The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2172
  • WTH @rat. 170k on #34? My best is 163k, how?
  • Eh'' not to worry @Pa You'll catch him in the long run. .@kelani is a sprinter ;) he will run out of steam eventually; )
  • @Rat Been salvaging garden from the latest flood. But I did give #33 #35 and #40 a shot. Got lucky? :P Besides, after all your niceness earlier, I figured it'd be respectful to wail til sundown before booting you out of the White House.

    @Lyrian what a coincidence. I just thawed some little cake cups for fruit that ended up being smashed from freezer storage. I was gonna throw them out, but then thought 'hey! I can make a smashed strawberry shortcake' :)
  • @Kathy ahem! I played BR from day 1 til beak day :)

    @Lyrian re #34. I think at some point they just start entering random higher scores to mess with each other.
  • Yep @Malibu I was just kidding .. you have hung in there; )
  • @kelani, not smashed, deconstructed... it sounds more haute cuisine, if you care about that sort of thing. Re: 34 I can see what they are talking about in the walkthrough, but I keep blowing up the ship by accident. Or, I get it to start moving, but then it blows up a half second later.
  • @Lyrian like that strategy guy said, the further you let chuck go away before redirecting him, the more likely the ship lives. Hitting the stones and wireframe triangle also help.

    I know you said deconstructed, and it's a good word. :P I was halfway to heat stroke when I pulled out my cakes, so I could only manage a 1-syllable word.
  • @Rat yeah yeah yeah, I see you scurried off and scraped up another 4k. :P

    Edit* cursing is not allowed even if it is only a joke.
  • @Kelani I didn't leave the office of President, I just left the office for a smoke break. Did you sit in the big chair while I was out. That's OK. Just don't get too comfortable.

    @Lyrian On 34 I just finally got lucky and had the concrete blocks bunch up. Lots of points rained down on the planet when I sent BB in.
  • Temper, temper Kel. I'm going to do this a lot to you. I like it when were close.
  • @kelani, I'm sending the bird offscreen before I redirect, and I do hit the white triangle first. So I can hit the ship without blowing it up, unfortunately it blows up as soon as it moves.

    @Rat that's the way I had been doing the level til I read burpie's strat. I'm giving it a try but so far no luck.

    Thanks for the tips guys, I guess it's another fling and pray for hours.
  • @Lyrian, @all, I've been playing a bit with #34 today as well. Try to aim the Space Chuck so that it just clips the butt of the top thruster engine. This ignites it but it doesn't make the flux capacitor blow up. You can also try the same approach on the lower engine but so far that's been moving the ship away from the stones.

    Edit: I've gotten one 1-birder this way so far but it's only brought mid 150Ks :-(
  • @Lyrian If you hit the tanks head on, no angle what so ever, and you hit it on the center of the nozzle, it won't explode. Hope this helps.
  • @fenikus @Lyrian Also interesting is sending a bloated chuck to skim across both boosters. Then the whole ship plows into stuff.

    @Rat No temper here. That comes when you're 10 points ahead and I go a week without getting 'em. :)
  • @fenikus I almost think that ship's supposed to break up. If you ding the upper booster right, it'll circle around clockwise and push the boulder and hexagon ship to the planet, while the rest of it pushes the stones into a little pile -with the flux cap intact. Great setup for bomb.
  • Can someone Please point me in the direction of the ABN Avatar contest?
    I can only find the 2013 in the old forum. Can not find 2014 anywhere even in 'all forums'
  • Thanks again for the info guys. Sorry it took me so long to respond, I was busy stuffing my face with delicious strawberry shortcake. And now I'm in a food coma.
  • lol. on #29 I got the flux cap to survive and fall to the center of the grav field. Almost distracted me from this level completely sucking on PC.


    or Forums - General DIscussions halfway down.
  • That's not all that hard to do @kelani. What I'm wondering is why you would want to.
  • @Lyrian I don't. I'm trying to figure out why PC can't get above 96k on that level.
  • Hmm, are you attacking clockwise or counter clockwise @kelani?
  • Thanks @kelani but i found it.. it's not under either forum tab..I found it in general discussion. .bbfnmcmlbidi
  • @Lyrian both, why? I don't see any current posted strategy making any difference. The one I assume Rat used contradicts itself. Right now I'm just testing average scores. So far after 50 attempts, PC = 96k Same shot on ipad = 99k. PC-cursed levels. There's always at least one. So far, this is it.
  • @Kelani What level? What contridiction?
  • Well, just a curiosity question really. For me personally, I've always gotten clockwise to work better. In fact, I just improved my score by almost 1k testing it for you, so thanks for that @kelani. I've been working on a 1 birder that looks like it should give 106k to 108k if it ever works. If you'd like to try it, aim counterclockwise. Hit the planet at full power just in front of the ice block pig. With luck, you'll punt him into his brother across the gap. Red will go down the hole and usually trigger the ice asteroid. Everything else should trigger from there. Unfortunately, I can't get the anti-matter to blow up high enough to kill the top right pig. I've had a block land on its head but he didn't die.
  • @Lyrian you were shooting clockwise at what, exactly? On ipad, I got my best score taking out the white rocket base. The top falls right and sets everything else off. On PC, I've been alternating between the CCW pig punt and the CCW shot a bit higher than lands on the bridge. On PigPunt, I get the same result with the top right pig as you. I did get him to die *once*, but that time the top left pig survived :D I screamed a bit.

    @Rat 29. Furfeather said to aim Red near the edge of the atmosphere and hit the bridge directly. If you aim anywhere above halfway to the atmosphere, you hit the rocket instead. I assume he meant a CCW shot, but CW doesn't do it, either. It hits the TNT house.
  • @kelani, when I shot clockwise, I aim a little higher than halfway between the top of the white triangle of the pig house and the edge of the atmosphere. Red will travel all the way around and pop the pig in the ice block, sometimes by punting him, sometimes just popping him but not the ice. Red will skip into the tnt structure and pop that. Debris will pop the asteroid and that will trigger everything else. You will end up with bottom right and maybe top right pigs alive. Take them out with the blue birds, my top score with that is 102k.
  • @kelani Also, if I killed that top right pig but missed the top left on the one bird shot, I probably would have thrown my phone, screamed unlady-like obscenities, and rage quit by uninstalling the game.
  • @Lyrian that's another reason I'm glad I use this laptop. I kicked a plastic tub across the room, though. Congrats on being the first female I've ever heard use rage quit in a sentence. :)

    btw, your clockwise shot works fine on ipad. PC, not so much. Took 53 tries just to get the TNT and center iceteroid to explode. Aiming is much higher.
  • @kelani fair enough, I haven't put this game on my pc, so I'm not always aware of the differences. Also, I used to do a lot of hard core raiding in MMOs, so I am VERY familiar with rage quit.
  • @Lyrian I don't think even Rovio is aware of the differences. Ever since I found a level where PC is incapable of matching scores on any platform, I've kept an eye out. Beats wasting time trying the impossible.

    heh, I got familiar with the rage quit running an IRC server in the early '90s. Also on Warcraft, Diablo and Diablo II. I moved on after MO became MMO, though.
  • @Kelani #29, the easiest and highest scoring strat is to shoot CW at about half power so that your bird goes up and then falls down onto the top of the bridge. Second bird at the two remaining pigs on the bottoms of the planets and one bird will circle CCW and finish the bridge if needed.

    Edit: Maybe he could have said it better, but I didn't want to step all over his strategy. He got there first with the good, and easy, strat by a day.
  • You know @kelani, I bet they are aware, but either don't know what to do to fix it, or can't be bothered because it's still functional. If it doesn't stop you from 3 stars, it's probably not as important. Honestly, in MMOs, I could have done without the first M too. Mostly I just ran with guild people and stayed out of trade and city chats to avoid the trolls. I did enjoy the collaboration required for raiding, but we did call raid leading herding cats for a reason.
  • @rat is that how you got your 103k? I just scored 100k with it so I suppose it's possible.
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee. .
  • I haven't got a clue what you two are chatting about. I'm calling it a day.
  • Sorry it was either that or throw my tablet out the window:/
  • @Lyrain Didn't you believe me when I said that was my approach in the walkthrough?
  • night Ma
  • @rat I was having a hard time figuring out what the strategy was supposed to be. I guess I didn't find furfeather's description all that clear.
  • Night Pa
  • @Rat the only way one could interpret his strategy is a much lower CCW shot. I asked for clarification.

    I'm still not convinced any of them matter. Earlier I got everything from the TNT house to fall back to the planet and break. Also got most of the white rocket, 96k. The game's gonna give it when it wants to. For some reason Rat's game likes him more than ours like us :P

    @Lyrian Who knows. One would assume they'd try to keep a game identical across platforms. It's just PC always gets screwed. I've found 15 levels where I can prove PC scores max out at 90% of ios/android, but zero levels where PC wins. I sent a lot of data to Rovio and heard nothing, but I didn't really expect to. But what really annoys me: A few weeks ago @fenikus @Sweetp and I isolated a major bug in Rio that's been causing problems for 3 years. With a little work, any idiot can get an infinitely high score on any level. We fully documented that one and sent it through an admin with Rovio contacts. AFAIK no response on that one, either. Ah well.:)

    btw, I got 101k on ipad w/your shot, so thank you for that. My work is done for today. I'm gonna go have some of my smashed/deconstructed shortcake :)
  • @kelani Grats on breaking 100k, enjoy your victory cake! I think I'm headed off to bed, allie has an early appt. at the vet to get her stitches out.
  • *throws @Kathy tonight's whiiiine rations.* Here ya go. I'm sleepy :)

    @Lyrian oh that sounds fun :P I hope she hasn't had a big cone on her head?

    nighty @all.
  • @Lyrian et al., Regarding 34, I left a brief description of my 176k score in the walkthrough. The long version...

    Shot 1: The usual. I shot a little bit past the top ship and redirected back to hit the center of the top booster. The booster fired up and the ship split in two. The top part of the ship sent the saucer pig to his doom. The bottom part, including the flux capacitor, drifted towards the rock grid and performed and award winning parallel parking job.

    Shot 2: I aimed below the lava asteroid and redirected through the lava to the flux capacitor. The flux capacitor, being in close proximity to a ton of rocks, sent most of them to the planet's gravity field to finish the level in style.
  • @burpie Thank you for the elaboration on your strategy, I still can't quite get it to work, but that's probably a skill/luck deficit on my part. I'll keep trying.

    @kelani Oh yes, Allie has been a cone head for almost 2 weeks. She needed it to protect her ear from scratching and puppy teeth, but she didnt enjoy it one bit. She lets us know she doesnt like the cone by ramming it into our legs, I don't think my shins will ever recover. There is a picture of her in my album from the day after she came home from surgery, if you'd like to see how sad she looked.
  • @Lyrian It wasn't something I was aiming for... I was going for the standard approach when shot 1 happened and I thought 'this could be interesting'. I probably couldn't repeat it if I tried.
  • @burpie No worries, happy accidents are the best shots sometimes. I just like to try out different strategies and see if they can be repeated. I have a decent score on that level as it is, so I won't go nuts if I can't make your shot work. It sounds like a cool thing to watch though.
  • @burpie Pardon my sleep-clouded eyed, but your mastery on #34 was a 2-birder? Very nice!
  • Good afternoon @kelani, how was your victory cake?
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