The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2178
  • @Kathy I'm not making fun of you Kathypie. Just wondered what problem you were having with #19.
  • Don't use my strat for nineteen @Kathy. The strat where you let everything circle the planet once is the way to go.

    Did I give you the ammunition on S-23 to get ahead of me @Kelani. Aren't I stupid?
  • O.k thanks Pa ;) @kelani that was my problem lol..I can't get past 130 k :(
  • @kelani -- Ok, I listened to some of Tubular Bells and Songs of a Distant Earth. Wouldn't consider either of them classical, more like new age. HWDNF says Windham Hill is mostly shlock(sp?). Not sure of Nerada.
    Interesting selection of instruments. All the keyboard instruments seem related; the most interesting deviation is the trumpet.
  • Thanks @Pa ;) that worked :)
  • @bernersenn I didn't have the heart to send the sherrif knocking on #19 .. after all the help you've provided me in these levels and I dont forget BR ;) so i quit while I'm behind my friend; )
    The trophy remains in your possesion. Not that I'm saying I Could take it..I'm just saying i won't even try;)
  • wow, @kathy you're on a roll! Very nice scores in both Beaks 1 and 2!
  • Thanks @Sweetp ;) my Notification are on the fritz again:/
  • @Sweetp I haven't even started my second round in beak 2 so i didn't know how i stand there?
  • GAHH! That S-22 is driving be crazy! I can't seem to keep the eggs on the ground from being destroyed. helllppp mmeeee pleeeez
  • @kathy, according to the scoreboard, you're #27 in B2, whereas I'm #26 in B1! Just can't seem to get any improvement in B1.
  • @SweetP read @dsmral's strategy for 100k. @mine for 110k and @anderthon's for 120k :) At least you're playing on a tablet, and not a phone, right?

  • Sorry I'm back. .I was getting bit hed at for using a fresh facecloth every morning! ! Is there something wrong with that? Seriously?
  • @Kathy only if you're in a committed relationship with a facecloth! :D

    ok, on that note, I gotta go back to bed. luck+ all.
  • Night @kelani lol :D now I'm a human alarm clock. .calgon take me away! !
  • I was told as a child 'don't yell from one room to another, if you can't see my face then don't talk to me till you can (unless on the phone of course) now i have a grown woman yelling questions to me up the stairs and not waiting for the answer! ! Argghhh

    I'm going to bed as well. .night everyone. .have a great evening:)
  • @SweetP, couple of days ago I posted a video of more or less what anderthon was doing on S-22. That should get you at least 110 but possibly 120K. But what are you whining about, you're #8 on that level? Or did you just get a good score?
  • @kathy, about #19. Yes, I have topscore for that. And I have a picture inserted how big brother was flinging. What @Rat said is correct, you have to have till all that crap has made ONE round. That's why he said 'I hate waiting'. I did it on 2 Ipad's at once - went well. I know that the dots are hardly visible on the picture, but with some effort you can.
  • @Rat, you're a tough player, argh. Yesterday I had exactly 40 points more than you. And what I said, it's getting difficult and even more difficult to exceed my own scores. And, you're looking at that #20 where another 10k is waiting for you. Congrats again, my friend
  • Thanks @kelani, yes I'm flinging on my tablet...I can see! LOL
    @fenikus, I just got lucky the ONE time I didn't crap out and lose all of my eggs before those falling asteroids were gone. Since then I haven't been able to improve my score. Thanks for letting me know about the video. I usually don't look at the walkthroughs after I've reached the point of sheer frustration.

    I'll have to read through that page carefully and try my luck at those different strategies.
  • I'll have to come back tomorrow and continue flinging. Very sleepy, so I'll say goodnight everyone on this side of the pond, and good morning/day to the other side.

    Have a great Thursday! (Hey, you can see the weekend from here!)
  • Thanks @bernersenn. You're far from done yourself and you're keeping me on my toes.
    What I said about not waiting on level 19 was true. I didn't wait. I got my score shooting before it circles the planet once, but it's easier to get a good score by waiting. WTG @Kathy. Great score.
    Hi @SweetP. I have been avoiding S-22 as well. Too many possibilities for someone who can't concentrate ATM.
    @fenikus I'm waiting on you. Where are you?
  • Hi @all! Haven't been spending much time here, so takes a while to catch up.
    @kelani -- Oldfield is not painful to listen to, but won't go out of my way to listen.
    So in the classical spectrum, what kind of music do you compose?
  • @Rat, I'm keeping close and waiting for @bernersenn, @Hunnybunny, and @Kelani to wear you out. Then I'm going to swoop in.
  • @fenikus, do you know the meaning of the word 'rat race'? That is what we are doing. Getting 2k, jumping to #1. @rat is seeing this, gets a big smile on his face, takes his Ipad, chooses randomly a game and gives a few flings. Bingo, 2 or 3k extra.
    Scores are nice divided, 10 better for him, 10 better for me. And it's always getting harder to gain some more points. Argh.
  • @bernersenn, you saw what happened to Spain…we're not even done with group play and a new world champion is guaranteed. It's called change of the guard. I predict the same will happen in this "rat race" of ours. At least in Beak 2, my money is on @Kelani. If he could beat me in BR, he can beat @Rat in BI2.
  • Also @bernersenn, I'd say that my money is on you in Beak 1 but you got me worried last weekend when you got knocked out. You started talking some nonsense, i.e. "I'll never be on top again". And here you are, my friend :-) WTG
  • @fenikus, that looked aweful wasn't? 33k, just in one night. Repaired that, yes, with lots of efforts. Where's my @hunnybunny, hey, we need some help overhere.
  • @fenikus did you type the above prediction before or after the @Rodent posted that 10k jump?
  • @kelani, he's playing chess on two tables. BI#2 I only played 5 games - ok, didn't look at the comments. So with concentrating on BI#2 I'm almost overwhelmed. The guy is really good
  • I was wondering when someone was going to realize I'm playing in both and holding my own. One Gold star for @Bernersenn.
  • @rat, I'm really impressed. Same game, same Ipad.
  • Btw @bernersenn. I won't be able to answer your BI #1 challenge until tomorrow. Enjoy your position for a day.
  • @rat, thanks my friend.
  • @Rat, I'm sure you noticed but @burpie and I are also in top 5 of both games. I'm not sure what Dutch Master's holdup is, but I've gone back to Rio. Not the game though -- current World Cup is in Brazil.
  • @Kelani, sorry about that 10K jump -- I shouldn't have posted that video in S-22 for the @Rodent to see (or at least shouldn't have advertised it here). My money is still on you.
  • @fenikus that's the bad part. His S22 score is still 10k lower than mine, which could easily be fixed. I assumed he got his recent jump from another level.
  • rofl. I just got a 0-birder in #34! Awful score, but funny. @mvnla2 I'll be posting some U/SD info to your list shortly.

    edit: @Beakers 0-birder is possible on #34 and 0-egger is possible on S-23. Now you all have a new challenge :P
  • @fenikus I may be in the top 5 but I'm not exactly vying for the lead.
    For now the top 5 will suffice. I'm fed up with all of these 1-bird levels.
  • Hi @fenikus, I am also in Rio, looked around, didn't see you. Or is it that I do not know how you look like?
    Have a nice game, may the english win
  • @burpie You should develop higher-scoring 2b strategies for those 1-birders. Leading the pack with a 1-bird handicap would make you undisputed Space King. :)
  • @burpie, I hear you. Especially part 1…part 2 has a lot of 1-birders but some are fun. part 1 is like groundhog day though.
  • @bernersenn, I'm here. You see that cluster of beautiful Brazilian women in yellow? I'm in the middle :-)
  • @fenikus, where is your livecam? Come on, don't be shy
  • @bernersenn you said you and @Rat have the same ipad, but remember; he also has his top-secret flinging appaRatus.

    @fenikus 5 Brasilian women? Hows about proving you deserve your Share the Wealth badge :P
  • Wow, I just gave @anderthon's walkthrough for S-22 a try and it works like a charm.

    (Impossible on a phone so a copied my highscore file to Bluestacks first.)
  • @burpie Congrats. I was impressed with how well he described that. Did you notice how shots #1 and #4 could also do the job of #2 and #5?.
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