my best to hold the Fort till your return:)
  • @fenikus I said I *think* it was mine :P If I added it, It was in hopes someone'd find a new strategy.

    @Rat If I can do it on #38, anyone can do it on another level. Wouldn't mind another one of those on #34 so I can move on.

    @Kathy Tompuss' profile says active 5 hours ago. Why do you think something happened to them?
  • @lyrian - talking oF MIL (btw I loved mine!) reminds me of the couple who were having a spat and she said "and you don't like any of my relatives" to which he replied "That's not true! I like your mother in law much better than mine!”
  • @Kathy I love it when they match people :P Misty getting hit with a golf ball almost made me spew ginger ale.
  • @Kathy well if nothing else, I see it made your day :P
  • Yep @kelani sure did. . My second Genuine smile of the Day.:D
    I can't wait till @Mumsie read the list woohshahoooohaaa
  • Hahaha Out ! Swift Memory !! Heedhooohaha..o.k gonna p my pants now hahaha
    Man i wish my Pahtnah was here. .*sob*
  • @kimmiecv would be Rolling on the Floor in Tears omg..tooo funny. .
  • Mum wise to Forty..hmmm @Mumsie @Lyrian had a good question earlier Who knew?
  • @Kathy well, it'll still be here whenever she shows up again. :P I should post the FenikusKelani list soon so you can see what happens when I don't censor it :P
  • Hee hee @kelani uhmm just make sure is PG lol..
  • @Kathy Sometimes that's a very fuzzy line. :P ack, doorbell. back in a bit.
  • Yep it is @kelani. Just think if you want your little cousin to see if not don't post it,)
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